#lang typed/racket/base (require racket/string "pure-utils.rkt") (require/typed web-server/http/request-structs [#:opaque Header header?]) (provide ; regex to match wiki names px-wikiname ; make a query string from an association list of strings params->query ; custom percent encoding (you probably want params->query instead) percent-encode ; sets for custom percent encoding path-set urlencoded-set filename-set ; make a proxied version of a fandom url u-proxy-url ; check whether a url is on a domain controlled by fandom is-fandom-url? ; pass in a header, headers, or something useless. they'll all combine into a list build-headers ; try to follow wikimedia's format for which characters should be encoded/replaced in page titles for the url page-title->path) (module+ test (require "typed-rackunit.rkt")) (define px-wikiname "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,50}") ;; https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlencoded-serializing (define path-set '(#\; ; semicolon is part of the userinfo set in the URL standard, but I'm putting it here #\? #\` #\{ #\} ; path set #\ #\" #\# #\< #\> ; query set ; c0 controls included elsewhere ; higher ranges included elsewhere )) (define urlencoded-set (append '(#\! #\' #\( #\) #\~ ; urlencoded set #\$ #\% #\& #\+ #\, ; component set #\/ #\: #\= #\@ #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\| ; userinfo set ) path-set)) (define filename-set '(#\< #\> #\: #\" #\/ #\\ #\| #\? #\* #\# #\~ #\&)) (: percent-encode (String (Listof Char) Boolean -> Bytes)) (define (percent-encode value set space-as-plus) (define b (string->bytes/utf-8 value)) (apply bytes-append (for/list ([char b]) : (Listof Bytes) (cond [(and space-as-plus (eq? char 32)) #"+"] [(or (member (integer->char char) set) (char . > . #x7E) (char . <= . #x1F)) (bytes-append #"%" (string->bytes/latin-1 (string-upcase (number->string char 16))))] [#t (bytes char)])))) (: params->query ((Listof (Pair String String)) -> String)) (define (params->query params) (string-join (map (λ ([p : (Pair String String)]) (format "~a=~a" (percent-encode (car p) urlencoded-set #t) (percent-encode (cdr p) urlencoded-set #t))) params) "&")) (module+ test (check-equal? (params->query '(("hello" . "world"))) "hello=world") (check-equal? (params->query '(("a" . "hello world''") ("utf8" . "✓"))) "a=hello+world%27%27&utf8=%E2%9C%93")) (: is-fandom-url? (String -> Boolean)) (define (is-fandom-url? url) (regexp-match? (pregexp (format "^https://static\\.wikia\\.nocookie\\.net/|^https://~a\\.fandom\\.com/" px-wikiname)) url)) (module+ test (check-true (is-fandom-url? "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wikiname/images/2/2f/SomeImage.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110210094136")) (check-true (is-fandom-url? "https://test.fandom.com/wiki/Some_Page")) (check-false (is-fandom-url? "https://cadence.moe"))) (: u-proxy-url (String -> String)) (define (u-proxy-url url) (u is-fandom-url? (λ ([v : String]) (string-append "/proxy?" (params->query `(("dest" . ,url))))) url)) (: build-headers ((U Header (Listof Header) False Void) * -> (Listof Header))) (define (build-headers . fs) (apply append (map (λ ([f : (U Header (Listof Header) False Void)]) (cond [(not f) null] [(void? f) null] [(null? f) null] [(header? f) (list f)] [(pair? f) f])) fs))) (: page-title->path (String -> Bytes)) (define (page-title->path title) (percent-encode (regexp-replace* " " title "_") path-set #f))