#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base) racket/string net/url (prefix-in host: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-host) (prefix-in pathprocedure: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-pathprocedure) (prefix-in sequencer: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-sequencer) (prefix-in lift: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-lift) (prefix-in filter: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-filter) "config.rkt") (provide ; syntax to make the hashmap from names dispatcher-tree ; procedure to make the tree from the hashmap make-dispatcher-tree) (define-syntax (if/out stx) (define tree (cdr (syntax->datum stx))) ; condition true false (define else (cddr tree)) ; the else branch cons cell (define result (let walk ([node tree]) (cond ; normally, node should be a full cons cell (a pair) but it might be something else. ; situation: reached the end of a list, empty cons cell [(null? node) node] ; situation: reached the end of a list, cons cdr was non-list [(symbol? node) node] ; normal situation, full cons cell ; -- don't go replacing through nested if/out [(and (pair? node) (eq? 'if/out (car node))) node] ; -- replace if/in [(and (pair? node) (eq? 'if/in (car node))) (append '(if) (cdr node) else)] ; recurse down pair head and tail [(pair? node) (cons (walk (car node)) (walk (cdr node)))] ; something else that can't be recursed into, so pass it through [#t node]))) (datum->syntax stx (cons 'if result))) ; make a hashmap out of the provided names and call make-dispatcher-tree with it (define-syntax (dispatcher-tree stx) ; the arguments, which are names of dispatcher variables (define names (cdr (syntax->list stx))) ; map each name to syntax of a '(name . ,name) (define alist (map (λ (xe) ; xe is the syntax of a name ; return instead syntax of a cons cell (datum->syntax stx `(cons ',xe ,xe))) names)) ; make syntax to make the hash (define ds (datum->syntax stx `(make-hasheq (list ,@alist)))) ; don't forget that I'm returning *code* - return a call to the function (datum->syntax stx `(make-dispatcher-tree ,ds))) (define (make-dispatcher-tree ds) (host:make (λ (host-sym) (if/out (config-true? 'canonical_origin) (let* ([host-header (symbol->string host-sym)] [splitter (string-append "." (url-host (string->url (config-get 'canonical_origin))))] [s (string-split host-header splitter #:trim? #f)]) (if/in (and (eq? 2 (length s)) (equal? "" (cadr s))) ((hash-ref ds 'subdomain-dispatcher) (car s)))) (sequencer:make (pathprocedure:make "/" (hash-ref ds 'page-home)) (pathprocedure:make "/proxy" (hash-ref ds 'page-proxy)) (filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/Category:.+$" (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-category))) (filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/.+$" (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-wiki))) (filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/search$" (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-search))) (hash-ref ds 'static-dispatcher) (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-not-found)))))))