const {test} = require("supertape") const {messageToEvent} = require("./message-to-event") const data = require("../../test/data") const Ty = require("../../types") /** * @param {string} roomID * @param {string} eventID * @returns {(roomID: string, eventID: string) => Promise>} */ function mockGetEvent(t, roomID_in, eventID_in, outer) { return async function(roomID, eventID) { t.equal(roomID, roomID_in) t.equal(eventID, eventID_in) return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({ event_id: eventID_in, room_id: roomID_in, origin_server_ts: 1680000000000, unsigned: { age: 2245, transaction_id: "$local.whatever" }, ...outer }) }) }) } } test("message2event embeds: nothing but a field", async t => { const events = await messageToEvent(data.message_with_embeds.nothing_but_a_field, data.guild.general, {}) t.deepEqual(events, [{ $type: "", "m.mentions": {}, msgtype: "m.notice", body: "> **Amanda 🎵#2192 :online:" + "\n> willow tree, branch 0**" + "\n> **❯ Uptime:**\n> 3m 55s\n> **❯ Memory:**\n> 64.45MB", format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: '
Amanda 🎵#2192 \":online:\"' + '
willow tree, branch 0
' + '
❯ Uptime:
3m 55s' + '
❯ Memory:
' }]) }) test("message2event embeds: reply with just an embed", async t => { const events = await messageToEvent(data.message_with_embeds.reply_with_only_embed, data.guild.general, {}) t.deepEqual(events, [{ $type: "", msgtype: "m.notice", "m.mentions": {}, body: "> [**⏺️ dynastic (@dynastic)**](" + "\n> \n> ****" + "\n> \n> does anyone know where to find that one video of the really mysterious yam-like object being held up to a bunch of random objects, like clocks, and they have unexplained impossible reactions to it?" + "\n> \n> **Retweets**" + "\n> 119" + "\n> \n> **Likes**" + "\n> 5581" + "\n> \n> — Twitter", format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: '
⏺️ dynastic (@dynastic)' + '' + '

does anyone know where to find that one video of the really mysterious yam-like object being held up to a bunch of random objects, like clocks, and they have unexplained impossible reactions to it?' + '



— Twitter
' }]) }) test("message2event embeds: image embed and attachment", async t => { const events = await messageToEvent(data.message_with_embeds.image_embed_and_attachment, data.guild.general, {}, { api: { async getJoinedMembers(roomID) { return {joined: []} } } }) t.deepEqual(events, [{ $type: "", msgtype: "m.text", body: "\ntanget: @ monster spawner", format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: '
tanget: @ monster spawner', "m.mentions": {} }, { $type: "", msgtype: "m.image", url: "mxc://", body: "Screenshot_20231001_034036.jpg", external_url: "", filename: "Screenshot_20231001_034036.jpg", info: { h: 1170, w: 1080, size: 51981, mimetype: "image/jpeg" }, "m.mentions": {} }]) })