const {ElemJS, ejs, q} = require("./basic") const {store} = require("./store/store") const lsm = require("./lsm") /** * Maximum number of typing users to display all names for. * More will be shown as "X users are typing". */ const maxUsers = 4 function getMemberName(mxid) { return store.activeRoom.value().getMemberName(mxid) } class Typing extends ElemJS { constructor() { super(q("#c-typing")) this.typingUnsubscribe = null this.message = ejs("span") this.child(this.message) store.activeRoom.subscribe("changeSelf", this.changeRoom.bind(this)) } changeRoom() { if (this.typingUnsubscribe) { this.typingUnsubscribe() this.typingUnsubscribe = null } if (!store.activeRoom.exists()) return const room = store.activeRoom.value() this.typingUnsubscribe = room.timeline.typing.subscribe("changeSelf", this.render.bind(this)) this.render() } render() { if (!store.activeRoom.exists()) return const room = store.activeRoom.value() let users = [] // don't show own typing status users = users.filter(u => u !== lsm.get("mx_user_id")) if (users.length === 0) { // nobody is typing this.removeClass("c-typing--typing") } else { let message = "" if (users.length === 1) { message = `${getMemberName(users[0])} is typing...` } else if (users.length <= maxUsers) { // feel free to rewrite this loop if you know a better way for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if (i < users.length-1) { message += `${getMemberName(users[i])}, ` } else { message += `and ${getMemberName(users[i])} are typing...` } } } else { message = `${users.length} people are typing...` } this.class("c-typing--typing") this.message.text(message) } } } new Typing()