# 👋🏼 Hi, I’m @buzz.lightsnack.2007! ## 👀 I’m interested in… ### Tech - rambling about tech news to my (uninterested) younger brother - creating websites - using MIT’s App Inventor to create cool Android softwares - creating programs via Apple’s Automator - editing videos ### Others... - reading fiction novels - Pixar fan - enjoys watching video essays - ONCE (TWICE fan) ## 🌱 I’m currently learning… - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Python - AppleScript ## 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on… - open-source projects to speed up one’s workflow - developing websites for nonprofits and open-source projects ## 📫 How to reach me - Email: kendrichhansly _plus_ git _at_ gmail _dot_ com - Element: 1d9ofmg6z _at_ relay _dot_ firefox _dot_ com - Instagram: buzz.lightsnack.2007