#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/draw racket/format racket/list racket/port racket/set racket/splicing racket/string db net/http-easy memo (only-in racket/gui timer%) racket/gui/easy racket/gui/easy/operator (only-in pict bitmap) images/icons/arrow images/icons/control images/icons/stickman images/icons/style images/icons/symbol "archiver-database.rkt" "archiver.rkt" "../lib/url-utils.rkt" "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt") (default-icon-material rubber-icon-material) (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/match racket/set racket/string)) (define-syntax (@> stx) (define form (cdr (syntax->datum stx))) (match form [(list form) ; (@> (fn @obs)) ;; identify the observables and replace with non-@ symbols (define collection (mutable-set)) (define updated (let loop ([sexp form]) (cond [(symbol? sexp) (let ([as-s (symbol->string sexp)]) (if (string-prefix? as-s "@") (let ([without-@ (string->symbol (substring as-s 1))]) (set-add! collection (cons sexp without-@)) without-@) sexp))] [(pair? sexp) (cons (loop (car sexp)) (loop (cdr sexp)))] [#t sexp]))) (define collection-l (set->list collection)) ;; return obs-combine -> updated-form (datum->syntax stx `(obs-combine (λ (,@(map cdr collection-l)) ,updated) ,@(map car collection-l)))] [(list (? string? str) args ...) ; (@> "Blah: ~a/~a" @arg1 arg2) ;; identify the observables and replace with non-@ symbols (define collection-l (for/list ([arg args]) (if (symbol? arg) (let ([as-s (symbol->string arg)]) (if (string-prefix? as-s "@") (let ([without-@ (string->symbol (substring as-s 1))]) (cons arg without-@)) (cons #f arg))) (cons #f arg)))) (define collection-lo (filter car collection-l)) ;; return obs-combine -> format (datum->syntax stx `(obs-combine (λ (,@(map cdr collection-lo)) (format ,str ,@(map cdr collection-l))) ,@(map car collection-lo)))])) (define/obs @auto-retry #f) (define-struct qi^ (wikiname st stage progress max-progress eta th) #:transparent) ;; queue item (define rows (query-rows* "select wikiname, progress from wiki where progress < 4")) (define/obs @queue null) (define (add-wikiname-to-queue wikiname st stage) (@queue . <~ . (λ (queue) (define already-exists? (findf (λ (qi) (equal? (qi^-wikiname qi) wikiname)) queue)) (if already-exists? queue (append queue (list (qi^ wikiname st stage 0 1 "..." #f))))))) (for ([row rows]) (add-wikiname-to-queue (vector-ref row 0) (if (= (vector-ref row 1) 4) 'complete 'queued) (vector-ref row 1))) (define status-icon-size 32) (define status-icon-min-width 36) (define button-icon-size 12) (define color-green (make-color 90 212 68)) (define/obs @input "") (splicing-let ([frame-count 20]) (define stickman-frames (for/vector ([s (in-range 0 1 (/ 1 frame-count))]) (running-stickman-icon s #:height status-icon-size #:material (default-icon-material))))) (define (stick n) (vector-ref stickman-frames (modulo n (vector-length stickman-frames)))) (define status-icons (hasheq 'queued (stop-icon #:color syntax-icon-color #:height status-icon-size) 'paused (continue-forward-icon #:color syntax-icon-color #:height status-icon-size) 'running (stick 0) 'error (x-icon #:height status-icon-size) 'complete (check-icon #:color color-green #:height status-icon-size))) (define action-icons (hasheq 'pause (pause-icon #:color syntax-icon-color #:height button-icon-size) 'resume (play-icon #:color color-green #:height button-icon-size) 'reset (left-over-arrow-icon #:color halt-icon-color #:height button-icon-size))) (define (bitmap-view @the-bitmap [min-width 1]) (pict-canvas #:min-size (@> (list (max min-width (send @the-bitmap get-width)) (send @the-bitmap get-height))) #;(if min-size (list min-size min-size) #f) #:stretch '(#f #f) #:style '(transparent) @the-bitmap bitmap)) (define (exn->string e) (with-output-to-string (λ () (displayln (exn-message e)) (displayln "context:") (for ([item (continuation-mark-set->context (exn-continuation-marks e))]) (printf " ~a" (srcloc->string (cdr item))) (when (car item) (printf ": ~a" (car item))) (displayln ""))))) (define ((handle-graphical-exn @qi) e) (displayln (exn->string e) (current-error-port)) (cond [(obs-peek @auto-retry) (void) ;; TODO #;(do-retry-end wikiname)] [#t (update-qi @qi [st 'error]) (do-try-unpause-next-entry) (thread (λ () (define/obs @visible? #t) (render (dialog #:title "Download Error" #:style '(resize-border) #:mixin (λ (%) (class % (super-new) (obs-observe! @visible? (λ (visible?) (send this show visible?))))) (vpanel #:margin '(15 15) (text (format "Encountered this error while downloading ~a:" (qi^-wikiname (obs-peek @qi)))) (input #:style '(multiple hscroll) #:min-size '(#f 200) (exn->string e)) ;; TODO #;(button "Retry Now" (λ () (:= @visible? #f) (do-retry-now wikiname))) #;(button "Retry Round-Robin" (λ () (:= @visible? #f) (do-retry-end wikiname))) #;(button "Skip Wiki" (λ () (:= @visible? #f) (do-continue))) #;(button "Use Auto-Retry" (λ () (:= @auto-retry #t) (:= @visible? #f) (do-retry-end wikiname))) #;(text "Be careful not to auto-retry an infinite loop!"))) main-window))) (sleep) ; make sure the broken thread is gone (define th (qi^-th (obs-peek @qi))) (when th (kill-thread th))])) (define segments (list (list 5/100 (make-color 0 223 217)) (list 88/100 color-green) (list 2/100 (make-color 0 223 217)) (list 5/100 color-green))) (define segment-spacing 2) (unless (= (apply + (map car segments)) 1) (error 'segments "segments add up to ~a, not 1" (apply + (map car segments)))) ;; return the new bitmap, which can be drawn on a dc<%> (define/memoize (ray-trace width height stage progress max-progress) ;; (printf "rendering ~a ~a/~a at ~a~n" stage progress max-progress (current-inexact-milliseconds)) (define bm (make-object bitmap% width height #f #t)) (define dc (make-object bitmap-dc% bm)) (define width-available (- width (* (length segments) segment-spacing))) (send dc set-smoothing 'unsmoothed) (send dc set-pen "black" 0 'transparent) (for/fold ([offset 0]) ([segment segments] [i (in-naturals 0)]) ;; zero indexed stages? ;; calculate start and end locations of grey bar (define-values (segment-proportion segment-color) (apply values segment)) (define segment-start (if (= offset 0) 0 (+ offset segment-spacing))) (define segment-width (* width-available segment-proportion)) ;; draw grey bar (send dc set-brush (make-color 180 180 180 0.4) 'solid) (send dc draw-rectangle segment-start 0 segment-width height) ;; draw solid bar according to the current item's progress (define proportion (cond [(stage . < . i) 0] [(stage . > . i) 1] [(max-progress . <= . 0) 0] [(progress . < . 0) 0] [(progress . >= . max-progress) 1] [else (progress . / . max-progress)])) (send dc set-brush segment-color 'solid) (send dc draw-rectangle segment-start 0 (* proportion segment-width) height) (+ segment-start segment-width)) (bitmap-render-icon bm 6/8)) ;; get ray traced bitmap (possibly from cache) and draw on dc<%> (define (draw-bar orig-dc qi) ;; (println ray-traced) (define-values (width height) (send orig-dc get-size)) (send orig-dc draw-bitmap (ray-trace width height (qi^-stage qi) (qi^-progress qi) (qi^-max-progress qi)) 0 0)) (define ((make-progress-updater @qi) a b c) ;; (printf "~a: ~a/~a ~a~n" (qi^-wikiname (obs-peek @qi)) a b c) (update-qi @qi [progress a] [max-progress b])) (define (do-add-to-queue) (define wikiname (string-trim (obs-peek @input))) (when ((string-length wikiname) . > . 0) (add-wikiname-to-queue wikiname 'queued 0)) ;; TODO: automatically start? (:= @input "")) (define-syntax-rule (update-qi @qi args ...) (let ([wikiname (qi^-wikiname (obs-peek @qi))]) (@queue . <~ . (λ (queue) (for/list ([qi queue]) (if (equal? (qi^-wikiname qi) wikiname) (struct-copy qi^ qi args ...) qi)))))) (define (do-start-qi @qi) (define th (thread (λ () (with-handlers ([exn? (handle-graphical-exn @qi)]) (define last-stage (for/last ([stage all-stages] [i (in-naturals)]) (update-qi @qi [stage i]) (stage (qi^-wikiname (obs-peek @qi)) (make-progress-updater @qi)) i)) (update-qi @qi [st 'complete] [stage (add1 last-stage)]) (do-try-unpause-next-entry))))) (update-qi @qi [st 'running] [th th])) (define (do-stop-qi @qi) (define th (qi^-th (obs-peek @qi))) (when th (kill-thread th)) (update-qi @qi [th #f] [st 'paused])) (define (do-reset-qi @qi) (define reset-progress-to 0) (define th (qi^-th (obs-peek @qi))) (when th (kill-thread th)) (update-qi @qi [th #f] [st 'queued] [stage reset-progress-to] [progress 0] [max-progress 0]) (query-exec* "update wiki set progress = ? where wikiname = ?" reset-progress-to (qi^-wikiname (obs-peek @qi)))) (define (do-try-unpause-next-entry) (define queue (obs-peek @queue)) (define next-qi (for/last ([qi queue] #:when (memq (qi^-st qi) '(paused queued))) qi)) (when next-qi (define @qi (@queue . ~> . (λ (queue) (findf (λ (qi) (equal? (qi^-wikiname qi) (qi^-wikiname next-qi))) queue)))) (do-start-qi @qi))) (define main-window (render (window #:title "Fandom Archiver" #:size '(400 300) #:mixin (λ (%) (class % (super-new) (define/augment (on-close) (for ([qi (obs-peek @queue)]) (when (qi^-th qi) (kill-thread (qi^-th qi)))) #;(disconnect*)))) (vpanel #:spacing 10 #:margin '(5 5) (hpanel #:stretch '(#t #f) #:spacing 10 (hpanel (text "https://") (input @input (λ (event data) (cond [(eq? event 'input) (:= @input data)] [(eq? event 'return) (do-add-to-queue)]))) (text ".fandom.com")) (button "Download Wiki" do-add-to-queue)) (list-view #:style '(vertical) @queue #:key qi^-wikiname (λ (k @qi) (define @status-icons (@> (case (qi^-st @qi) [(running) (stick (qi^-progress @qi))] [else (hash-ref status-icons (qi^-st @qi))]))) (define @is-running? (@> (memq (qi^-st @qi) '(running)))) (define @is-complete? (@> (eq? (qi^-st @qi) 'complete))) ;; state icon at the left side (hpanel #:stretch '(#t #f) #:alignment '(left center) #:spacing 8 (bitmap-view @status-icons status-icon-min-width) (vpanel ;; name and buttons (top half) (hpanel #:alignment '(left bottom) (text (@> (qi^-wikiname @qi))) (spacer) (hpanel #:stretch '(#f #f) (button (hash-ref action-icons 'reset) (λ () (do-reset-qi @qi))) (if-view @is-running? (button (hash-ref action-icons 'pause) (λ () (do-stop-qi @qi))) (button (hash-ref action-icons 'resume) (λ () (do-start-qi @qi)))))) ;; progress bar (bottom half) (hpanel (canvas @qi #:style '(transparent) #:margin '(3 3) draw-bar) (hpanel #:min-size '(68 #f) #:stretch '(#f #f) #:alignment '(right center) (text (@> (format "eta ~a" (qi^-eta @qi))))))))))))))