
214 lines
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// compass system information
let compass_info = {
"version" : 2022.1211,
// compass data and settings
let compass_data = {
"configuration" : {
"modes" : {
"previous" : "",
"current" : "measurement",
"measurement" : "number",
"loading" : false,
"errored" : false,
"data" : {
"measurement" : 0,
"direction" : ArrowNames.North,
function compass_calibrate() {
This triggers calibration.
Parameters: none
Returns: none
// Enter calibration mode, saving the previous mode.
compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["previous"] = compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["current"]
compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["current"] = "calibrate"
compass_data["configuration"]["loading"] = true
try {
// Calibrate the compass.
catch (_) {
// Warn that an error has occured.
compass_data["configuration"]["errored"] = true
finally {
// Exit calibration mode, restoring previous mode state.
compass_data["configuration"]["loading"] = false
compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["current"] = compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["previous"]
compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["previous"] = "calibrate"
function measurement_update() {
Record the new measurement.
Parameters: none
Returns: (float) heading in degrees
// Get the new measurement.
compass_data["data"]["measurement"] = input.compassHeading()
// Return the new measurement.
return compass_data["data"]["measurement"]
function measurement_arrow_update(angle: any = null) {
Display the correct directional arrow.
angle: (float) the heading
Returns: (enum) directional arrow
// Automatically fill the angle value, if it isn't provided.
if (angle == null) {
angle = compass_data["data"]["measurement"]
// Check if the angle is negative. If it is, get the correct positive equivalent.
if (angle < 0) {
angle = 360 + angle
// Check which range it falls under. (Items are clockwise.)
let direction_ranges = [angle < 22.5 || angle > 337.5, angle >= 22.5 && angle <= 67.5, angle > 67.5 && angle < 112.5, angle >= 112.5 && angle <= 157.5, angle > 157.5 && angle < 202.5, angle >= 202.5 && angle <= 247.5, angle > 247.5 && angle < 292.5, angle >= 292.5 && angle <= 337.5]
// This is the list of directions.
let directions = [ArrowNames.North, ArrowNames.NorthEast, ArrowNames.East, ArrowNames.SouthEast, ArrowNames.South, ArrowNames.SouthWest, ArrowNames.West, ArrowNames.NorthWest]
// Set the correct direction.
compass_data["data"]["direction"] = directions[_py.py_array_index(direction_ranges, true)]
// Return the direction.
return compass_data["data"]["direction"]
function modes_measure_toggle(mode_measure_new: any = null) {
Toggle between the compass modes.
mode_measure_new: (str) the new mode
Returns: (str) the new mode
// valid modes of measurement
let mode_measure = ["number", "arrow"]
let mode_measure_current_index = _py.py_array_index(mode_measure, compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"])
if (mode_measure_new) {
if (mode_measure.indexOf(mode_measure_new) >= 0) {
compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"] = mode_measure_new
} else {
mode_measure_current_index = +1
// Check if it exceeds the maximum.
if (mode_measure_current_index >= mode_measure.length) {
// If so, revert it back to zero.
mode_measure_current_index = 0
// Apply the new mode.
compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"] = mode_measure[mode_measure_current_index]
// Return the new mode.
return compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"]
function LEDs_update(status: string = null) {
let x: number;
Update the LEDs to display the corresponding pattern.
status: (str) the pattern
Returns: none
// Check if there is a custom status input.
if (status == null) {
// Check if an error has occured.
if (compass_data["configuration"]["errored"]) {
status = "error"
} else {
// Otherwise, the current mode might be the basis.
status = compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["current"]
if (status == "error") {
// Display that an error has occured simply through an exclamation mark.
} else if (status == "measurement") {
// measurement display
if (compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"] == "number") {
// Display the numerical data.
if (compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"] == "arrow") {
// Display the arrow.
} else {
// Display the loading screen while the current screen is still present.
while (compass_data["configuration"]["loading"]) {
// plot
for (x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
led.plot(x, 2)
// unplot
for (x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
led.unplot(x, 2)
function startup() {
startup script
Parameters: none
Returns: none
input.onButtonPressed(Button.AB, function on_button_pressed_ab() {
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function on_button_pressed_a() {
basic.forever(function on_forever() {
// Update the measurements.
if (compass_data["configuration"]["modes"]["measurement"] == "arrow") {