# Maintainer: MedzikUser pkgname='codium' provides=('vscodium') conflicts=('vscodium') pkgdesc='Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode without MS branding/telemetry/licensing' pkgver="" pkgrel=1 arch=('x86_64') microsofturl='https://github.com/microsoft/vscode' url="https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium" license=('MIT') # Important: Remember to check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/master/.yarnrc (choose correct tag) for target electron version _electron='electron18' depends=("${_electron}" 'libsecret' 'libx11' 'libxkbfile' 'ripgrep') makedepends=('nodejs-lts-gallium' 'npm' 'yarn' 'gulp' 'jq' 'libxdmcp' 'git' 'git-lfs' 'patch' 'python' 'pkg-config') optdepends=('gvfs: For move to trash functionality' 'libdbusmenu-glib: For KDE global menu' 'x11-ssh-askpass: SSH authentication' 'org.freedesktop.secrets: Keyring password store support' 'codium-features: Unblock some features in VSCodium' 'codium-marketplace: Enable VS-Code marketplace in VSCodium') source=("vscodium::git+${url}#tag=${pkgver}" "vscode::git+${microsofturl}#tag=${pkgver}" "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgname}-uri-handler.desktop" "${pkgname}.js" "${pkgname}.sh") sha256sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' 'c1339ef39bb4a3b4d79cedb0b5a9837b95259424677eb6483e38eb02fbf7a485' 'cbbb81153ae784d08c20b450c172f6068501558487c6ea8d587506594d6828fe' '8163558373e5093988717a5e576003718713a6aa97b62ef68f077badddbead03' 'a23f31a316fa2965fab5333f748388854935fb9e23fa1a6ea0e88e323909aee4') # Even though we don't officially support other archs, let's allow the # user to use this PKGBUILD to compile the package for their architecture. case "${CARCH}" in x86_64) _vscode_arch=x64 ;; aarch64) _vscode_arch=arm64 ;; armv7h) _vscode_arch=arm ;; *) # Needed for mksrcinfo _vscode_arch=DUMMY ;; esac prepare() { # Change electron binary name to the target electron sed -i "s|exec electron |exec ${_electron} |" ${pkgname}.sh sed -i "s|#!/usr/bin/electron|#!/usr/bin/${_electron}|" ${pkgname}.js # Move vscode repo cd "vscodium" # Normally, we would execute get_repo.sh to clone the Microsoft repo here, but makepkg can't do this. # So we rely on the clone that happened earlier, and move the git directory to the expected place. rm -rf 'vscode' mv '../vscode' 'vscode' } _setup_nvm() { # Set a temporary NVM directory to make sure the nvm in this script does not clash with a system-wide nvm install export NVM_DIR="${srcdir}/.nvm" source /usr/share/nvm/init-nvm.sh || [[ $? != 1 ]] # TODO: Remove this when VSCodium adds the .nvmrc file if [ ! -f .nvmrc ] then echo "v14.19.0" > .nvmrc fi # TODO: End remove this # Install the correct version of NodeJS (read from .nvmrc) nvm install $(cat .nvmrc) nvm use # Check if the correct version of node is being used if [[ "$(node --version)" != "$(cat .nvmrc)" ]] then echo "Using the wrong version of NodeJS! Expected ["$(cat .nvmrc)"] but using ["$(node --version)"]." exit 1 fi } build() { cd "vscodium" # Export some environment variables that would normally be set by Travis CI export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" export VSCODE_ARCH="${_vscode_arch}" export OS_NAME="linux" export LATEST_MS_COMMIT=$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1) export LATEST_MS_TAG=$(git describe --tags "${LATEST_MS_COMMIT}") # Disable building rpm, deb, and AppImage packages which are not needed in an AUR build export SKIP_LINUX_PACKAGES="True" # Install Node.js (using nvm) #_setup_nvm # Build ./build.sh } package() { cd "vscodium/VSCode-linux-${_vscode_arch}" # Install resource files install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}" cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode resources/app/* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/" # Replace statically included binary with system copy ln -sf /usr/bin/rg "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/node_modules.asar.unpacked/@vscode/ripgrep/bin/rg" # Install bash and zsh completions install -Dm 644 "resources/completions/bash/${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/${pkgname}" install -Dm 644 "resources/completions/zsh/_${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_${pkgname}" install -Dm 644 "resources/app/resources/linux/code.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png" # Install start scripts cd "${srcdir}" install -Dm 755 "${pkgname}.sh" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" install -Dm 755 "${pkgname}.js" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/${pkgname}.js" # Install appdata and desktop files install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/{${pkgname},applications,pixmaps}" install -Dm 644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" install -Dm 644 "${pkgname}-uri-handler.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}-uri-handler.desktop" }