
74 lines
4.9 KiB

#lang racket/base
(require net/http-easy
; timeout durations for http-easy requests
; generates a consistent template for wiki page content to sit in
(module+ test
(require rackunit
(define timeouts (make-timeout-config #:lease 5 #:connect 5))
(define (generate-wiki-page source-url wikiname title content)
(define (required-styles origin)
(map (λ (dest-path) (format dest-path origin))
; combine the above entries into a single request for potentially extra speed - doesn't even do this!
(meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")))
(title ,(format "~a | ~a" title (config-get 'application-name)))
(style ":root { --theme-page-background-color: #dfdfe0 }") ; fallback in case styles don't load fast enough
,@(map (λ (url)
`(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href ,url))))
(required-styles (format "" wikiname)))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href "/static/main.css"))))
(body (@ (class "skin-fandomdesktop theme-fandomdesktop-light"))
(div (@ (class "main-container"))
(div (@ (class "fandom-community-header__background tileHorizontally header")))
(div (@ (class "page"))
(main (@ (class "page__main"))
(div (@ (class "custom-top"))
(h1 (@ (class "page-title")) ,title)
(nav (@ (class "sitesearch"))
(form (@ (action ,(format "/~a/search" wikiname)))
(label "Search "
(input (@ (type "text") (name "q")))))))
(div (@ (id "content") #;(class "page-content"))
(div (@ (id "mw-content-text"))
(footer (@ (class "custom-footer"))
(div (@ (class "custom-footer__cols"))
(img (@ (class "my-logo") (src "/static/breezewiki.svg"))))
(a (@ (href ""))
,(format "~a source code" (config-get 'application-name))))
(a (@ (href ""))
"Discussions / Bug reports / Feature requests"))
,(if (config-get 'instance-is-official)
`(p ,(format "This instance is run by the ~a developer, " (config-get 'application-name))
(a (@ (href ""))
,(format "This unofficial instance is based off the ~a source code, but is not controlled by the code developer." (config-get 'application-name)))))
(p "This page displays proxied content from "
(a (@ (href ,source-url) (rel "noreferrer")) ,source-url)
". Text content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported), "
(a (@ (href "")) "see license info.")
" Media files may have different copying restrictions.")
(p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application-name))))))))))))
(module+ test
(check-not-false (xexp->html (generate-wiki-page "" "test" "test" '(template)))))