const {ElemJS} = require("../basic") const {lazyLoad} = require("../lazy-load-module") class HighlightedCode extends ElemJS { constructor(element) { super(element) if (this.element.tagName === "PRE" && this.element.children.length === 1 && this.element.children[0].tagName === "CODE") { // we shouldn't nest inside
. put the text in 
			const code = this.element.children[0]
			while (code.firstChild) {
		let shouldHighlight = (
			// if there are child _elements_, it's already formatted, we shouldn't mess that up
			this.element.children.length === 0
			  no need to highlight very short code blocks:
			  - content inside might not be code, some users still use code blocks
			  for plaintext quotes
			  - language detection will almost certainly be incorrect
			  - even if it's code and the language is detected, the user will
			  be able to mentally format small amounts of code themselves

			  feel free to change the threshold number
				&& this.element.textContent.length > 80
		if (shouldHighlight) {
			lazyLoad("").then(hljs => hljs.highlightBlock(this.element))

module.exports = {HighlightedCode}