// @ts-check const {db} = require("../passthrough") const U = require("./orm-defs") /** * @template {keyof U.Models} Table * @template {keyof U.Models[Table]} Col * @param {Table} table * @param {Col[] | Col} cols * @param {Partial} where * @param {string} [e] */ function select(table, cols, where = {}, e = "") { if (!Array.isArray(cols)) cols = [cols] const parameters = [] const wheres = Object.entries(where).map(([col, value]) => { parameters.push(value) return `"${col}" = ?` }) const whereString = wheres.length ? " WHERE " + wheres.join(" AND ") : "" /** @type {U.Prepared>} */ const prepared = db.prepare(`SELECT ${cols.map(k => `"${String(k)}"`).join(", ")} FROM ${table} ${whereString} ${e}`) prepared.get = prepared.get.bind(prepared, ...parameters) prepared.all = prepared.all.bind(prepared, ...parameters) return prepared } /** * @template {keyof U.Models} Table * @template {keyof U.Merge} Col */ class From { /** * @param {Table} table */ constructor(table) { /** @private @type {Table[]} */ this.tables = [table] /** @private */ this.sql = "" /** @private */ this.cols = [] /** @private */ this.using = [] /** @private */ this.isPluck = false /** @private */ this.parameters = [] } /** * @template {keyof U.Models} Table2 * @param {Table2} table * @param {Col & (keyof U.Models[Table2])} col */ join(table, col) { /** @type {From>} */ // @ts-ignore const r = this r.tables.push(table) r.using.push(col) return r } /** * @template {Col} Select * @param {Col[] | Select[]} cols */ select(...cols) { /** @type {From} */ const r = this r.cols = cols return r } /** * @template {Col} Select * @param {Select} col */ pluck(col) { /** @type {Pluck} */ // @ts-ignore const r = this r.cols = [col] r.isPluck = true return r } /** * @param {string} sql */ and(sql) { this.sql += " " + sql return this } /** * @param {Partial} conditions */ where(conditions) { const wheres = Object.entries(conditions).map(([col, value]) => { this.parameters.push(value) return `"${col}" = ?` }) this.sql += " WHERE " + wheres.join(" AND ") return this } prepare() { let sql = `SELECT ${this.cols.map(k => `"${k}"`).join(", ")} FROM ${this.tables[0]} ` for (let i = 1; i < this.tables.length; i++) { const table = this.tables[i] const col = this.using[i-1] sql += `INNER JOIN ${table} USING (${col}) ` } sql += this.sql /** @type {U.Prepared, Col>>} */ let prepared = db.prepare(sql) if (this.isPluck) prepared = prepared.pluck() return prepared } get(..._) { const prepared = this.prepare() return prepared.get(...this.parameters, ..._) } all(..._) { const prepared = this.prepare() return prepared.all(...this.parameters, ..._) } } /* c8 ignore start - this code is only used for types and does not actually execute */ /** * @template {keyof U.Models} Table * @template {keyof U.Merge} Col */ class Pluck extends From { // @ts-ignore prepare() { /** @type {U.Prepared[Col]>} */ // @ts-ignore const prepared = super.prepare() return prepared } get(..._) { const prepared = this.prepare() return prepared.get(..._) } all(..._) { const prepared = this.prepare() return prepared.all(..._) } } /* c8 ignore stop */ /** * @template {keyof U.Models} Table * @param {Table} table */ function from(table) { return new From(table) } module.exports.from = from module.exports.select = select