Exclude generated embeds for discord.com

This commit is contained in:
Cadence Ember 2024-03-25 18:05:19 +13:00
parent 7a00b95883
commit ff7af39802
3 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -282,3 +282,37 @@ test("message2event embeds: youtube video", async t => {
"m.mentions": {}
test("message2event embeds: if discord creates an embed preview for a discord channel link, don't copy that embed", async t => {
const events = await messageToEvent(data.message_with_embeds.discord_server_included_punctuation_bad_discord, data.guild.general, {}, {
api: {
async getStateEvent(roomID, type, key) {
t.equal(roomID, "!TqlyQmifxGUggEmdBN:cadence.moe")
t.equal(type, "m.room.power_levels")
t.equal(key, "")
return {
users: {
"@_ooye_bot:cadence.moe": 100
async getJoinedMembers(roomID) {
t.equal(roomID, "!TqlyQmifxGUggEmdBN:cadence.moe")
return {
joined: {
"@_ooye_bot:cadence.moe": {display_name: null, avatar_url: null},
"@user:matrix.org": {display_name: null, avatar_url: null}
t.deepEqual(events, [{
$type: "m.room.message",
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "(test https://matrix.to/#/!TqlyQmifxGUggEmdBN:cadence.moe/$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU?via=cadence.moe&via=matrix.org)",
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: `(test <a href="https://matrix.to/#/!TqlyQmifxGUggEmdBN:cadence.moe/$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU?via=cadence.moe&amp;via=matrix.org">https://matrix.to/#/!TqlyQmifxGUggEmdBN:cadence.moe/$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU?via=cadence.moe&amp;via=matrix.org</a>)`,
"m.mentions": {}

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@ -516,6 +516,10 @@ async function messageToEvent(message, guild, options = {}, di) {
continue // Matrix's own URL previews are fine for images.
if (embed.url?.startsWith("https://discord.com/")) {
continue // If discord creates an embed preview for a discord channel link, don't copy that embed
// Start building up a replica ("rep") of the embed in Discord-markdown format, which we will convert into both plaintext and formatted body at once
const rep = new mxUtils.MatrixStringBuilder()

View File

@ -2870,6 +2870,46 @@ module.exports = {
webhook_id: "1109360903096369153"
discord_server_included_punctuation_bad_discord: {
id: "1221672425792606349",
type: 0,
content: "(test https://discord.com/channels/1160894080998461480/1160894080998461480/1202543413652881428)",
channel_id: "1160894080998461480",
author: {
id: "772659086046658620",
username: "cadence.worm",
avatar: "4b5c4b28051144e4c111f0113a0f1cf1",
discriminator: "0",
public_flags: 0,
premium_type: 0,
flags: 0,
banner: null,
accent_color: null,
global_name: "cadence",
avatar_decoration_data: null,
banner_color: null
attachments: [],
embeds: [
type: "article",
url: "https://discord.com/channels/1160894080998461480/1160894080998461480/1202543413652881428)",
title: "Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities",
description: "Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.",
provider: { name: "Discord" },
content_scan_version: 0
mentions: [],
mention_roles: [],
pinned: false,
mention_everyone: false,
tts: false,
timestamp: "2024-03-25T04:10:03.885000+00:00",
edited_timestamp: null,
flags: 0,
components: []
message_update: {