341 lines
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341 lines
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# The Mac OS Updater
## Install macOS updates from the TUI.
import os; import time as clock
## app information
class app:
title = "The Mac OS Updater"
description = "Install macOS updates from the TUI."
version = 22.0616 ### YY.MMDD
## localization
class texts:
current_language = "en"
class screens:
class titles:
s_2_0 = 'Download macOS'
s_2_1 = 'Advanced Options'
s_2_2 = 'Beta Update Branch Removal'
s_2_2_1 = 'Disabling Beta Branch Search…'
class messages:
s_2_1 = 'Select the beta update branch to be included.'
s_2_2 = 'Do you want to remove the beta update branch when looking for updates? '
s_2_3 = 'Please read and agree to the lisence before to include the public beta update branch.'
s_2_4 = 'Please read and agree to the lisence before to include the developer beta update branch.'
class menus:
main = ['quit', 'refresh', 'install updates', 'download macOS', 'help']
s_2_0 = ['⬅︎' , 'refresh', 'advanced', 'download: Type an OS version number to download it.']
s_2_1 = ['⬅︎' , '🚫', 'beta release', 'developer release']
s_2_2 = ['⬅︎' , 'revert']
s_2_3 = ['⬅︎' , 'agree']
s_2_4 = ['⬅︎' , 'agree']
class status:
class checkCompatibility:
checking = 'Checking compatibility…'
done = ''
class errors:
class compatibility:
incompatibility = "There is no use running this outside macOS."
noSoftwareUpdater = "There is no CLI software updater. \nAre you using an old version of macOS?"
class quit:
terminationPrompt = "The program refuses to proceed, so it will be closed. \nTo continue, click enter or quit the program yourself."
class default:
syntaxerr = "There is a spelling mistake!"
typeerr = "Too bad, something couldn't be converted."
attributeerr = "Something was not linked in properly. "
class screens:
s_2_2_1: 'Sorry. You are still stuck with the beta branch search enabled. \nPress ^c to go back, and come back to this page to try again.'
## on Terminal outputs
### text formatting
class formatting:
clear = '\033[0m'
class color:
purple = '\033[95m'
cyan = '\033[96m'
cyan_dark = '\033[36m'
blue = '\033[94m'
green = '\033[92m'
yellow = '\033[93m'
red = '\033[91m'
class font:
bold = '\033[1m'
underline = '\033[4m'
### screen functions
def cls(times = 1): #### to clear screen
times = int(abs(times));
for _ in range(times):
ipy_str = str(type(get_ipython()))
if 'zmqshell' in ipy_str: from IPython.display import clear_output as clear; clear()
elif 'terminal' in ipy_str: clear
except NameError: ##### The user is running directly from the terminal, which is expected.
import os; return(os.system('clear'))
class info: ### screen messages
def status(message): print(formatting.font.bold + 'ℹ️\t' + formatting.clear + message)
def err(message): print(formatting.font.bold + formatting.color.red + '❌\t' + formatting.clear + formatting.clear + message)
def warning(message): print(formatting.font.bold + formatting.color.yellow + '⚠️\t' + formatting.clear + formatting.clear + message)
def success(message): print(formatting.font.bold + formatting.color.green + '✅\t' + formatting.clear + formatting.clear + message)
### terminate with fail function
def fail(message = '', displayAppInformation = True, critical = True):
import time;
if critical:
if displayAppInformation: operations.display_title_screen(); print('\n')
info.err(message); input('\n\n' + texts.errors.quit.terminationPrompt); raise KeyboardInterrupt
except KeyboardInterrupt: cls(); exit()
else: print(message)
class user: ## user data
class navigation: ### TLI data
screen = 0
response = ''
class window:
width = int((os.get_terminal_size()).columns)
lines = int((os.get_terminal_size()).lines)
except OSError:
width = False
lines = False
class compatibility: ### for operations.check_compatibility()
isRunningMacOS = (os.name =='posix' and not(os.system('cd /Applications')) and not(os.system('cd /Library')) and not(os.system('cd /System/Library')))
hasCLIUpdaterInstalled = not(os.system('softwareupdate --help >/dev/null 2>&1')) #### Check if softwareupdate command is there.
class shell:
try: #### determine Python type, if running in terminal, ipython, or jupyter
ipy_str = str(type(get_ipython()))
if 'zmqshell' in ipy_str: pythonType = 'jupyter'
elif 'terminal' in ipy_str: pythonType = 'ipython'
pythonType = 'terminal'
class operations: ## all operations
def display_title_screen(message = ''): ### display title screen and optional message
screenManager.menu.titleBar(app.title); print (app.description + '\nV' + str(app.version)) #### display app information
message = str(message).strip()
if message != '': print(message) #### display message
def check_compatibility(): ### compatibility check
import os
if user.compatibility.isRunningMacOS:
if user.compatibility.hasCLIUpdaterInstalled:
return True
fail(texts.errors.compatibility.noSoftwareUpdater); return False
fail(texts.errors.compatibility.noSoftwareUpdater); return False
class software:
def check_updates():
import os
return(os.system('softwareupdate -l'))
def check_OS_installers():
import os
return(os.system('softwareupdate --list-full-installers'))
class installer_branch:
def none():
import os; return(os.system('sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil unenroll'))
def publicBeta():
import os; return(os.system('sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil enroll PublicSeed'))
def privateBeta():
import os; return(os.system('sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil enroll DeveloperSeed'))
class screenManager: ## TLI
class graphical:
def horizontalLine(times = 1):
times = int(abs(times))
if times == 0:
times = 1
for _ in range(times):
if user.navigation.window.width != False:
totalText = ''
for _ in range(user.navigation.window.width): totalText = totalText + '—'
else: print('')
class menu: ### for menus
def titleBar(title):
title = title.strip()
titleLength = len(title)
totalText = ''
if user.navigation.window.width != False:
for _ in range(int(((user.navigation.window.width - titleLength)/2)-1)): totalText = totalText + '—'
totalText = (totalText + ' ')
totalText = (totalText + formatting.font.bold + title + formatting.clear)
if user.navigation.window.width != False:
totalText = (totalText + ' ')
for _ in range(int(((user.navigation.window.width - titleLength)/2)-1)): totalText = totalText + '—'
print(totalText); return(totalText)
def topMenu(menuShortcut, menuList, displayHorizontalLineBelow = True): #### bottom menu
entryNumber = 0; displayText = '|'
for menuItem in menuList:
entryNumber = menuList.index(menuItem)
if menuShortcut[entryNumber].strip() == '':
displayText = (displayText + menuItem + '|')
displayText = (displayText + formatting.font.bold + menuShortcut[entryNumber] + formatting.clear + ' ' + menuItem + '|')
if displayHorizontalLineBelow: screenManager.graphical.horizontalLine()
def inputMenu(menuShortcut, menuList, backSupported = True, passNumbers = False, passAnything = False): #### input
while True:
response = input()
response = response.strip()
except KeyboardInterrupt: ##### User cancelled.
if backSupported: return -1;
else: print("", end="\r") ##### Loop again.
if response in menuShortcut or response in menuList or passAnything:
elif passNumbers:
try: response = float(response)
except: print("", end="\r")
else: return(response)
else: print("", end="\r")
def promptMenu(promptTitle, promptDescription, promptOptions, promptShortcuts, canCancel = True, extraInputAllowed = False, numbersAllowed = False):
if user.navigation.window.lines != False:
for _ in range((user.navigation.window.lines)/4): print('')
else: print('\n\n')
screenManager.menu.topMenu(promptShortcuts, promptOptions)
user.navigation.response = screenManager.menu.inputMenu(promptShortcuts, promptOptions, canCancel, numbersAllowed, extraInputAllowed)
def redefineDimensions():
try: user.navigation.window.width = int((os.get_terminal_size()).columns)
except OSError: user.navigation.window.width = False
try: user.navigation.window.lines = int((os.get_terminal_size()).lines)
except OSError: user.navigation.window.lines = False
def do():
while user.navigation.screen >= 0:
cls(); screenManager.redefineDimensions()
if user.navigation.screen < 1: ### when opened
if user.navigation.screen == 0:
user.navigation.screen = 0.1
elif user.navigation.screen == 0.1:
if operations.check_compatibility(): user.navigation.screen = 1
elif user.navigation.screen < 2:
if user.navigation.screen == 1:
menuShortcut = ['^c', 'r', 'i', 'd', '?']
screenManager.menu.titleBar(app.title); screenManager.menu.topMenu(menuShortcut, texts.menus.main)
user.navigation.response = screenManager.menu.inputMenu(menuShortcut, texts.menus.main)
if user.navigation.response == -1 or user.navigation.response == '^c':
user.navigation.screen = -1
elif user.navigation.response == 'd':
user.navigation.screen = 2
elif user.navigation.screen < 3: ### full installer downloader, necessary and recommended to upgrade the OS
if user.navigation.screen == 2:
menuShortcut = ['^c', 'r', 'A', '']
screenManager.menu.titleBar(texts.screens.titles.s_2_0); screenManager.menu.topMenu(menuShortcut, texts.menus.s_2_0)
user.navigation.response = screenManager.menu.inputMenu(menuShortcut, texts.menus.s_2_0, True, True)
if user.navigation.response == -1 or user.navigation.response == '^c':
user.navigation.screen = 1
elif user.navigation.response == 'A':
user.navigation.screen = 2.1
elif user.navigation.screen == 2.1:
menuShortcut = ['^c', 'n', 'b', 'D']
screenManager.menu.promptMenu(texts.screens.titles.s_2_1, texts.screens.messages.s_2_1, texts.menus.s_2_1, menuShortcut)
if user.navigation.response == -1 or user.navigation.response == '^c':
user.navigation.screen = 2
elif user.navigation.response == 'n' or user.navigation.response == '🚫':
user.navigation.screen = 2.2
elif user.navigation.screen == 2.2:
menuShortcut = ['^c', '']
screenManager.menu.promptMenu(texts.screens.titles.s_2_2, texts.screens.messages.s_2_2, texts.menus.s_2_2, menuShortcut)
if user.navigation.response == -1 or user.navigation.response == '^c':
user.navigation.screen = 2.1
elif user.navigation.response == '' or user.navigation.response == 'revert':
user.navigation.screen == 2.21
elif user.navigation.screen == 2.21:
if (operations.software.installer_branch.none()):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
user.navigation.screen = 2.1
user.navigation.screen = 2.1
if user.navigation.screen == -1:
def main():
except SyntaxError as e: fail(texts.errors.default.syntaxerr + '\n' + str(e))
except NameError as e: fail(texts.errors.default.syntaxerr + '\n' + str(e))
except IndentationError as e: fail(texts.errors.default.syntaxerr + '\n' + str(e))
except TypeError as e: fail(texts.errors.default.typeerr + '\n' + str(e))
except AttributeError as e: fail(texts.errors.default.attributeerr + '\n' + str(e))