
116 lines
5.7 KiB

#lang racket/base
(require racket/dict
(prefix-in easy: net/http-easy)
; html libs
; web server libs
(only-in web-server/dispatchers/dispatch next-dispatcher)
#;(only-in web-server/http/redirect redirect-to)
(module+ test
(require rackunit
(define search-json-data
'#hasheq((batchcomplete . #t) (query . #hasheq((search . (#hasheq((ns . 0) (pageid . 219) (size . 1482) (snippet . "") (timestamp . "2022-08-21T08:54:23Z") (title . "Gacha Capsule") (wordcount . 214)) #hasheq((ns . 0) (pageid . 201) (size . 1198) (snippet . "") (timestamp . "2022-07-11T17:52:47Z") (title . "Badges") (wordcount . 181)))))))))
;; this takes the info we gathered from fandom and makes the big fat x-expression page
(define (generate-results-page req dest-url wikiname query data #:siteinfo [siteinfo #f])
(define search-results (jp "/query/search" data))
;; this is *another* helper that builds the wiki page UI and lets me put the search results (or whatever else) in the middle
;; so I provide my helper function with the necessary context...
#:req req
#:source-url dest-url
#:wikiname wikiname
#:title query
#:siteinfo siteinfo
;; and here's the actual results to display in the wiki page layout
`(div (@ (class "mw-parser-output"))
;; header before the search results showing how many we found
(p ,(format "~a results found for " (length search-results))
(strong ,query))
;; *u*nordered *l*ist of matching search results
(ul ,@(map
(λ (result) ;; for each result, run this code...
(let* ([title (jp "/title" result)]
[page-path (page-title->path title)]
[timestamp (jp "/timestamp" result)]
[wordcount (jp "/wordcount" result)]
[size (jp "/size" result)])
;; and make this x-expression...
`(li (@ (class "my-result"))
(a (@ (class "my-result__link") (href ,(format "/~a/wiki/~a" wikiname page-path))) ; using unquote to insert the result page URL
,title) ; using unquote to insert the result page title
(div (@ (class "my-result__info")) ; constructing the line under the search result
"last edited "
(time (@ (datetime ,timestamp)) ,(list-ref (string-split timestamp "T") 0))
,(format ", ~a words, ~a kb"
(exact->inexact (/ (round (/ size 100)) 10)))))))
;; will be called when the web browser asks to load the page
(define (page-search req)
;; this just means, catch any errors and display them in the browser. it's a function somewhere else
;; the URL will look like "/minecraft/wiki/Special:Search?q=Spawner"
;; grab the first part to use as the wikiname, in this case, "minecraft"
(define wikiname (path/param-path (first (url-path (request-uri req)))))
;; grab the part after ?q= which is the search terms
(define query (dict-ref (url-query (request-uri req)) 'q #f))
;; constructing the URL where I want to get fandom data from...
(define origin (format "" wikiname))
;; the dest-URL will look something like
(define dest-url
(format "~a/api.php?~a"
(params->query `(("action" . "query")
("list" . "search")
("srsearch" . ,query)
("formatversion" . "2")
("format" . "json")))))
;; simultaneously get the search results from the fandom API, as well as information about the wiki as a whole (its license, icon, name)
(define-values (dest-res siteinfo)
(λ ()
(log-outgoing dest-url)
(easy:get dest-url #:timeouts timeouts)) ;; HTTP request to dest-url for search results
(λ ()
(siteinfo-fetch wikiname)))) ;; helper function in another file to get information about the wiki
;; search results are a JSON string. parse JSON into racket data structures
(define data (easy:response-json dest-res))
;; calling my generate-results-page function with the information so far in order to get a big fat x-expression
;; big fat x-expression goes into the body variable
(define body (generate-results-page req dest-url wikiname query data #:siteinfo siteinfo))
;; error checking
(when (config-true? 'debug)
; used for its side effects
; convert to string with error checking, error will be raised if xexp is invalid
(xexp->html body))
;; convert body to HTML and send to browser
#:code 200
#:headers (build-headers always-headers)
(λ (out)
(write-html body out)))))
(module+ test
(parameterize ([(config-parameter 'feature_offline::only) "false"])
(check-not-false ((query-selector (attribute-selector 'href "/test/wiki/Gacha_Capsule")
(generate-results-page test-req "" "test" "Gacha" search-json-data))))))