import {q, ElemJS, ejs} from "./basic.js" import {store} from "./store/store.js" class ActiveGroupMarker extends ElemJS { constructor() { super(q("#c-group-marker")) store.activeGroup.subscribe("changeSelf", this.render.bind(this)) } render() { if (store.activeGroup.exists()) { const group = store.activeGroup.value()"opacity", 1)"transform", `translateY(${group.element.offsetTop}px)`) } else {"opacity", 0) } } } const activeGroupMarker = new ActiveGroupMarker() class Group extends ElemJS { constructor(key, data) { super("div") = data this.class("c-group") this.child( ( ? ejs("img").class("c-group__icon").attribute("src", : ejs("div").class("c-group__icon") ), ejs("div").class("c-group__name").text( ) this.on("click", this.onClick.bind(this)) store.activeGroup.subscribe("changeSelf", this.render.bind(this)) } render() { const active = store.activeGroup.value() === this this.element.classList[active ? "add" : "remove"]("c-group--active") } onClick() { store.activeGroup.set(this) } } class Room extends ElemJS { constructor(key, data) { super("div") = data this.class("c-room") this.child( ejs("div").class("c-room__icon"), ejs("div").class("c-room__name").text( ) this.on("click", this.onClick.bind(this)) store.activeRoom.subscribe("changeSelf", this.render.bind(this)) } onClick() { store.activeRoom.set(this) } render() { const active = store.activeRoom.value() === this this.element.classList[active ? "add" : "remove"]("c-room--active") } } class Rooms extends ElemJS { constructor() { super(q("#c-rooms")) this.roomData = [] this.rooms = [] store.rooms.subscribe("askAdd", this.askAdd.bind(this)) store.rooms.subscribe("changeItem", this.render.bind(this)) store.activeGroup.subscribe("changeSelf", this.render.bind(this)) this.render() } askAdd(event, {key, data}) { const room = new Room(key, data) store.rooms.addEnd(key, room) } render() { this.clearChildren() let first = null // set room list store.rooms.forEach((id, room) => { if (room.value() === store.activeGroup.value()) { if (!first) first = room.value() this.child(room.value()) } }) // if needed, change the active room to be an item in the room list if (!store.activeRoom.exists() || store.activeRoom.value() !== store.activeGroup.value()) { if (first) { store.activeRoom.set(first) } else { store.activeRoom.delete() } } } } const rooms = new Rooms() class Groups extends ElemJS { constructor() { super(q("#c-groups-list")) store.groups.subscribe("askAdd", this.askAdd.bind(this)) store.groups.subscribe("addItem", this.addItem.bind(this)) } askAdd(event, {key, data}) { const group = new Group(key, data) store.groups.addEnd(key, group) } addItem(event, key) { this.child(store.groups.get(key).value()) } } const groups = new Groups() ;[ { id: "directs", name: "Directs", icon: "/static/directs.svg" }, { id: "channels", name: "Channels", icon: "/static/channels.svg" }, { id: "123", name: "Fediverse Drama Museum" }, { id: "456", name: "Epicord" }, { id: "789", name: "Invidious" } ].forEach(data => store.groups.askAdd(, data)) ;[ {id: "001", name: "riley", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "002", name: "BadAtNames", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "003", name: "lynxano", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "004", name: "quarky", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "005", name: "lepton", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "006", name: "ash", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "007", name: "mewmew", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "008", name: "Toniob", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "009", name: "cockandball", group: store.groups.get("directs").value()}, {id: "010", name: "Carbon brainstorming", group: store.groups.get("channels").value()}, {id: "011", name: "Bibliogram", group: store.groups.get("channels").value()}, {id: "012", name: "Monsters Inc Debate Hall", group: store.groups.get("channels").value()}, {id: "013", name: "DRB clan", group: store.groups.get("channels").value()}, {id: "014", name: "mettaton simp zone", group: store.groups.get("channels").value()}, {id: "015", name: "witches", group: store.groups.get("123").value()}, {id: "016", name: "snouts", group: store.groups.get("123").value()}, {id: "017", name: "monads", group: store.groups.get("123").value()}, {id: "018", name: "radical", group: store.groups.get("123").value()}, {id: "019", name: "blobcat", group: store.groups.get("123").value()}, {id: "020", name: "main", group: store.groups.get("456").value()}, {id: "021", name: "gaming", group: store.groups.get("456").value()}, {id: "022", name: "inhalers", group: store.groups.get("456").value()}, {id: "023", name: "minecraft", group: store.groups.get("456").value()}, {id: "024", name: "osu", group: store.groups.get("456").value()}, {id: "025", name: "covid", group: store.groups.get("456").value()} ].forEach(data => store.rooms.askAdd(, data)) store.activeGroup.set(store.groups.get("directs").value())