#lang racket/base (require racket/file racket/list racket/runtime-path racket/string json (prefix-in easy: net/http-easy) html-parsing html-writing web-server/http web-server/http/bindings "config.rkt" "data.rkt" "extwiki-data.rkt" "extwiki-generic.rkt" "static-data.rkt" "../lib/syntax.rkt" "../lib/pure-utils.rkt" "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt" "../lib/url-utils.rkt") (provide ; headers to always send on all http responses always-headers ; generates a consistent footer application-footer ; generates a consistent template for wiki page content to sit in generate-wiki-page ; generates a minimal but complete redirect to another page generate-redirect) (module+ test (require rackunit html-writing "test-utils.rkt")) (define always-headers (list (header #"Referrer-Policy" #"same-origin") ; header to not send referers to fandom (header #"Link" (string->bytes/latin-1 link-header)))) (define-runtime-path path-static "../static") (define theme-icons (for/hasheq ([theme '(default light dark)]) (values theme (html->xexp (file->string (build-path path-static (format "icon-theme-~a.svg" theme)) #:mode 'binary))))) (define (application-footer source-url #:license [license-in #f]) (define license (or license-in license-default)) `(footer (@ (class "custom-footer")) (div (@ (class ,(if source-url "custom-footer__cols" "internal-footer"))) (div (p (img (@ (class "my-logo") (src ,(get-static-url "breezewiki.svg"))))) (p (a (@ (href "https://gitdab.com/cadence/breezewiki")) ,(format "~a source code" (config-get 'application_name)))) (p (a (@ (href "https://docs.breezewiki.com")) "Documentation and more information")) (p (a (@ (href "https://lists.sr.ht/~cadence/breezewiki-discuss")) "Chat / Bug reports / Feature requests")) ,(if (config-member? 'promotions::indie_wiki_buddy "footer") `(p (a (@ (href "https://getindie.wiki/")) "Get Indie Wiki Buddy browser extension - be redirected to BreezeWiki every time!")) "") ,(if (config-true? 'instance_is_official) `(p ,(format "This instance is run by the ~a developer, " (config-get 'application_name)) (a (@ (href "https://cadence.moe/contact")) "Cadence") ".") `(p ,(format "This unofficial instance is based off the ~a source code, but is not controlled by the code developer." (config-get 'application_name))))) ,(if source-url `(div (p "This page displays proxied content from " (a (@ (href ,source-url) (rel "nofollow noreferrer")) ,source-url) ,(format ". Text content is available under the ~a license, " (license^-text license)) (a (@ (href ,(license^-url license)) (rel "nofollow")) "see license info.") " Media files may have different copying restrictions.") (p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application_name)))) `(div (p "Text content on wikis run by Fandom is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported), " (a (@ (href "https://www.fandom.com/licensing") (rel "nofollow")) "see license info.") " Media files and official Fandom documents have different copying restrictions.") (p ,(format "Fandom is a trademark of Fandom, Inc. ~a is not affiliated with Fandom." (config-get 'application_name)))))))) ;; generate a notice with a link if a fandom wiki has a replacement as part of NIWA or similar ;; if the wiki has no replacement, display nothing (define (extwiki-notice wikiname title req user-cookies) (define xt (findf (λ (item) (member wikiname (extwiki^-wikinames item))) extwikis)) (cond/var [xt (let* ([seen? (member wikiname (user-cookies^-notices user-cookies))] [aside-class (if seen? "niwa__notice niwa--seen" "niwa__notice")] [group (hash-ref extwiki-groups (extwiki^-group xt))] [search-page (format "/Special:Search?~a" (params->query `(("search" . ,title) ("go" . "Go"))))] [go (if (string-suffix? (extwiki^-home xt) "/") (regexp-replace #rx"/$" (extwiki^-home xt) (λ (_) search-page)) (let* ([joiner (second (regexp-match #rx"/(w[^./]*)/" (extwiki^-home xt)))]) (regexp-replace #rx"/w[^./]*/.*$" (extwiki^-home xt) (λ (_) (format "/~a~a" joiner search-page)))))] [props (extwiki-props^ go)]) (cond [(eq? (extwiki^-banner xt) 'default) `(aside (@ (class ,aside-class)) (h1 (@ (class "niwa__header")) ,(extwiki^-name xt) " has its own website separate from Fandom.") (a (@ (class "niwa__go") (href ,go)) "Read " ,title " on " ,(extwiki^-name xt) " →") (div (@ (class "niwa__cols")) (div (@ (class "niwa__left")) (p ,((extwiki^-description xt) props)) (p ,((extwiki-group^-description group) props)) (p "This wiki's core community has largely migrated away from Fandom. You should " (a (@ (href ,go)) "go to " ,(extwiki^-name xt) " now!")) (p (@ (class "niwa__feedback")) ,@(add-between `(,@(for/list ([link (extwiki-group^-links group)]) `(a (@ (href ,(cdr link))) ,(car link))) "This notice is from BreezeWiki" (a (@ (rel "nofollow") (class "niwa__got-it") (href ,(user-cookies-setter-url/add-notice req user-cookies wikiname))) "OK, got it")) " / "))) (div (@ (class "niwa__right")) (img (@ (class "niwa__logo") (src ,(extwiki^-logo xt)))))))] [(eq? (extwiki^-banner xt) 'parallel) `(aside (@ (class "niwa__parallel")) (h1 (@ (class "niwa__header-mini")) "See also " (a (@ (href ,go)) ,(extwiki^-name xt))) (p "This topic has multiple communities of editors, some active on the Fandom wiki, others active on " ,(extwiki^-name xt) ".") (p "For thorough research, be sure to check both communities since they may have different information!") (p (@ (class "niwa__feedback")) ,@(add-between `(,@(for/list ([link (extwiki-group^-links group)]) `(a (@ (href ,(cdr link))) ,(car link))) "This notice is from BreezeWiki" (a (@ (href "https://docs.breezewiki.com/Reporting_Bugs.html")) "Feedback?")) " / ")))] [(eq? (extwiki^-banner xt) 'empty) `(aside (@ (class "niwa__notice niwa__notice--alt")) (h1 (@ (class "niwa__header")) "You will be redirected to " ,(extwiki^-name xt) ".") (p (@ (style "position: relative; top: -12px;")) "This independent wiki community has its own site separate from Fandom.") (a (@ (class "niwa__go") (href ,go)) "Take me there! →") (p (@ (class "niwa__feedback") (style "text-align: left")) ,@(add-between `(,@(for/list ([link (extwiki-group^-links group)]) `(a (@ (href ,(cdr link))) ,(car link))) "This notice is from BreezeWiki") " / ")))]))] (var fetched-callback (get-redirect-content wikiname)) [fetched-callback (fetched-callback title)] [#t ""])) (define (generate-wiki-page content #:req req #:source-url source-url #:wikiname wikiname #:title title #:head-data [head-data-in #f] #:siteinfo [siteinfo-in #f] #:user-cookies [user-cookies-in #f] #:online-styles [online-styles #t]) (define siteinfo (or siteinfo-in siteinfo-default)) (define head-data (or head-data-in ((head-data-getter wikiname)))) (define user-cookies (or user-cookies-in (user-cookies-getter req))) (define origin (format "https://~a.fandom.com" wikiname)) (define required-styles (cond [online-styles (define styles (list (format "~a/wikia.php?controller=ThemeApi&method=themeVariables&variant=~a" origin (user-cookies^-theme user-cookies)) (format "~a/load.php?lang=en&modules=site.styles%7Cskin.fandomdesktop.styles%7Cext.fandom.PortableInfoboxFandomDesktop.css%7Cext.fandom.GlobalComponents.CommunityHeaderBackground.css%7Cext.fandom.photoGallery.gallery.css%7Cext.gadget.site-styles%2Csound-styles&only=styles&skin=fandomdesktop" origin))) (if (config-true? 'strict_proxy) (map u-proxy-url styles) styles)] [#t (list (format "/archive/~a/styles/themeVariables-~a.css" wikiname (user-cookies^-theme user-cookies)) (format "/archive/~a/styles/site.css" wikiname))])) `(*TOP* (*DECL* DOCTYPE html) (html (head (meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"))) (title ,(format "~a | ~a+~a" title (regexp-replace #rx" ?Wiki$" (siteinfo^-sitename siteinfo) "") (config-get 'application_name))) ,@(map (λ (url) `(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href ,url)))) required-styles) (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href ,(get-static-url "main.css")))) (script "const BWData = " ,(jsexpr->string (hasheq 'wikiname wikiname 'strict_proxy (config-true? 'strict_proxy)))) ,(if (config-true? 'feature_search_suggestions) `(script (@ (type "module") (src ,(get-static-url "search-suggestions.js")))) "") (script (@ (type "module") (src ,(get-static-url "countdown.js")))) (script (@ (defer) (src ,(get-static-url "tabs.js")))) (link (@ (rel "icon") (href ,(u (λ (v) (config-true? 'strict_proxy)) (λ (v) (u-proxy-url v)) (head-data^-icon-url head-data)))))) (body (@ (class ,(head-data^-body-class head-data) " bw-tabs-nojs")) ,(let ([extension-eligible? (cond/var [(not req) #f] [(not (config-member? 'promotions::indie_wiki_buddy "banner")) #f] (var ua-pair (assq 'user-agent (request-headers req))) [(not ua-pair) #f] (var ua (string-downcase (cdr ua-pair))) ;; everyone pretends to be chrome, so we do it in reverse ;; this excludes common browsers that don't support the extension [#t (and (not (string-contains? ua "edge/")) (not (string-contains? ua "mobile")))])]) (if extension-eligible? `(div (@ (class "bw-top-banner")) (div (@ (class "bw-top-banner-rainbow")) "Try " (a (@ (href "https://getindie.wiki/") (target "_blank")) "our affiliated browser extension") " - redirect to BreezeWiki automatically!\n")) "")) (div (@ (class "main-container")) (div (@ (class "fandom-community-header__background tileHorizontally header"))) (div (@ (class "page")) (main (@ (class "page__main")) ,(extwiki-notice wikiname title req user-cookies) (div (@ (class "custom-top")) (h1 (@ (class "page-title")) ,title) (nav (@ (class "sitesearch")) (form (@ (action ,(format "/~a/search" wikiname)) (class "bw-search-form") (id "bw-pr-search-form")) (label (@ (for "bw-search-input")) "Search ") (div (@ (id "bw-pr-search-input")) (input (@ (type "text") (name "q") (id "bw-search-input") (autocomplete "off")))) (div (@ (class "bw-ss__container") (id "bw-pr-search-suggestions")))) (div (@ (class "bw-theme__select")) (span (@ (class "bw-theme__main-label")) "Page theme") (span (@ (class "bw-theme__items")) ,@(for/list ([theme '(default light dark)]) (define class (if (equal? theme (user-cookies^-theme user-cookies)) "bw-theme__item bw-theme__item--selected" "bw-theme__item")) `(a (@ (rel "nofollow") (href ,(user-cookies-setter-url req (struct-copy user-cookies^ user-cookies [theme theme]))) (class ,class)) (span (@ (class "bw-theme__icon-container")) ,(hash-ref theme-icons theme)) ,(format "~a" theme))))))) (div (@ (id "content") #;(class "page-content")) (div (@ (id "mw-content-text")) ,content)) ,(application-footer source-url #:license (siteinfo^-license siteinfo))))))))) (module+ test (define page (parameterize ([(config-parameter 'strict_proxy) "true"]) (generate-wiki-page '(template) #:req test-req #:source-url "" #:title "test" #:wikiname "test"))) ; check the page is a valid xexp (check-not-false (xexp->html page)) ; check the stylesheet is proxied (check-true (string-prefix? (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'link)) page)))) "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Ftest.fandom.com"))) (define (generate-redirect dest #:headers [headers-in '()]) (define dest-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 dest)) (response/output #:code 302 #:headers (append (list (header #"Location" dest-bytes)) headers-in) (λ (out) (write-html `(html (head (title "Redirecting...")) (body "Redirecting to " (a (@ (href ,dest)) ,dest) "...")) out))))