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3 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
710d7d6faa Only display footer in column if space's available
Otherwise it would cause an overflow e.g. on mobile
2022-09-04 13:10:28 +02:00
Simplify files even more
- breezewiki.rkt now always sets up the hot-reload watcher
- dispatcher logic moved to dispatcher-tree.rkt
- dispatcher-tree is a macro that doesn't care about the order of its forms
2022-09-04 22:13:36 +12:00
Rename config options to use underscores
Makes more sense for the INI.
2022-09-04 13:38:30 +12:00
8 changed files with 76 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(require web-server/servlet-dispatch
(prefix-in pathprocedure: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-pathprocedure)
(prefix-in sequencer: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-sequencer)
(prefix-in lift: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-lift)
(prefix-in filter: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-filter)
(define-syntax-rule (require-reloadable filename varname)
@ -20,8 +17,6 @@
(require-reloadable "src/page-static.rkt" static-dispatcher)
(require-reloadable "src/page-wiki.rkt" page-wiki)
(when (not (config-true? 'debug))
(set-reload-poll-interval! #f))
(define ch (make-channel))
@ -31,13 +26,14 @@
#:port (string->number (config-get 'port))
(λ (quit)
(channel-put ch (lambda () (semaphore-post quit)))
(pathprocedure:make "/" page-home)
(pathprocedure:make "/proxy" page-proxy)
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/Category:.+$" (lift:make page-category))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/.+$" (lift:make page-wiki))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/search$" (lift:make page-search))
(lift:make page-not-found)))))
; order of these does not matter
(define server-t (thread start))
(define quit (channel-get ch))

View file

@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(require web-server/servlet-dispatch
(prefix-in pathprocedure: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-pathprocedure)
(prefix-in sequencer: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-sequencer)
(prefix-in lift: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-lift)
(prefix-in filter: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-filter)
(require (only-in "src/page-category.rkt" page-category))
(require (only-in "src/page-home.rkt" page-home))
@ -19,11 +15,12 @@
#:listen-ip (if (config-true? 'debug) "" #f)
#:port (string->number (config-get 'port))
(λ (quit)
(pathprocedure:make "/" page-home)
(pathprocedure:make "/proxy" page-proxy)
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/Category:.+$" (lift:make page-category))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/.+$" (lift:make page-wiki))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/search$" (lift:make page-search))
(lift:make page-not-found))))
; order of these does not matter

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")))
(title ,(format "~a | ~a" title (config-get 'application-name)))
(title ,(format "~a | ~a" title (config-get 'application_name)))
(style ":root { --theme-page-background-color: #dfdfe0 }") ; fallback in case styles don't load fast enough
,@(map (λ (url)
`(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href ,url))))
@ -53,22 +53,22 @@
(img (@ (class "my-logo") (src "/static/breezewiki.svg"))))
(a (@ (href ""))
,(format "~a source code" (config-get 'application-name))))
,(format "~a source code" (config-get 'application_name))))
(a (@ (href ""))
"Discussions / Bug reports / Feature requests"))
,(if (config-get 'instance-is-official)
`(p ,(format "This instance is run by the ~a developer, " (config-get 'application-name))
,(if (config-get 'instance_is_official)
`(p ,(format "This instance is run by the ~a developer, " (config-get 'application_name))
(a (@ (href ""))
,(format "This unofficial instance is based off the ~a source code, but is not controlled by the code developer." (config-get 'application-name)))))
,(format "This unofficial instance is based off the ~a source code, but is not controlled by the code developer." (config-get 'application_name)))))
(p "This page displays proxied content from "
(a (@ (href ,source-url) (rel "noreferrer")) ,source-url)
". Text content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported), "
(a (@ (href "")) "see license info.")
" Media files may have different copying restrictions.")
(p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application-name))))))))))))
(p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application_name))))))))))))
(module+ test
(check-not-false (xexp->html (generate-wiki-page "" "test" "test" '(template)))))

View file

@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
(hash-ref config key))
(define default-config
'((port . "10416")
'((application_name . "BreezeWiki")
(canonical_origin . "")
(debug . "false")
(instance-is-official . "false") ; please don't turn this on, or you will make me very upset
(application-name . "BreezeWiki")))
(instance_is_official . "false") ; please don't turn this on, or you will make me very upset
(port . "10416")))
(define config

src/dispatcher-tree.rkt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base)
(prefix-in pathprocedure: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-pathprocedure)
(prefix-in sequencer: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-sequencer)
(prefix-in lift: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-lift)
(prefix-in filter: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-filter))
; syntax to make the hashmap from names
; procedure to make the tree from the hashmap
; make a hashmap out of the provided names and call make-dispatcher-tree with it
(define-syntax (dispatcher-tree stx)
; the arguments, which are names of dispatcher variables
(define names (cdr (syntax->list stx)))
; map each name to syntax of a '(name . ,name)
(define alist (map (λ (xe) ; xe is the syntax of a name
; return instead syntax of a cons cell
(datum->syntax stx `(cons ',xe ,xe)))
; make syntax to make the hash
(define ds (datum->syntax stx `(make-hasheq (list ,@alist))))
; don't forget that I'm returning *code* - return a call to the function
(datum->syntax stx `(make-dispatcher-tree ,ds)))
(define (make-dispatcher-tree ds)
(pathprocedure:make "/" (hash-ref ds 'page-home))
(pathprocedure:make "/proxy" (hash-ref ds 'page-proxy))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/Category:.+$" (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-category)))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/wiki/.+$" (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-wiki)))
(filter:make #rx"^/[a-z-]+/search$" (lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-search)))
(hash-ref ds 'static-dispatcher)
(lift:make (hash-ref ds 'page-not-found))))

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
(define data (easy:response-json dest-res))
(define body (generate-results-page dest-url wikiname prefixed-category data))
(when (config-get 'debug)
(when (config-true? 'debug)
; used for its side effects
; convert to string with error checking, error will be raised if xexp is invalid
(xexp->html body))

View file

@ -56,20 +56,20 @@
(footer (@ (class "custom-footer"))
(div (@ (class "internal-footer"))
(img (@ (class "my-logo") (src "/static/breezewiki.svg")))
,(if (config-get 'instance-is-official)
,(if (config-get 'instance_is_official)
(p ,(format "This instance is run by the ~a developer, " (config-get 'application-name))
(p ,(format "This instance is run by the ~a developer, " (config-get 'application_name))
(a (@ (href ""))
(p "Hosting generously provided by "
(a (@ (href ""))
,(format "This unofficial instance is based off the ~a source code, but is not controlled by the code developer." (config-get 'application-name))))
,(format "This unofficial instance is based off the ~a source code, but is not controlled by the code developer." (config-get 'application_name))))
(p "Text content on wikis run by Fandom is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported), "
(a (@ (href "")) "see license info.")
" Media files and official Fandom documents have different copying restrictions.")
(p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application-name)))))))))))
(p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application_name)))))))))))
(module+ test
(check-not-false (xexp->html body)))

View file

@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ p {
.custom-footer__cols {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
@media (min-width: 560px) {
.custom-footer__cols {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
.my-logo {
margin-bottom: 8px;