// @ts-check const assert = require("assert").strict const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10") const util = require("util") const {sync, db, select, from} = require("../passthrough") /** @type {import("./actions/send-message")}) */ const sendMessage = sync.require("./actions/send-message") /** @type {import("./actions/edit-message")}) */ const editMessage = sync.require("./actions/edit-message") /** @type {import("./actions/delete-message")}) */ const deleteMessage = sync.require("./actions/delete-message") /** @type {import("./actions/add-reaction")}) */ const addReaction = sync.require("./actions/add-reaction") /** @type {import("./actions/remove-reaction")}) */ const removeReaction = sync.require("./actions/remove-reaction") /** @type {import("./actions/announce-thread")}) */ const announceThread = sync.require("./actions/announce-thread") /** @type {import("./actions/create-room")}) */ const createRoom = sync.require("./actions/create-room") /** @type {import("./actions/create-space")}) */ const createSpace = sync.require("./actions/create-space") /** @type {import("./actions/update-pins")}) */ const updatePins = sync.require("./actions/update-pins") /** @type {import("../matrix/api")}) */ const api = sync.require("../matrix/api") /** @type {import("../discord/utils")} */ const dUtils = sync.require("../discord/utils") /** @type {import("../discord/discord-command-handler")}) */ const discordCommandHandler = sync.require("../discord/discord-command-handler") /** @type {import("../m2d/converters/utils")} */ const mxUtils = require("../m2d/converters/utils") /** @type {import("./actions/speedbump")} */ const speedbump = sync.require("./actions/speedbump") /** @type {import("./actions/retrigger")} */ const retrigger = sync.require("./actions/retrigger") /** @type {any} */ // @ts-ignore bad types from semaphore const Semaphore = require("@chriscdn/promise-semaphore") const checkMissedPinsSema = new Semaphore() let lastReportedEvent = 0 // Grab Discord events we care about for the bridge, check them, and pass them on module.exports = { /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {Error} e * @param {import("cloudstorm").IGatewayMessage} gatewayMessage */ onError(client, e, gatewayMessage) { console.error("hit event-dispatcher's error handler with this exception:") console.error(e) // TODO: also log errors into a file or into the database, maybe use a library for this? or just wing it? definitely need to be able to store the formatted event body to load back in later console.error(`while handling this ${gatewayMessage.t} gateway event:`) console.dir(gatewayMessage.d, {depth: null}) if (gatewayMessage.t === "TYPING_START") return if (Date.now() - lastReportedEvent < 5000) return lastReportedEvent = Date.now() const channelID = gatewayMessage.d["channel_id"] if (!channelID) return const roomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", {channel_id: channelID}).pluck().get() if (!roomID) return let stackLines = null if (e.stack) { stackLines = e.stack.split("\n") let cloudstormLine = stackLines.findIndex(l => l.includes("/node_modules/cloudstorm/")) if (cloudstormLine !== -1) { stackLines = stackLines.slice(0, cloudstormLine - 2) } } const builder = new mxUtils.MatrixStringBuilder() builder.addLine("\u26a0 Bridged event from Discord not delivered", "\u26a0 Bridged event from Discord not delivered") builder.addLine(`Gateway event: ${gatewayMessage.t}`) builder.addLine(e.toString()) if (stackLines) { builder.addLine(`Error trace:\n${stackLines.join("\n")}`, `
Error trace
`) } builder.addLine("", `
Original payload
${util.inspect(gatewayMessage.d, false, 4, false)}
`) api.sendEvent(roomID, "m.room.message", { ...builder.get(), "moe.cadence.ooye.error": { source: "discord", payload: gatewayMessage }, "m.mentions": { user_ids: ["@cadence:cadence.moe"] } }) }, /** * When logging back in, check if we missed any conversations in any channels. Bridge up to 49 missed messages per channel. * If more messages were missed, only the latest missed message will be posted. TODO: Consider bridging more, or post a warning when skipping history? * This can ONLY detect new messages, not any other kind of event. Any missed edits, deletes, reactions, etc will not be bridged. * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayGuildCreateDispatchData} guild */ async checkMissedMessages(client, guild) { if (guild.unavailable) return const bridgedChannels = select("channel_room", "channel_id").pluck().all() const prepared = select("event_message", "event_id", {}, "WHERE message_id = ?").pluck() for (const channel of guild.channels.concat(guild.threads)) { if (!bridgedChannels.includes(channel.id)) continue if (!("last_message_id" in channel) || !channel.last_message_id) continue const latestWasBridged = prepared.get(channel.last_message_id) if (latestWasBridged) continue // Permissions check const member = guild.members.find(m => m.user?.id === client.user.id) if (!member) return if (!("permission_overwrites" in channel)) continue const permissions = dUtils.getPermissions(member.roles, guild.roles, client.user.id, channel.permission_overwrites) if (!dUtils.hasAllPermissions(permissions, ["ViewChannel", "ReadMessageHistory"])) continue // We don't have permission to look back in this channel /** More recent messages come first. */ // console.log(`[check missed messages] in ${channel.id} (${guild.name} / ${channel.name}) because its last message ${channel.last_message_id} is not in the database`) let messages try { messages = await client.snow.channel.getChannelMessages(channel.id, {limit: 50}) } catch (e) { if (e.message === `{"message": "Missing Access", "code": 50001}`) { // pathetic error handling from SnowTransfer console.log(`[check missed messages] no permissions to look back in channel ${channel.name} (${channel.id})`) continue // Sucks. } else { throw e // Sucks more. } } let latestBridgedMessageIndex = messages.findIndex(m => { return prepared.get(m.id) }) // console.log(`[check missed messages] got ${messages.length} messages; last message that IS bridged is at position ${latestBridgedMessageIndex} in the channel`) if (latestBridgedMessageIndex === -1) latestBridgedMessageIndex = 1 // rather than crawling the ENTIRE channel history, let's just bridge the most recent 1 message to make it up to date. for (let i = Math.min(messages.length, latestBridgedMessageIndex)-1; i >= 0; i--) { const simulatedGatewayDispatchData = { guild_id: guild.id, backfill: true, ...messages[i] } await module.exports.onMessageCreate(client, simulatedGatewayDispatchData) } } }, /** * When logging back in, check if the pins on Matrix-side are up to date. If they aren't, update all pins. * Rather than query every room on Matrix-side, we cache the latest pinned message in the database and compare against that. * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayGuildCreateDispatchData} guild */ async checkMissedPins(client, guild) { if (guild.unavailable) return const member = guild.members.find(m => m.user?.id === client.user.id) if (!member) return for (const channel of guild.channels) { if (!("last_pin_timestamp" in channel) || !channel.last_pin_timestamp) continue // Only care about channels that have pins if (!("permission_overwrites" in channel)) continue const lastPin = updatePins.convertTimestamp(channel.last_pin_timestamp) // Permissions check const permissions = dUtils.getPermissions(member.roles, guild.roles, client.user.id, channel.permission_overwrites) if (!dUtils.hasAllPermissions(permissions, ["ViewChannel", "ReadMessageHistory"])) continue // We don't have permission to look up the pins in this channel const row = select("channel_room", ["room_id", "last_bridged_pin_timestamp"], {channel_id: channel.id}).get() if (!row) continue // Only care about already bridged channels if (row.last_bridged_pin_timestamp == null || lastPin > row.last_bridged_pin_timestamp) { checkMissedPinsSema.request(() => updatePins.updatePins(channel.id, row.room_id, lastPin)) } } }, /** * When logging back in, check if we missed any changes to emojis or stickers. Apply the changes if so. * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayGuildCreateDispatchData} guild */ async checkMissedExpressions(guild) { const data = {guild_id: guild.id, ...guild} createSpace.syncSpaceExpressions(data, true) }, /** * Announces to the parent room that the thread room has been created. * See notes.md, "Ignore MESSAGE_UPDATE and bridge THREAD_CREATE as the announcement" * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.APIThreadChannel} thread */ async onThreadCreate(client, thread) { const channelID = thread.parent_id || undefined const parentRoomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", {channel_id: channelID}).pluck().get() if (!parentRoomID) return // Not interested in a thread if we aren't interested in its wider channel const threadRoomID = await createRoom.syncRoom(thread.id) // Create room (will share the same inflight as the initial message to the thread) await announceThread.announceThread(parentRoomID, threadRoomID, thread) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayGuildUpdateDispatchData} guild */ async onGuildUpdate(client, guild) { const spaceID = select("guild_space", "space_id", {guild_id: guild.id}).pluck().get() if (!spaceID) return await createSpace.syncSpace(guild) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayChannelUpdateDispatchData} channelOrThread * @param {boolean} isThread */ async onChannelOrThreadUpdate(client, channelOrThread, isThread) { const roomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", {channel_id: channelOrThread.id}).pluck().get() if (!roomID) return // No target room to update the data on await createRoom.syncRoom(channelOrThread.id) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayChannelPinsUpdateDispatchData} data */ async onChannelPinsUpdate(client, data) { const roomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", {channel_id: data.channel_id}).pluck().get() if (!roomID) return // No target room to update pins in const convertedTimestamp = updatePins.convertTimestamp(data.last_pin_timestamp) await updatePins.updatePins(data.channel_id, roomID, convertedTimestamp) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageCreateDispatchData} message */ async onMessageCreate(client, message) { if (message.author.username === "Deleted User") return // Nothing we can do for deleted users. const channel = client.channels.get(message.channel_id) if (!channel || !("guild_id" in channel) || !channel.guild_id) return // Nothing we can do in direct messages. const guild = client.guilds.get(channel.guild_id) assert(guild) if (message.webhook_id) { const row = select("webhook", "webhook_id", {webhook_id: message.webhook_id}).pluck().get() if (row) return // The message was sent by the bridge's own webhook on discord. We don't want to reflect this back, so just drop it. } if (dUtils.isEphemeralMessage(message)) return // Ephemeral messages are for the eyes of the receiver only! const {affected, row} = await speedbump.maybeDoSpeedbump(message.channel_id, message.id) if (affected) return // @ts-ignore await sendMessage.sendMessage(message, channel, guild, row), await discordCommandHandler.execute(message, channel, guild) retrigger.messageFinishedBridging(message.id) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageUpdateDispatchData} data */ async onMessageUpdate(client, data) { // Based on looking at data they've sent me over the gateway, this is the best way to check for meaningful changes. // If the message content is a string then it includes all interesting fields and is meaningful. // Otherwise, if there are embeds, then the system generated URL preview embeds. if (!(typeof data.content === "string" || "embeds" in data)) return // Deal with Eventual Consistency(TM) if (retrigger.eventNotFoundThenRetrigger(data.id, module.exports.onMessageUpdate, client, data)) return if (data.webhook_id) { const row = select("webhook", "webhook_id", {webhook_id: data.webhook_id}).pluck().get() if (row) return // The message was sent by the bridge's own webhook on discord. We don't want to reflect this back, so just drop it. } if (dUtils.isEphemeralMessage(data)) return // Ephemeral messages are for the eyes of the receiver only! // Edits need to go through the speedbump as well. If the message is delayed but the edit isn't, we don't have anything to edit from. const {affected, row} = await speedbump.maybeDoSpeedbump(data.channel_id, data.id) if (affected) return /** @type {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageCreateDispatchData} */ // @ts-ignore const message = data const channel = client.channels.get(message.channel_id) if (!channel || !("guild_id" in channel) || !channel.guild_id) return // Nothing we can do in direct messages. const guild = client.guilds.get(channel.guild_id) assert(guild) // @ts-ignore await editMessage.editMessage(message, guild, row) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageReactionAddDispatchData} data */ async onReactionAdd(client, data) { if (data.user_id === client.user.id) return // m2d reactions are added by the discord bot user - do not reflect them back to matrix. discordCommandHandler.onReactionAdd(data) await addReaction.addReaction(data) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageReactionRemoveDispatchData | DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageReactionRemoveEmojiDispatchData | DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageReactionRemoveAllDispatchData} data */ async onSomeReactionsRemoved(client, data) { await removeReaction.removeSomeReactions(data) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageDeleteDispatchData} data */ async onMessageDelete(client, data) { speedbump.onMessageDelete(data.id) if (retrigger.eventNotFoundThenRetrigger(data.id, module.exports.onMessageDelete, client, data)) return await deleteMessage.deleteMessage(data) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageDeleteBulkDispatchData} data */ async onMessageDeleteBulk(client, data) { await deleteMessage.deleteMessageBulk(data) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayTypingStartDispatchData} data */ async onTypingStart(client, data) { const roomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", {channel_id: data.channel_id}).pluck().get() if (!roomID) return const mxid = from("sim").join("sim_member", "mxid").where({user_id: data.user_id, room_id: roomID}).pluck("mxid").get() if (!mxid) return // Each Discord user triggers the notification every 8 seconds as long as they remain typing. // Discord does not send typing stopped events, so typing only stops if the timeout is reached or if the user sends their message. // (We have to manually stop typing on Matrix-side when the message is sent. This is part of the send action.) await api.sendTyping(roomID, true, mxid, 10000) }, /** * @param {import("./discord-client")} client * @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayGuildEmojisUpdateDispatchData | DiscordTypes.GatewayGuildStickersUpdateDispatchData} data */ async onExpressionsUpdate(client, data) { await createSpace.syncSpaceExpressions(data, false) } }