#lang racket/base (require "../src/data.rkt" "xexpr-utils.rkt") (provide thread-values) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define (thread-values . thunks) (parameterize-break #t (define the-exn (box #f)) (define original-thread (current-thread)) (define (break e) (when (box-cas! the-exn #f e) (break-thread original-thread)) (sleep 0)) (define-values (threads channels) (for/fold ([ts null] [chs null] #:result (values (reverse ts) (reverse chs))) ([th thunks]) (define ch (make-channel)) (define t (thread (λ () (with-handlers ([exn? break]) (channel-put ch (th)))))) (values (cons t ts) (cons ch chs)))) (apply values (with-handlers ([exn:break? (λ (_) (for ([t threads]) (kill-thread t)) (if (unbox the-exn) (raise (unbox the-exn)) (error 'thread-values "a thread broke, but without reporting its exception")))]) (for/list ([ch channels]) (channel-get ch)))))) (module+ test ; check that they actually execute concurrently (define ch (make-channel)) (check-equal? (let-values ([(a b) (thread-values (λ () (begin (channel-put ch 'a) (channel-get ch))) (λ () (begin0 (channel-get ch) (channel-put ch 'b))))]) (list a b)) '(b a)) ; check that it assigns the correct value to the correct variable (check-equal? (let-values ([(a b) (thread-values (λ () (sleep 0) 'a) (λ () 'b))]) (list a b)) '(a b)) ; check that exceptions are passed to the original thread, and other threads are killed ;; TODO: if the other thread was making an HTTP request, could it be left stuck open by the kill? (check-equal? (let* ([x "!"] [res (with-handlers ([exn:fail:user? (λ (e) (exn-message e))]) (thread-values (λ () (sleep 0) (set! x "?") (println "this side effect should not happen")) (λ () (raise-user-error "catch me"))))]) (string-append res x)) "catch me!"))