Stop redirecting pages if there's a redirect=no parameter #10

blankie wants to merge 1 commits from blankie/breezewiki:redirect-param into main
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c29ae48ba5 - Show all commits

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@ -317,10 +317,13 @@
#:head-data head-data
#:siteinfo siteinfo))
(define redirect-msg ((query-selector (attribute-selector 'class "redirectMsg") body)))
(define redirect-query-parameter (dict-ref (url-query (request-uri req)) 'redirect "yes"))
(define headers
(when redirect-msg
; no need to check for any other possible string value since only "no" is interpreted
(when (and redirect-msg (not (equal? redirect-query-parameter "no")))
(let* ([dest (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'a)) redirect-msg))))]
[value (bytes-append #"0;url=" (string->bytes/utf-8 dest))])
(header #"Refresh" value)))))