#lang racket/base (require racket/file racket/path racket/port racket/runtime-path racket/string net/url web-server/http web-server/servlet-dispatch web-server/dispatchers/filesystem-map (only-in web-server/dispatchers/dispatch next-dispatcher) "../archiver/archiver.rkt" "../lib/mime-types.rkt" "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt" "config.rkt" "log.rkt") (provide page-static-archive) (define-runtime-path path-archive "../storage/archive") (define ((replacer wikiname) whole url) (format "url(~a)" (if (or (equal? url "") (equal? url "'") (string-contains? url "/resources-ucp/") (string-contains? url "/fonts/") (string-contains? url "/drm_fonts/") (string-contains? url "//db.onlinewebfonts.com/") (string-contains? url "//bits.wikimedia.org/") (string-contains? url "dropbox") (string-contains? url "only=styles") (string-contains? url "https://https://") (regexp-match? #rx"^%20|^'" url) (regexp-match? #rx"^\"?data:" url)) url (let* ([norm-url (cond [(string-prefix? url "https://") url] [(string-prefix? url "http://") (regexp-replace #rx"http:" url "https:")] [(string-prefix? url "//") (string-append "https:" url)] [(string-prefix? url "/") (format "https://~a.fandom.com~a" wikiname url)] [else (error 'replace-style-for-images "unknown URL format: ~a" url)])]) (define p (image-url->values norm-url)) ;; (printf "hashed: ~a~n -> ~a~n #-> ~a~n" url (car p) (cdr p)) (format "/archive/~a/images/~a" wikiname (cdr p)))))) (define (replace-style-for-images wikiname path) (define content (file->string path)) (regexp-replace* #rx"url\\(\"?'?([^)]*)'?\"?\\)" content (replacer wikiname))) (define (handle-style wikiname dest) (when (config-true? 'debug) (printf "using offline mode for style ~a ~a~n" wikiname dest)) (log-styles-request #t wikiname dest) (define fs-path (build-path path-archive wikiname "styles" dest)) (println fs-path) (unless (file-exists? fs-path) (next-dispatcher)) (response-handler (define new-content (replace-style-for-images wikiname fs-path)) (response/output #:code 200 #:headers (list (header #"Content-Type" #"text/css") (header #"Referrer-Policy" #"same-origin")) (λ (out) (displayln new-content out))))) (define (handle-image wikiname dest) ;; dest is the hash with no extension (unless ((string-length dest) . >= . 40) (next-dispatcher)) (response-handler (define dir (build-path path-archive wikiname "images" (substring dest 0 1) (substring dest 0 2))) (unless (directory-exists? dir) (next-dispatcher)) (define candidates (directory-list dir)) (define target (path->string (findf (λ (f) (string-prefix? (path->string f) dest)) candidates))) (unless target (next-dispatcher)) (define ext (substring target 41)) (response/output #:code 200 #:headers (list (header #"Content-Type" (ext->mime-type (string->bytes/latin-1 ext)))) (λ (out) (call-with-input-file (build-path dir target) (λ (in) (copy-port in out))))))) (define (page-static-archive req) (define path (url-path (request-uri req))) (define-values (_ wikiname kind dest) (apply values (map path/param-path path))) (cond [(equal? kind "styles") (handle-style wikiname dest)] [(equal? kind "images") (handle-image wikiname dest)] [else (response-handler (raise-user-error "page-static-archive: how did we get here?" kind))]))