
71 lines
2.4 KiB

#lang cli
(require charterm
(help (usage "Downloads a single Fandom wiki in BreezeWiki offline format."
"Downloaded pages go into `archive/` next to the executable."
"Database goes into `archiver.db*` next to the executable."
"The database is necessary to store your download progress and resume where you left off if the process is interrupted."))
(flag (output-quiet?)
("-q" "--output-quiet" "disable progress output")
(output-quiet? #t))
(flag (output-progress?)
("-p" "--output-progress" "progress output for terminals (default in a tty)")
(output-progress? #t))
(flag (output-lines?)
("-l" "--output-lines" "output the name of each file downloaded (default outside of a tty)")
(output-lines? #t))
(constraint (one-of output-quiet? output-lines? output-progress?))
(start [wikiname "wikiname to download"])
;; set up arguments
(define width 80)
(when (not (or (output-quiet?) (output-lines?) (output-progress?)))
(cond [(terminal-port? current-input-port)
(output-progress? #t)]
(output-lines? #t)]))
(define (update-width)
(when (output-progress?)
(case (system-type 'os)
(call-with-values (λ () (charterm-screen-size))
(λ (cols rows) (set! width cols))))]
[else 100])))
;; check
(when (or (not wikiname) (equal? wikiname ""))
(raise-user-error "Please specify the wikiname to download on the command line."))
;; progress reporting based on selected mode
(define (report-progress a b c)
(define basename (basename->name-for-query c))
(displayln basename)]
(when (eq? (modulo a 20) 0)
(thread (λ () (update-width))))
(define prefix (format "[~a] [~a/~a] " wikiname a b))
(define rest (- width (string-length prefix)))
(define real-width (min (string-length basename) rest))
(define spare-width (- rest real-width))
(define name-display (substring basename 0 real-width))
(printf "\e[2K\r~a~a" prefix name-display)
;; download all stages
(for ([stage all-stages]
[i (in-naturals 1)])
(printf "> Stage ~a/~a~n" i (length all-stages))
(stage wikiname report-progress)
(displayln "")))
(run start)