mixin group(name) .c-group .c-group__icon .c-group__name= name mixin room(name) .c-room .c-room__icon .c-room__name= name mixin message(name, messages) .c-message-group .c-message-group__avatar .c-message-group__icon .c-message-group__messages .c-message-group__name= name each message in messages .c-message= message doctype html html head meta(charset="utf-8") link(rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=getStatic("/sass/main.sass")) script(type="module" src=getStatic("/js/groups.js")) script(type="module" src=getStatic("/js/chat-input.js")) title Carbon body main.main .c-groups .c-groups__display#c-groups .c-groups__container +group("Directs") +group("Channels") +group("Fediverse Drama Museum") +group("Epicord") +group("Invidious") .c-rooms#c-rooms +room("Carbon brainstorming") +room("riley") +room("BadAtNames") +room("lepton") +room("cockandball") +room("Bibliogram") +room("Monsters Inc Debate Hall") +room("DRB clan") +room("mettaton simp zone") .c-chat .c-chat__messages .c-chat__inner +message("Cadence", [ `the second button is for rooms (gonna call them "channels to make discord users happy) that are not in a group (which will be most rooms - few people set up groups because they're so annoying, and many communities of people only need a single chatroom)`, `for now, please assume that current groups ("groups v1") will not be recognised by this client at all`, `so yeah, press the second button, you see all the ungrouped channels` ]) +message("Cadence", [ `hi riley feel free to catch up in your own time` ]) +message("riley", [ `henlo`, `wasuwasuwasuwasuuuuuup` ]) .c-chat-input textarea(placeholder="Send a message..." autocomplete="off").c-chat-input__textarea#c-chat-textarea