const lsm = require("./lsm.js") function resolveMxc(url, size, method) { let [server, id] = url.match(/^mxc:\/\/([^/]+)\/(.*)/).slice(1) id = id.replace(/#.*$/, "") if (size && method) { return `${lsm.get("domain")}/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/${server}/${id}?width=${size}&height=${size}&method=${method}` } else { return `${lsm.get("domain")}/_matrix/media/r0/download/${server}/${id}` } } function extractLocalpart(mxid) { // try to extract the localpart from the mxid let match = mxid.match(/^@([^:]+):/) if (match) { return match[1] } // localpart extraction failed, use the whole mxid return mxid } function extractDisplayName(stateEvent) { const mxid = stateEvent.state_key // see if a display name is set if (stateEvent.content.displayname) { return stateEvent.content.displayname } // fall back to the mxid return extractLocalpart(mxid) } module.exports = { resolveMxc, extractLocalpart, extractDisplayName }