#!/bin/bash # Commit changes to Git. : "${GIT_COMMIT_PACKAGES:=false}" # Push changes to remote. : "${GIT_PUSH_PACKAGES:=false}" SCRIPT_DIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")" SRC_DIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "${SCRIPT_DIR}")")" source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/parse-conf.sh" compare_version() { if $(${SCRIPT_DIR}/compare-versions.py "${1}" "${2}") then return 0 # true - update needed else return 1 # false - update not needed fi } update-package() { local pkgdir="${1}" local pkgname="$(basename ${pkgdir})" if [ ! -f "${pkgdir}/built.conf" ] then return 0 fi eval "$(parse-conf ${pkgdir})" cd "${SRC_DIR}" # check the package updates from AUR if [ ! -f "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" ] then if [ -n "${AUR_NAME}" ] then if [ -n "${AUR_PKGBASE}" ] then local latest_version="latest" local last_updated="$(git ls-remote --quiet https://aur.archlinux.org/${AUR_NAME}.git refs/heads/master | awk '{print $1}')" else local latest_version="$(curl --location --silent "https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg=${AUR_NAME}" | jq -r '.results[0].Version')" local last_updated="$(curl --location --silent "https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg=${AUR_NAME}" | jq -r '.results[0].LastModified')" fi local version="${AUR_UPDATED}" if [[ -z "${last_updated}" || "${last_updated}" = "null" ]] then echo "[!] Failed to get latest version of ${pkgname}" return 1 fi if [ "${version}" = "${last_updated}" ] then return 0 fi sed -i "s|^\(AUR_UPDATED=\)\(.*\)\$|\1\"${last_updated}\"|g" "${pkgdir}/built.conf" if [ "${GIT_COMMIT_PACKAGES}" = "true" ] then git add "${pkgdir}/built.conf" git commit -m "upgpkg: '${pkgname}' to '${latest_version}'" fi echo "[i] Updated '${pkgname}' to '${latest_version}'" return 0 fi fi if [ -f "${pkgdir}/built.conf" ] then # check the package updates from github if [ -n "${GITHUB_REPO}" ] then # check latest version if [ "${GITHUB_TAG}" = "true" ] then local latest_version="$(curl --location --silent -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/tags" | jq -r '.[0].name')" else local latest_version="$(curl --silent --location -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases/latest" | jq -r ".tag_name")" fi if [[ -z "${latest_version}" || "${latest_version}" = "null" ]] then echo "[!] Failed to get latest version of ${pkgname}" return 1 fi custom_vars=$( . "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" echo "local version=${pkgver}" ) eval "${custom_vars}" # Translate "_" into ".": some packages use underscores to seperate # version numbers, but we require them to be separated by dots. latest_version=${latest_version//_/.} # Remove leading 'v' or 'r' latest_version=${latest_version#[v,r]} # Translate "-" into ".": pacman does not support - in pkgver latest_version=${latest_version//-/.} if ! $(compare_version "${version}" "${latest_version}") then return 0 fi sed -i "s|^\(pkgver=\)\(.*\)\$|\1\"${latest_version}\"|g" "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" sed -i "s|^\(pkgrel=\)\(.*\)\$|\11|g" "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" # Update package checksums cd "${pkgdir}" chown -R build . su -c 'updpkgsums' build cd "${SRC_DIR}" if [ "${GIT_COMMIT_PACKAGES}" = "true" ] then git add "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" git commit -m "upgpkg: '${pkgname}' to '${latest_version}'" fi echo "[i] Updated '${pkgname}' to '${latest_version}'" return 0 fi if [ -n "${NPM}" ] then local latest_version="$(curl --location --silent "https://unpkg.com/${NPM}/package.json" | jq -r ".version")" if [[ -z "${latest_version}" || "${latest_version}" = "null" ]] then echo "[!] Failed to get latest version of ${pkgname}" return 1 fi custom_vars=$( . "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" echo "local version=${pkgver}" ) eval "${custom_vars}" if ! $(compare_version "${version}" "${latest_version}") then return 0 fi sed -i "s|^\(pkgver=\)\(.*\)\$|\1\"${latest_version}\"|g" "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" sed -i "s|^\(pkgrel=\)\(.*\)\$|\11|g" "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" # Update package checksums cd "${pkgdir}" chown -R build . su -c 'updpkgsums' build cd "${SRC_DIR}" if [ "${GIT_COMMIT_PACKAGES}" = "true" ] then git add "${pkgdir}/PKGBUILD" git commit -m "upgpkg: '${pkgname}' to '${latest_version}'" fi echo "[i] Updated '${pkgname}' to '${latest_version}'" return 0 fi fi } if [ -n "${1}" ] then update-package "./packages/${1}" update-package "./long-built/${1}" exit 0 fi for pkgdir in ./packages/* ./long-built/* do update-package "${pkgdir}" EXIT_CODE="${?}" if ! (( ${EXIT_CODE} )) then if [ "${GIT_PUSH_PACKAGES}" = "true" ] then git pull --rebase &> /dev/null git push &> /dev/null fi else echo "[!] Failed to update package '$(basename ${pkgdir})'" fi done