Improve test coverage

This commit is contained in:
Cadence Ember 2024-02-02 15:55:02 +13:00
parent 69922c4a14
commit c7fb6fd52e
10 changed files with 374 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -257,6 +257,15 @@ async function messageToEvent(message, guild, options = {}, di) {
if (match) {
const row = from("event_message").join("message_channel", "message_id").join("channel_room", "channel_id").select("event_id", "room_id", "source").and("WHERE message_id = ? AND part = 0").get(match[1])
if (row) {
we generate a partial referenced_message based on what PK provided. we don't need everything, since this will only be used for further message-to-event converting.
the following properties are necessary:
- content: used for generating the reply fallback
// @ts-ignore
message.referenced_message = {
content: message.embeds[0].description.replace(/^.*?\)\*\*\s*/, "")
repliedToEventRow = row

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
const {test} = require("supertape")
const {messageToEvent} = require("./message-to-event")
const data = require("../../test/data")
const Ty = require("../../types")
* @param {string} roomID
* @param {string} eventID
* @returns {(roomID: string, eventID: string) => Promise<Ty.Event.Outer<Ty.Event.M_Room_Message>>}
function mockGetEvent(t, roomID_in, eventID_in, outer) {
return async function(roomID, eventID) {
t.equal(roomID, roomID_in)
t.equal(eventID, eventID_in)
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
event_id: eventID_in,
room_id: roomID_in,
origin_server_ts: 1680000000000,
unsigned: {
age: 2245,
transaction_id: "$local.whatever"
test("message2event: pk reply is converted to native matrix reply", async t => {
const events = await messageToEvent(data.pk_message.pk_reply, {}, {}, {
api: {
getEvent: mockGetEvent(t, "!", "$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU", {
type: "",
sender: "",
content: {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "now for my next experiment:"
t.deepEqual(events, [{
$type: "",
"m.mentions": {
user_ids: [
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "> cadence: now for my next experiment:\n\nthis is a reply",
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: '<mx-reply><blockquote><a href="!$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU">In reply to</a> <a href="">cadence</a><br>'
+ "now for my next experiment:</blockquote></mx-reply>"
+ "this is a reply",
"m.relates_to": {
"m.in_reply_to": {
event_id: "$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU"

View File

@ -397,6 +397,46 @@ test("message2event: reply with a video", async t => {
test("message2event: voice message", async t => {
const events = await messageToEvent(data.message.voice_message)
t.deepEqual(events, [{
$type: "",
body: "voice-message.ogg",
external_url: "",
filename: "voice-message.ogg",
info: {
duration: 3960.0000381469727,
mimetype: "audio/ogg",
size: 10584,
"m.mentions": {},
msgtype: "",
url: "mxc://"
test("message2event: misc file", async t => {
const events = await messageToEvent(data.message.misc_file)
t.deepEqual(events, [{
$type: "",
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "final final final revised draft",
"m.mentions": {}
}, {
$type: "",
body: "the.yml",
external_url: "",
filename: "the.yml",
info: {
mimetype: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
size: 2274
"m.mentions": {},
msgtype: "m.file",
url: "mxc://"
test("message2event: simple reply in thread to a matrix user's reply", async t => {
const events = await messageToEvent(data.message.simple_reply_to_reply_in_thread, data.guild.general, {}, {
api: {

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ async function migrate(db) {
let migrationRan = false
for (const filename of files) {
/* c8 ignore next - we can't unit test this, but it's run on every real world bridge startup */
if (progress >= filename) continue
console.log(`Applying database migration ${filename}`)
if (filename.endsWith(".sql")) {

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ async function runSingleTest(t, url, totalSize) {
t.equal(result.subarray(1, 4).toString("ascii"), "PNG", `result was not a PNG file: ${result.toString("base64")}`)
/* c8 ignore next 5 */
if (meter.bytes < totalSize / 4) { // should download less than 25% of each file
t.pass("intentionally read partial file")
} else {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10")
const {Readable} = require("stream")
const chunk = require("chunk-text")
const TurndownService = require("turndown")
const domino = require("domino")
const assert = require("assert").strict
const entities = require("entities")
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ const turndownService = new TurndownService({
hr: "----",
headingStyle: "atx",
preformattedCode: true,
codeBlockStyle: "fenced",
codeBlockStyle: "fenced"
@ -339,6 +340,33 @@ async function handleRoomOrMessageLinks(input, di) {
return input
* @param {string} content
* @param {DiscordTypes.APIGuild} guild
* @param {{api: import("../../matrix/api"), snow: import("snowtransfer").SnowTransfer, fetch: import("node-fetch")["default"]}} di
async function checkWrittenMentions(content, guild, di) {
let writtenMentionMatch = content.match(/(?:^|[^"[<>/A-Za-z0-9])@([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\[\]\(\)-]+):?/d) // /d flag for indices requires node.js 16+
if (writtenMentionMatch) {
const results = await di.snow.guild.searchGuildMembers(, {query: writtenMentionMatch[1]})
if (results[0]) {
return {
// @ts-ignore - typescript doesn't know about indices yet
content: content.slice(0, writtenMentionMatch.indices[1][0]-1) + `<@${results[0]}>` + content.slice(writtenMentionMatch.indices[1][1]),
ensureJoined: results[0].user
const attachmentEmojis = new Map([
["m.image", "🖼️"],
["", "🎞️"],
["", "🎶"],
["m.file", "📄"]
* @param {Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message_File | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Sticker | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message_Encrypted_File} event
* @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIGuild} guild
@ -380,12 +408,10 @@ async function eventToMessage(event, guild, di) {
// Handling edits. If the edit was an edit of a reply, edits do not include the reply reference, so we need to fetch up to 2 more events.
// this event ---is an edit of--> original event ---is a reply to--> past event
await (async () => {
if (!event.content["m.new_content"]) return
// Check if there is an edit
const relatesTo = event.content["m.relates_to"]
if (!relatesTo) return
if (!event.content["m.new_content"] || !relatesTo || relatesTo.rel_type !== "m.replace") return
// Check if we have a pointer to what was edited
const relType = relatesTo.rel_type
if (relType !== "m.replace") return
const originalEventId = relatesTo.event_id
if (!originalEventId) return
messageIDsToEdit = select("event_message", "message_id", {event_id: originalEventId}, "ORDER BY part").pluck().all()
@ -480,12 +506,7 @@ async function eventToMessage(event, guild, di) {
repliedToEvent.content = repliedToEvent.content["m.new_content"]
let contentPreview
const fileReplyContentAlternative =
( repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.image" ? "🖼️"
: repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "" ? "🎞️"
: repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "" ? "🎶"
: repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.file" ? "📄"
: null)
const fileReplyContentAlternative = attachmentEmojis.get(repliedToEvent.content.msgtype)
if (fileReplyContentAlternative) {
contentPreview = " " + fileReplyContentAlternative
} else {
@ -574,8 +595,35 @@ async function eventToMessage(event, guild, di) {
last = match.index
// Handling written @mentions: we need to look for candidate Discord members to join to the room
// This shouldn't apply to code blocks, links, or inside attributes. So editing the HTML tree instead of regular expressions is a sensible choice here.
// We're using the domino parser because Turndown uses the same and can reuse this tree.
const doc = domino.createDocument(
// DOM parsers arrange elements in the <head> and <body>. Wrapping in a custom element ensures elements are reliably arranged in a single element.
'<x-turndown id="turndown-root">' + input + '</x-turndown>'
const root = doc.getElementById("turndown-root");
async function forEachNode(node) {
for (; node; node = node.nextSibling) {
if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.includes("@")) {
const result = await checkWrittenMentions(node.nodeValue, guild, di)
if (result) {
node.nodeValue = result.content
if (node.nodeType === 1 && ["CODE", "PRE", "A"].includes(node.tagName)) {
// don't recurse into code or links
} else {
// do recurse into everything else
await forEachNode(node.firstChild)
await forEachNode(root)
// @ts-ignore bad type from turndown
content = turndownService.turndown(input)
content = turndownService.turndown(root)
// It's designed for commonmark, we need to replace the space-space-newline with just newline
content = content.replace(/ \n/g, "\n")
@ -592,6 +640,12 @@ async function eventToMessage(event, guild, di) {
content = await handleRoomOrMessageLinks(content, di)
const result = await checkWrittenMentions(content, guild, di)
if (result) {
content = result.content
// Markdown needs to be escaped, though take care not to escape the middle of links
// @ts-ignore bad type from turndown
content = turndownService.escape(content)
@ -640,18 +694,6 @@ async function eventToMessage(event, guild, di) {
content = displayNameRunoff + replyLine + content
// Handling written @mentions: we need to look for candidate Discord members to join to the room
let writtenMentionMatch = content.match(/(?:^|[^"[<>/A-Za-z0-9])@([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\[\]\(\)-]+):?/d) // /d flag for indices requires node.js 16+
if (writtenMentionMatch) {
const results = await di.snow.guild.searchGuildMembers(, {query: writtenMentionMatch[1]})
if (results[0]) {
// @ts-ignore - typescript doesn't know about indices yet
content = content.slice(0, writtenMentionMatch.indices[1][0]-1) + `<@${results[0]}>` + content.slice(writtenMentionMatch.indices[1][1])
// Split into 2000 character chunks
const chunks = chunk(content, 2000)
messages = messages.concat( => ({

View File

@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ test("event2message: mentioning PK discord users works", async t => {
messagesToEdit: [],
messagesToSend: [{
username: "cadence [they]",
content: "I'm just <@196188877885538304> testing mentions",
content: "I'm just **@Azalea &flwr; 🌺** (<@196188877885538304>) testing mentions",
avatar_url: undefined
@ -2845,7 +2845,7 @@ test("event2message: unknown emojis in the middle are linked", async t => {
test("event2message: guessed @mentions may join members to mention", async t => {
test("event2message: guessed @mentions in plaintext may join members to mention", async t => {
let called = 0
const subtext = {
user: {
@ -2893,6 +2893,56 @@ test("event2message: guessed @mentions may join members to mention", async t =>
t.equal(called, 1, "searchGuildMembers should be called once")
test("event2message: guessed @mentions in formatted body may join members to mention", async t => {
let called = 0
const subtext = {
user: {
id: "321876634777218072",
username: "subtextual",
global_name: "subtext",
discriminator: "0"
await eventToMessage({
type: "",
sender: "",
content: {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "wrong body",
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: "<strong><em>HEY @SUBTEXT, WHAT FOOD WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER??</em></strong>"
event_id: "$u5gSwSzv_ZQS3eM00mnTBCor8nx_A_AwuQz7e59PZk8",
room_id: "!"
}, {
id: "112760669178241024"
}, {
snow: {
guild: {
async searchGuildMembers(guildID, options) {
t.equal(guildID, "112760669178241024")
t.deepEqual(options, {query: "SUBTEXT"})
return [subtext]
messagesToDelete: [],
messagesToEdit: [],
messagesToSend: [{
username: "cadence [they]",
content: "**_HEY <@321876634777218072>, WHAT FOOD WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER??_**",
avatar_url: undefined
ensureJoined: [subtext.user]
t.equal(called, 1, "searchGuildMembers should be called once")
test("event2message: guessed @mentions work with other matrix bridge old users", async t => {
await eventToMessage({

View File

@ -1340,6 +1340,89 @@ module.exports = {
components: []
voice_message: {
id: "1112476845783388160",
type: 0,
content: "",
channel_id: "1099031887500034088",
author: {
id: "113340068197859328",
username: "kumaccino",
avatar: "b48302623a12bc7c59a71328f72ccb39",
discriminator: "0",
public_flags: 128,
premium_type: 0,
flags: 128,
banner: null,
accent_color: null,
global_name: "kumaccino",
avatar_decoration_data: null,
banner_color: null
attachments: [
id: "1112476845502365786",
filename: "voice-message.ogg",
size: 10584,
url: "",
proxy_url: "",
duration_secs: 3.9600000381469727,
content_type: "audio/ogg"
embeds: [],
mentions: [],
mention_roles: [],
pinned: false,
mention_everyone: false,
tts: false,
timestamp: "2023-05-28T20:25:48.855000+00:00",
edited_timestamp: null,
flags: 8192,
components: []
misc_file: {
id: "1174514575819931718",
type: 0,
content: "final final final revised draft",
channel_id: "122155380120748034",
author: {
id: "142843483923677184",
username: "huck",
avatar: "a_1c7fda09a242d714570b4c828ef07504",
discriminator: "0",
public_flags: 512,
premium_type: 2,
flags: 512,
banner: null,
accent_color: null,
global_name: null,
avatar_decoration_data: null,
banner_color: null
attachments: [
id: "1174514575220158545",
filename: "the.yml",
size: 2274,
url: "",
proxy_url: "",
content_type: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
content_scan_version: 0
embeds: [],
mentions: [],
mention_roles: [],
pinned: false,
mention_everyone: false,
tts: false,
timestamp: "2023-11-16T01:01:36.301000+00:00",
edited_timestamp: null,
flags: 0,
components: []
simple_reply_to_reply_in_thread: {
type: 19,
tts: false,
@ -1681,6 +1764,47 @@ module.exports = {
components: []
pk_message: {
pk_reply: {
id: "1202543812644306965",
type: 0,
content: "this is a reply",
channel_id: "1160894080998461480",
author: {
id: "1195662438662680720",
username: "special name",
avatar: "6b44a106659e78a2550474c61889194d",
discriminator: "0000",
public_flags: 0,
flags: 0,
bot: true,
global_name: null
attachments: [],
embeds: [
type: "rich",
description: "**[Reply to:](** now for my next experiment:",
author: {
name: "cadence [they] ↩️",
icon_url: "",
proxy_icon_url: ""
mentions: [],
mention_roles: [],
pinned: false,
mention_everyone: false,
tts: false,
timestamp: "2024-02-01T09:19:47.118000+00:00",
edited_timestamp: null,
flags: 0,
components: [],
application_id: "466378653216014359",
webhook_id: "1195662438662680720"
message_with_embeds: {
nothing_but_a_field: {
guild_id: "497159726455455754",

View File

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ INSERT INTO channel_room (channel_id, room_id, name, nick, thread_parent, custom
('297272183716052993', '!', 'general', NULL, NULL, NULL),
('122155380120748034', '!', 'cadences-mind', 'coding', NULL, NULL),
('176333891320283136', '!', '🌈丨davids-horse_she-took-the-kids', 'wonderland', NULL, 'mxc://'),
('489237891895768942', '!', 'ex-room-doesnt-exist-any-more', NULL, NULL, NULL);
('489237891895768942', '!', 'ex-room-doesnt-exist-any-more', NULL, NULL, NULL),
('1160894080998461480', '!', 'ooyexperiment', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sim (user_id, sim_name, localpart, mxid) VALUES
('0', 'bot', '_ooye_bot', ''),
@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ INSERT INTO sim (user_id, sim_name, localpart, mxid) VALUES
('1109360903096369153', 'amanda', '_ooye_amanda', ''),
('43d378d5-1183-47dc-ab3c-d14e21c3fe58', '_pk_zoego', '_ooye__pk_zoego', '');
INSERT INTO sim_proxy (user_id, proxy_owner_id) VALUES
('43d378d5-1183-47dc-ab3c-d14e21c3fe58', '196188877885538304');
INSERT INTO sim_proxy (user_id, proxy_owner_id, displayname) VALUES
('43d378d5-1183-47dc-ab3c-d14e21c3fe58', '196188877885538304', 'Azalea &flwr; 🌺');
INSERT INTO sim_member (mxid, room_id, hashed_profile_content) VALUES
('', '!', NULL);
@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ INSERT INTO message_channel (message_id, channel_id) VALUES
('1162005526675193909', '1162005314908999790'),
('1162625810109317170', '497161350934560778'),
('1158842413025071135', '176333891320283136'),
('1197612733600895076', '112760669178241024');
('1197612733600895076', '112760669178241024'),
('1202543413652881428', '1160894080998461480');
INSERT INTO event_message (event_id, event_type, event_subtype, message_id, part, reaction_part, source) VALUES
('$X16nfVks1wsrhq4E9SSLiqrf2N8KD0erD0scZG7U5xg', '', 'm.text', '1126786462646550579', 0, 0, 1),
@ -74,7 +76,8 @@ INSERT INTO event_message (event_id, event_type, event_subtype, message_id, part
('$0wEdIP8fhTq-P68xwo_gyUw-Zv0KA2aS2tfhdFSrLZc', '', 'm.text', '1162625810109317170', 1, 1, 1),
('$zJFjTvNn1w_YqpR4o4ISKUFisNRgZcu1KSMI_LADPVQ', '', 'm.notice', '1162625810109317170', 1, 0, 1),
('$dVCLyj6kxb3DaAWDtjcv2kdSny8JMMHdDhCMz8mDxVo', '', 'm.text', '1158842413025071135', 0, 0, 1),
('$7tJoMw1h44n2gxgLUE1T_YinGrLbK0x-TDY1z6M7GBw', '', 'm.text', '1197612733600895076', 0, 0, 1);
('$7tJoMw1h44n2gxgLUE1T_YinGrLbK0x-TDY1z6M7GBw', '', 'm.text', '1197612733600895076', 0, 0, 1),
('$NB6nPgO2tfXyIwwDSF0Ga0BUrsgX1S-0Xl-jAvI8ucU', '', 'm.text', '1202543413652881428', 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO file (discord_url, mxc_url) VALUES
('', 'mxc://'),
@ -92,7 +95,9 @@ INSERT INTO file (discord_url, mxc_url) VALUES
('', 'mxc://'),
('', 'mxc://'),
('', 'mxc://'),
('', 'mxc://');
('', 'mxc://'),
('', 'mxc://'),
('', 'mxc://');
INSERT INTO emoji (emoji_id, name, animated, mxc_url) VALUES
('230201364309868544', 'hippo', 0, 'mxc://'),

View File

@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ file._actuallyUploadDiscordFileToMxc = function(url, res) { throw new Error(`Not
t.pass("it did not throw an error")
await p
test("migrate: migration works the second time", async t => {
await migrate.migrate(db)
t.pass("it did not throw an error")
db.exec(fs.readFileSync(join(__dirname, "ooye-test-data.sql"), "utf8"))
@ -63,6 +69,7 @@ file._actuallyUploadDiscordFileToMxc = function(url, res) { throw new Error(`Not