diff --git a/patches/customtheme/1180.patch b/patches/customtheme/1180.patch
index e69de29..8b67e43 100644
--- a/patches/customtheme/1180.patch
+++ b/patches/customtheme/1180.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+diff -crB from/res/drawable/drawable_bg_corners_20dp.xml to/res/drawable/drawable_bg_corners_20dp.xml
+*** from/res/drawable/drawable_bg_corners_20dp.xml 2020-06-20 04:18:48.131397789 +0100
+--- to/res/drawable/drawable_bg_corners_20dp.xml 2020-06-20 04:42:54.845439247 +0100
+*** 1,6 ****
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- 1,6 ----
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff -crB from/res/drawable/drawable_circle_black.xml to/res/drawable/drawable_circle_black.xml
+*** from/res/drawable/drawable_circle_black.xml 2020-06-20 04:18:48.845392566 +0100
+--- to/res/drawable/drawable_circle_black.xml 2020-06-20 04:42:54.845439247 +0100
+*** 1,5 ****
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- 1,5 ----
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff -crB from/res/drawable/drawable_overlay_channels_active_dark.xml to/res/drawable/drawable_overlay_channels_active_dark.xml
+*** from/res/drawable/drawable_overlay_channels_active_dark.xml 2020-06-20 04:18:48.243396970 +0100
+--- to/res/drawable/drawable_overlay_channels_active_dark.xml 2020-06-20 04:42:54.845439247 +0100
+*** 3,9 ****
+ xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
+ -
+--- 3,9 ----
+ xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
+ -
+diff -crB from/res/values/colors.xml to/res/values/colors.xml
+*** from/res/values/colors.xml 2020-06-20 04:18:49.599387051 +0100
+--- to/res/values/colors.xml 2020-06-20 04:42:54.845439247 +0100
+*** 105,114 ****
+ #1f000000
+ #90000000
+ #de000000
+! #ff36393e
+! #ff303337
+ #14000000
+! #ff121212
+ #ffcf6679
+ #ffffffff
+ #ff000000
+--- 105,114 ----
+ #1f000000
+ #90000000
+ #de000000
+! #ff000000
+! #ff000000
+ #14000000
+! #ff000000
+ #ffcf6679
+ #ffffffff
+ #ff000000
+*** 120,126 ****
+ #ff3700b3
+ #ff03dac6
+ #ff03dac6
+! #ff121212
+ #ffffffff
+ #ffb00020
+ #ff000000
+--- 120,126 ----
+ #ff3700b3
+ #ff03dac6
+ #ff03dac6
+! #ff000000
+ #ffffffff
+ #ffb00020
+ #ff000000
+*** 165,172 ****
+ #4d737f8d
+ #ff949494
+ #0d4f545c
+! #ff282b30
+! #ff8a8e94
+ #6680cbc4
+ #66009688
+ #ff9c84ef
+--- 165,172 ----
+ #4d737f8d
+ #ff949494
+ #0d4f545c
+! #ff000000
+! #ff000000
+ #6680cbc4
+ #66009688
+ #ff9c84ef
+*** 176,182 ****
+ #ff45ddc0
+ #ff45ddc0
+ #ff021f25
+! #ff00b0f4
+ #fff2fbfe
+ #ffe8f8fe
+ #ffdaf4fd
+--- 176,182 ----
+ #ff45ddc0
+ #ff45ddc0
+ #ff021f25
+! #ff50f148
+ #fff2fbfe
+ #ffe8f8fe
+ #ffdaf4fd
+*** 264,283 ****
+ #ff72767d
+ #4d72767d
+ #9972767d
+! #ff4f545c
+! #334f545c
+! #4d4f545c
+! #514f545c
+! #994f545c
+ #ff40444b
+! #ff36393f
+! #9936393f
+! #ff2f3136
+! #992f3136
+! #e62f3136
+! #ff292b2f
+! #ff202225
+! #99202225
+ #ff18191c
+ #8018191c
+ #9918191c
+--- 264,283 ----
+ #ff72767d
+ #4d72767d
+ #9972767d
+! #ff333333
+! #330f0f0f
+! #4d0f0f0f
+! #510f0f0f
+! #990f0f0f
+ #ff40444b
+! #ff000000
+! #99000000
+! #ff000000
+! #99000000
+! #e6000000
+! #ff000000
+! #ff000000
+! #990f0f0f
+ #ff18191c
+ #8018191c
+ #9918191c
+*** 302,311 ****
+ #ff4f545c
+ #ff484c54
+ #ff40444b
+! #ff36393f
+! #ff2f3136
+ #ff292b2f
+! #ff202225
+ #ff1e1f22
+ #ff1b1d20
+ #ff18191c
+--- 302,311 ----
+ #ff4f545c
+ #ff484c54
+ #ff40444b
+! #ff000000
+! #ff000000
+ #ff292b2f
+! #ff000000
+ #ff1e1f22
+ #ff1b1d20
+ #ff18191c
+*** 351,359 ****
+ #de000000
+ #4dffffff
+ #39000000
+! #ff738bd7
+! #1a738bd7
+! #ff697ec4
+ #ffc9d2f0
+ #ff5161ff
+ #4d5c6a9e
+--- 351,359 ----
+ #de000000
+ #4dffffff
+ #39000000
+! #ff9c4249
+! #1a9c4249
+! #ff000000
+ #ffc9d2f0
+ #ff5161ff
+ #4d5c6a9e
+*** 492,498 ****
+ #ffbdbdbd
+ #ffbdbdbd
+ #fff1f1f1
+! #e6616161
+ #e6ffffff
+ @android:color/transparent
+ #ff593695
+--- 492,498 ----
+ #ffbdbdbd
+ #ffbdbdbd
+ #fff1f1f1
+! #e6000000
+ #e6ffffff
+ @android:color/transparent
+ #ff593695
+diff -crB from/res/values/styles.xml to/res/values/styles.xml
+*** from/res/values/styles.xml 2020-06-20 04:18:49.557387358 +0100
+--- to/res/values/styles.xml 2020-06-20 04:42:54.847439234 +0100
+*** 402,408 ****
+ - @color/white_alpha_40
+ - @drawable/ic_backspace_white_24dp
+ - @color/primary_500
+! - #ff34373c
+ - @color/grey_unread
+ - @color/primary_630
+ - @color/grey_account
+--- 402,408 ----
+ - @color/white_alpha_40
+ - @drawable/ic_backspace_white_24dp
+ - @color/primary_500
+! - @color/primary_500
+ - @color/grey_unread
+ - @color/primary_630
+ - @color/grey_account
+*** 414,426 ****
+ - @color/chat_input_button_tint_colors_dark
+ - @drawable/drawable_rect_rounded_dark
+ - @color/dark_grey_2_alpha_10
+! - #ff3e4145
+ - @drawable/ic_img_selected_dark_theme
+ - @color/white
+! - #1afaa61a
+ - @drawable/drawable_bg_reaction_dark
+ - @drawable/drawable_reaction_text_color_dark
+! - @color/primary_700
+ - @color/white_alpha_10
+ - @color/primary_600
+ - @drawable/ic_emoji_activity_dark
+--- 414,426 ----
+ - @color/chat_input_button_tint_colors_dark
+ - @drawable/drawable_rect_rounded_dark
+ - @color/dark_grey_2_alpha_10
+! - @color/primary_600
+ - @drawable/ic_img_selected_dark_theme
+ - @color/white
+! - @color/purple_brand_alpha_10
+ - @drawable/drawable_bg_reaction_dark
+ - @drawable/drawable_reaction_text_color_dark
+! - @color/primary_500
+ - @color/white_alpha_10
+ - @color/primary_600
+ - @drawable/ic_emoji_activity_dark
+*** 832,838 ****
+ - @color/brand_500
+ - @color/primary_100
+ - @color/primary_600
+! - #ff2b2e31