// @ts-check const assert = require("assert") const passthrough = require("../../passthrough") const { discord, sync, db } = passthrough /** @type {import("../../matrix/read-registration")} */ const reg = sync.require("../../matrix/read-registration.js") const userRegex = reg.namespaces.users.map(u => new RegExp(u.regex)) /** * @param {string} parentRoomID * @param {string} threadRoomID * @param {string?} creatorMxid * @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIThreadChannel} thread * @param {{api: import("../../matrix/api")}} di simple-as-nails dependency injection for the matrix API */ async function threadToAnnouncement(parentRoomID, threadRoomID, creatorMxid, thread, di) { /** @type {string?} */ const branchedFromEventID = db.prepare("SELECT event_id FROM event_message WHERE message_id = ?").pluck().get(thread.id) /** @type {{"m.mentions"?: any, "m.in_reply_to"?: any}} */ const context = {} if (branchedFromEventID) { // Need to figure out who sent that event... const event = await di.api.getEvent(parentRoomID, branchedFromEventID) context["m.relates_to"] = {"m.in_reply_to": {event_id: event.event_id}} if (event.sender && !userRegex.some(rx => event.sender.match(rx))) context["m.mentions"] = {user_ids: [event.sender]} } const msgtype = creatorMxid ? "m.emote" : "m.text" const template = creatorMxid ? "started a thread:" : "Thread started:" let body = `${template} ${thread.name} https://matrix.to/#/${threadRoomID}` let html = `${template} ${thread.name}` return { msgtype, body, format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: html, "m.mentions": {}, ...context } } module.exports.threadToAnnouncement = threadToAnnouncement