#lang typed/racket/base (require racket/function racket/pretty racket/runtime-path racket/string typed/ini) (provide config-parameter config-true? config-member? config-get) (module+ test (require "../lib/typed-rackunit.rkt")) (define-runtime-path path-config "../config.ini") (: config-parameter (Symbol -> (Parameterof String))) (define (config-parameter key) (hash-ref config key)) (: config-true? (Symbol -> Boolean)) (define (config-true? key) (not (member ((config-parameter key)) '("" "false")))) (: config-member? (Symbol String [#:sep String] -> Boolean)) (define (config-member? key item #:sep [sep #px"\\s+"]) (and (config-true? key) (not (not (member item (string-split (config-get key) sep)))))) (: config-get (Symbol -> String)) (define (config-get key) ((config-parameter key))) (define default-config '((application_name . "BreezeWiki") (bind_host . "auto") (port . "10416") (canonical_origin . "") (debug . "false") (feature_search_suggestions . "true") (instance_is_official . "false") ; please don't turn this on, or you will make me very upset (log_outgoing . "true") (strict_proxy . "false") (feature_offline::enabled . "false") (feature_offline::format . "json.gz") (feature_offline::only . "false") (access_log::enabled . "false") (promotions::indie_wiki_buddy . "banner home"))) (define loaded-alist (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem:errno? (λ (exn) (displayln "note: config file not detected, using defaults") '())] [exn:fail:contract? (λ (exn) (displayln "note: config file empty or missing [] section, using defaults") '())]) (define h (in-hash (ini->hash (call-with-input-file path-config (λ (in) (read-ini in)))))) (define l (for*/list : (Listof (Pairof Symbol String)) ([(section-key section) h] [(key value) (in-hash section)]) (if (eq? section-key '||) (cons key value) (cons (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string section-key) "::" (symbol->string key))) value)))) (printf "note: ~a items loaded from config file~n" (length l)) l)) (define env-alist (for/list : (Listof (Pairof Symbol String)) ([name (environment-variables-names (current-environment-variables))] #:when (string-prefix? (string-downcase (bytes->string/latin-1 name)) "bw_")) (cons ;; key: convert to string, remove bw_ prefix, convert to symbol (string->symbol (string-downcase (substring (bytes->string/latin-1 name) 3))) ;; value: convert to string (bytes->string/latin-1 (cast (environment-variables-ref (current-environment-variables) name) Bytes))))) (when (> (length env-alist) 0) (printf "note: ~a items loaded from environment variables~n" (length env-alist))) (define combined-alist (append default-config loaded-alist env-alist)) (define config (for/hasheq ([pair combined-alist]) : (Immutable-HashTable Symbol (Parameter String)) (values (car pair) (make-parameter (cdr pair))))) (when (config-true? 'debug) ; all values here are optimised for maximum prettiness (parameterize ([pretty-print-columns 80]) (display "config: ") (pretty-write ((inst sort (Pairof Symbol String)) (hash->list (make-immutable-hasheq combined-alist)) symbol