const {test} = require("supertape") const {messageToEvent} = require("./message-to-event") const data = require("../../test/data") const Ty = require("../../types") /** * @param {string} roomID * @param {string} eventID * @returns {(roomID: string, eventID: string) => Promise>} */ function mockGetEvent(t, roomID_in, eventID_in, outer) { return async function(roomID, eventID) { t.equal(roomID, roomID_in) t.equal(eventID, eventID_in) return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({ event_id: eventID_in, room_id: roomID_in, origin_server_ts: 1680000000000, unsigned: { age: 2245, transaction_id: "$local.whatever" }, ...outer }) }) }) } } test("message2event: pk reply to matrix is converted to native matrix reply", async t => { const events = await messageToEvent(data.pk_message.pk_reply_to_matrix, {}, {}, { api: { getEvent: mockGetEvent(t, "!", "$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU", { type: "", sender: "", content: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "now for my next experiment:" } }) } }) t.deepEqual(events, [{ $type: "", "m.mentions": { user_ids: [ "" ] }, msgtype: "m.text", body: "> cadence [they]: now for my next experiment:\n\nthis is a reply", format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: '
In reply to cadence [they]
' + "now for my next experiment:
" + "this is a reply", "m.relates_to": { "m.in_reply_to": { event_id: "$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU" } } }]) }) test("message2event: pk reply to discord is converted to native matrix reply", async t => { const events = await messageToEvent(data.pk_message.pk_reply_to_discord, {}, {}, { api: { getEvent: mockGetEvent(t, "!", "$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU", { type: "", sender: "", content: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "some text" } }) } }) t.deepEqual(events, [{ $type: "", msgtype: "m.text", "m.mentions": {}, body: "> wing: some text\n\nthis is a reply", format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: '
In reply to wing
' + "some text
" + "this is a reply", "m.relates_to": { "m.in_reply_to": { event_id: "$mtR8cJqM4fKno1bVsm8F4wUVqSntt2sq6jav1lyavuA" } } }]) }) test("message2event: pk reply to matrix attachment is converted to native matrix reply", async t => { const events = await messageToEvent(data.pk_message.pk_reply_to_matrix_attachment, {}, {}, { api: { getEvent: mockGetEvent(t, "!", "$OEEK-Wam2FTh6J-6kVnnJ6KnLA_lLRnLTHatKKL62-Y", { sender: "", type: "", content: { body: "catnod.gif", filename: "catnod.gif", info: { h: 128, mimetype: "image/gif", size: 20816, w: 128 }, msgtype: "m.image", url: "mxc://" } }) } }) t.deepEqual(events, [{ $type: "", msgtype: "m.text", "m.mentions": { user_ids: [""] }, body: "> Ampflower 🌺: [Media]\n\nCat nod", format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: '
In reply to Ampflower 🌺
' + "[Media]
" + "Cat nod", "m.relates_to": { "m.in_reply_to": { event_id: "$OEEK-Wam2FTh6J-6kVnnJ6KnLA_lLRnLTHatKKL62-Y" } } }]) })