2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
#lang racket/base
(require racket/dict
(prefix-in easy: net/http-easy)
; html libs
; web server libs
(only-in web-server/dispatchers/dispatch next-dispatcher)
#;(only-in web-server/http/redirect redirect-to)
2023-02-05 04:56:15 +00:00
2023-02-12 00:55:33 +00:00
2023-02-05 04:56:15 +00:00
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(provide page-file)
(module+ test
2022-11-29 11:36:53 +00:00
(require rackunit
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(define test-media-detail
'#hasheq((fileTitle . "Example file")
(videoEmbedCode . "")
(imageUrl . "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/examplefile")
(rawImageUrl . "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/examplefile")
(userName . "blankie")
(isPostedIn . #t)
2022-10-10 10:04:11 +00:00
(smallerArticleList . (#hasheq((titleText . "Test:Example article"))))
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(articleListIsSmaller . 0)
(exists . #t)
(imageDescription . #f))))
(define (url-content-type url)
(log-outgoing url)
(define dest-res (easy:head url #:timeouts timeouts))
(easy:response-headers-ref dest-res 'content-type))
(define (get-media-html url content-type)
(define maybe-proxied-url (if (config-true? 'strict_proxy) (u-proxy-url url) url))
[(eq? content-type #f) `""]
[(regexp-match? #rx"(?i:^image/)" content-type) `(img (@ (src ,maybe-proxied-url)))]
[(regexp-match? #rx"(?i:^audio/|^application/ogg(;|$))" content-type)
`(audio (@ (src ,maybe-proxied-url) (controls)))]
[(regexp-match? #rx"(?i:^video/)" content-type) `(video (@ (src ,maybe-proxied-url) (controls)))]
[else `""]))
2022-11-29 11:03:54 +00:00
(define (generate-results-page #:req req
#:source-url source-url
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
#:wikiname wikiname
#:title title
#:media-detail media-detail
#:image-content-type image-content-type
#:siteinfo [siteinfo #f])
(define video-embed-code (jp "/videoEmbedCode" media-detail ""))
(define raw-image-url (jp "/rawImageUrl" media-detail))
(define image-url (jp "/imageUrl" media-detail raw-image-url))
(define username (jp "/userName" media-detail))
(define is-posted-in (jp "/isPostedIn" media-detail #f))
(define smaller-article-list (jp "/smallerArticleList" media-detail))
(define article-list-is-smaller (jp "/articleListIsSmaller" media-detail))
(define image-description (jp "/imageDescription" media-detail #f))
(define maybe-proxied-raw-image-url
(if (config-true? 'strict_proxy) (u-proxy-url raw-image-url) raw-image-url))
2022-11-29 11:03:54 +00:00
#:req req
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
#:source-url source-url
#:wikiname wikiname
#:title title
#:siteinfo siteinfo
`(div ,(if (non-empty-string? video-embed-code)
(update-tree-wiki (html->xexp (preprocess-html-wiki video-embed-code)) wikiname)
(get-media-html image-url image-content-type))
(p ,(if (non-empty-string? video-embed-code)
`(span (a (@ (href ,maybe-proxied-raw-image-url)) "View original file") ". "))
2022-10-10 08:59:02 +00:00
"Uploaded by "
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(a (@ (href ,(format "/~a/wiki/User:~a" wikiname username))) ,username)
2022-10-10 08:59:02 +00:00
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
,(if (string? image-description)
(update-tree-wiki (html->xexp (preprocess-html-wiki image-description)) wikiname)
2022-10-10 08:59:02 +00:00
; file license info might be displayed in the description, example: /lgbtqia/wiki/File:Rainbow_Flag1.svg
`(p "This file is likely protected by copyright. Consider the file's license and fair use law before reusing it."))
,(if is-posted-in
`(p "This file is used in "
,@(map (λ (article)
2022-10-10 10:04:11 +00:00
(define title (jp "/titleText" article))
(define page-path (regexp-replace* #rx" " title "_"))
2022-10-10 08:59:02 +00:00
`(span ,(if (eq? (car smaller-article-list) article) "" ", ")
(a (@ (href ,(format "/~a/wiki/~a" wikiname page-path)))
,(if (eq? article-list-is-smaller 1) "…" "."))
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(define (page-file req)
2023-02-05 04:56:15 +00:00
(define wikiname (path/param-path (first (url-path (request-uri req)))))
(define prefixed-title (path/param-path (caddr (url-path (request-uri req)))))
(define origin (format "https://~a.fandom.com" wikiname))
(define source-url (format "~a/wiki/~a" origin prefixed-title))
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
2023-02-12 00:55:33 +00:00
(define-values (media-detail siteinfo)
(λ ()
(define dest-url
(format "~a/wikia.php?~a"
(params->query `(("format" . "json") ("controller" . "Lightbox")
("method" . "getMediaDetail")
("fileTitle" . ,prefixed-title)))))
(log-outgoing dest-url)
(define dest-res (easy:get dest-url #:timeouts timeouts))
(easy:response-json dest-res))
(λ ()
(siteinfo-fetch wikiname))))
(if (not (jp "/exists" media-detail #f))
(define file-title (jp "/fileTitle" media-detail ""))
(define title
(if (non-empty-string? file-title) (format "File:~a" file-title) prefixed-title))
(define image-content-type
(if (non-empty-string? (jp "/videoEmbedCode" media-detail ""))
(url-content-type (jp "/imageUrl" media-detail))))
(define body
(generate-results-page #:req req
#:source-url source-url
#:wikiname wikiname
#:title title
#:media-detail media-detail
#:image-content-type image-content-type
#:siteinfo siteinfo))
(when (config-true? 'debug)
; used for its side effects
; convert to string with error checking, error will be raised if xexp is invalid
(xexp->html body))
(response/output #:code 200
#:headers (build-headers always-headers)
(λ (out) (write-html body out)))))))
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(module+ test
(parameterize ([(config-parameter 'strict_proxy) "true"])
(check-equal? (get-media-html "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/a" "image/jpeg")
`(img (@ (src "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fa"))))
(check-equal? (get-media-html "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/b" "audio/mp3")
`(audio (@ (src "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fb")
2022-10-10 09:54:05 +00:00
(parameterize ([(config-parameter 'strict_proxy) "false"])
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(check-equal? (get-media-html "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/c" "application/ogg")
2022-10-10 09:54:05 +00:00
`(audio (@ (src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/c")
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(check-equal? (get-media-html "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/d" "video/mp4")
2022-10-10 09:54:05 +00:00
`(video (@ (src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/d")
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
(check-equal? (get-media-html "https://example.com" "who knows") `"")
(check-equal? (get-media-html "https://example.com" #f) `""))
(module+ test
(parameterize ([(config-parameter 'strict_proxy) "true"])
(attribute-selector 'src "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fexamplefile")
2022-11-29 11:36:53 +00:00
(generate-results-page #:req test-req
#:source-url ""
2022-10-08 08:35:35 +00:00
#:wikiname "test"
#:title "File:Example file"
#:media-detail test-media-detail
#:image-content-type "image/jpeg"))))))