import {h, htm, render, signal, computed, effect} from "./preact.js" const html = htm.bind(h) const classNames = classArr => classArr.filter(el => el).join(" ") const eForm = document.getElementById("bw-pr-search-form") const eInput = document.getElementById("bw-pr-search-input") const eSuggestions = document.getElementById("bw-pr-search-suggestions") const hitsPromise = new Map() const hitsDone = new Set() const query = signal("") const focus = signal(false) const st = signal("ready") const suggestions = signal([]) // processing functions function fetchSuggestions(query, setSuggestions) { if (query === "") query = "\0" if (hitsPromise.has(query)) return hitsPromise.get(query) const url = new URL(`https://${BWData.wikiname}`) url.searchParams.set("action", "opensearch") url.searchParams.set("format", "json") url.searchParams.set("namespace", "0") // wiki namespace, 0 is default url.searchParams.set("origin", "*") // mediawiki api cors url.searchParams.set("search", query) const sendUrl = BWData.strict_proxy ? "/proxy?" + new URLSearchParams({dest: url}) : url const promise = fetch(sendUrl).then(res => res.json()).then(root => { hitsDone.add(query) return Array(root[1].length).fill().map((_, i) => ({ title: root[1][i], url: root[3][i] })) }) hitsPromise.set(query, promise) return promise } function acceptSuggestion(hit) { st.value = "accepted" query.value = hit.title const dest = new URL(hit.url).pathname.match("/wiki/.*") location = `/${BWData.wikiname}${dest}` } // suggestion list view function Suggestion(hit) { return html`
  • ` } function SuggestionList() { return html` ` } render(html`<${SuggestionList} />`, eSuggestions) // input view effect(() => { query.value // dependency should always be tracked if (st.peek() === "accepted") return // lock results from changing during navigation st.value = "loading" fetchSuggestions(query.value).then(res => { suggestions.value = res if (hitsDone.size === hitsPromise.size) { st.value = "ready" } }) }) window.addEventListener("pageshow", () => { st.value = "ready" // unlock results from changing after returning to page }) function SuggestionInput() { return html` query.value =} value=${query.value} class=${classNames(["bw-ss__input", `bw-ss__input--${st.value}`])} />` } render(html`<${SuggestionInput} />`, eInput) // form focus eForm.addEventListener("focusin", () => focus.value = true) eForm.addEventListener("focusout", event => { if (eForm.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { // event fired when changing from one form element to the other focus.value = true } else { // event fired when moving out of the form element focus.value = false } })