#lang racket/base (require racket/dict racket/function racket/match racket/string "config.rkt" "pure-utils.rkt" "url-utils.rkt" "xexpr-utils.rkt") (provide update-tree-wiki) (module+ test (require rackunit html-parsing) (define wiki-document '(*TOP* (div (@ (class "mw-parser-output")) (aside (@ (role "region") (class "portable-infobox pi-theme-wikia pi-layout-default")) (h2 (@ (class "pi-item pi-title") (data-source "title")) "Infobox Title") (figure (@ (class "pi-item pi-image") (data-source "image")) (a (@ (href "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image.png") (class "image image-thumbnail") (title "")) (img (@ (src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image-thumbnail.png") (class "pi-image-thumbnail"))))) (div (@ (class "pi-item pi-data") (data-source "description")) (h3 (@ (class "pi-data-label")) "Description") (div (@ (class "pi-data-value")) "Mystery infobox!"))) (div (@ (data-test-collapsesection) (class "collapsible collapsetoggle-inline collapsed")) (i (b "This section is hidden for dramatic effect.")) (div (@ (class "collapsible-content")) (p "Another page link: " (a (@ (data-test-wikilink) (href "https://test.fandom.com/wiki/Another_Page") (title "Another Page")) "Another Page")))) (figure (@ (class "thumb tnone")) (a (@ (href "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image.png") (class "image") (data-test-figure-a)) (img (@ (src "%3D%3D") (data-src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image-thumbnail.png") (class "thumbimage lazyload")))) (noscript (a (@ (href "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image.png") (title "a nice image") (three-attribs)) (img (@ (src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image-thumbnail.png") (data-src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image-thumbnail.png") (class "thumbimage"))))) (noscript (a (@ (href "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image.png") (class "image")) (img (@ (src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image-thumbnail.png") (data-src "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nice-image-thumbnail.png") (class "thumbimage"))))) (figcaption "Test figure!")) (iframe (@ (src "https://example.com/iframe-src"))))))) (define (updater wikiname) (define classlist-updater (compose1 ; uncollapse all navbox items (bottom of page mass navigation) (curry u (λ (classlist) (and ; removed due to scoping, would improve peformance (eq? element-type 'table) (member "navbox" classlist) (member "collapsed" classlist))) (λ (classlist) (filter (curry (negate equal?) "collapsed") classlist))) ; uncollapse portable-infobox sections (curry u (λ (classlist) (and ; removed due to scoping, would improve performance (eq? element-type 'section) (member "pi-collapse" classlist))) (λ (classlist) (filter (λ (v) (and (not (equal? v "pi-collapse-closed")) (not (equal? v "pi-collapse")))) classlist))) ; generic: includes article sections and tables, probably more (curry u (λ (classlist) (and (member "collapsible" classlist) (member "collapsed" classlist))) (λ (classlist) (filter (curry (negate equal?) "collapsed") classlist))))) (define ((string-replace-curried from to) str) (string-replace str from to)) (define class-updater (compose1 (string-replace-curried " collapsed" "") (string-replace-curried "pi-collapse-closed" "") (string-replace-curried "pi-collapse" ""))) (define attributes-updater (compose1 ; uncollapsing #;(curry attribute-maybe-update 'class (λ (class) (string-join (classlist-updater (string-split class " ")) " "))) (curry attribute-maybe-update 'class class-updater) ; change links to stay on the same wiki (curry attribute-maybe-update 'href (λ (href) ((compose1 (λ (href) (regexp-replace #rx"^(/wiki/.*)" href (format "/~a\\1" wikiname))) (λ (href) (regexp-replace (pregexp (format "^https://(~a)\\.fandom\\.com(/wiki/.*)" px-wikiname)) href "/\\1\\2"))) href))) ; add noreferrer to a.image (curry u (λ (v) (and #;(eq? element-type 'a) (has-class? "image" v))) (λ (v) (dict-update v 'rel (λ (s) (list (string-append (car s) " noreferrer"))) '("")))) ; proxy images from inline styles, if strict_proxy is set (curry u (λ (v) (config-true? 'strict_proxy)) (λ (v) (attribute-maybe-update 'style (λ (style) (regexp-replace #rx"url\\(['\"]?(.*?)['\"]?\\)" style (λ (whole url) (string-append "url(" (u-proxy-url url) ")")))) v))) ; and also their links, if strict_proxy is set (curry u (λ (v) (and (config-true? 'strict_proxy) #;(eq? element-type 'a) (or (has-class? "image-thumbnail" v) (has-class? "image" v)))) (λ (v) (attribute-maybe-update 'href u-proxy-url v))) ; proxy images from src attributes, if strict_proxy is set (curry u (λ (v) (config-true? 'strict_proxy)) (λ (v) (attribute-maybe-update 'src u-proxy-url v))) ; don't lazyload images (curry u (λ (v) (dict-has-key? v 'data-src)) (λ (v) (attribute-maybe-update 'src (λ (_) (car (dict-ref v 'data-src))) v))) ; don't use srcset - TODO: use srcset? (λ (v) (dict-remove v 'srcset)))) (define (children-updater attributes children) ; more uncollapsing - sample: bandori/wiki/BanG_Dream!_Wikia ((λ (children) (u (λ (v) (has-class? "mw-collapsible-content" attributes)) (λ (v) (for/list ([element v]) (u (λ (element) (pair? element)) (λ (element) `(,(car element) (@ ,@(attribute-maybe-update 'style (λ (a) (regexp-replace #rx"display: *none" a "display:inline")) (bits->attributes element))) ,@(filter element-is-content? (cdr element)))) element))) children)) ; wrap blinking animated images in a slot so they can be animated with CSS ((λ (children) (u (λ (v) (and (has-class? "animated" attributes) ((length v) . > . 1))) (λ (v) `((span (@ (class "animated-slot__outer") (style ,(format "--steps: ~a" (length v)))) (span (@ (class "animated-slot__inner")) ,@v)))) children)) children))) (define (updater element element-type attributes children) ;; replace whole element? (cond ; wrap tables in a div.table-scroller [(and (eq? element-type 'table) (has-class? "wikitable" attributes) (not (dict-has-key? attributes 'data-scrolling))) `(div ((class "table-scroller")) ((,element-type (@ (data-scrolling) ,@attributes) ,@children)))] ; exclude empty figcaptions [(and (eq? element-type 'figcaption) (or (eq? (length (filter element-is-element? children)) 0) ((query-selector (λ (element-type attributes children) (eq? element-type 'use)) element)))) return-no-element] ; exclude infobox items that are videos, and gallery items that are videos [(and (or (has-class? "pi-item" attributes) (has-class? "wikia-gallery-item" attributes)) ((query-selector (λ (element-type attributes children) (has-class? "video-thumbnail" attributes)) element))) return-no-element] ; exclude the invisible brackets after headings [(and (eq? element-type 'span) (has-class? "mw-editsection" attributes)) return-no-element] ; display a link instead of an iframe [(eq? element-type 'iframe) (define src (car (dict-ref attributes 'src null))) `(a ((class "iframe-alternative") (href ,src)) (,(format "Embedded media: ~a" src)))] ; remove noscript versions of images because they are likely lower quality than the script versions [(and (eq? element-type 'noscript) (match children ; either the noscript has an a, with attributes and an img as a first child, as a first child... [(list (list 'a (list '@ _ ...) (list 'img _))) #t] ; or the noscript has img as a first child [(list (list 'img _)) #t] [_ #f])) return-no-element] [#t (list element-type ;; attributes (attributes-updater #; element-type attributes) ;; children (children-updater attributes children))])) updater) (define (update-tree-wiki tree wikiname) (update-tree (updater wikiname) tree)) (module+ test (define transformed (parameterize ([(config-parameter 'strict_proxy) "true"]) (update-tree-wiki wiki-document "test"))) ; check that wikilinks are changed to be local (check-equal? (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (dict-has-key? a 'data-test-wikilink)) transformed)))) "/test/wiki/Another_Page") ; check that a.image has noreferrer (check-equal? (get-attribute 'rel (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (and (eq? t 'a) (has-class? "image" a))) transformed)))) " noreferrer") ; check that article collapse sections become uncollapsed (check-equal? (get-attribute 'class (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (dict-has-key? a 'data-test-collapsesection)) transformed)))) "collapsible collapsetoggle-inline") ; check that iframes are gone (check-false ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'iframe)) transformed))) (check-equal? (let* ([alternative ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (has-class? "iframe-alternative" a)) transformed))] [link ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'a)) alternative))]) (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes link))) "https://example.com/iframe-src") ; check that images are proxied (check-equal? (get-attribute 'src (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'img)) transformed)))) "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fnice-image-thumbnail.png") ; check that links to images are proxied (check-equal? (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (and (eq? t 'a) (has-class? "image-thumbnail" a))) transformed)))) "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fnice-image.png") (check-equal? (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (member '(data-test-figure-a) a)) transformed)))) "/proxy?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fnice-image.png") ; check that noscript images are removed (check-equal? ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'noscript)) transformed)) #f) ; benchmark (when (file-exists? "Frog.html2") (with-input-from-file "Frog.html2" (λ () (define tree (html->xexp (current-input-port))) (time (length (update-tree-wiki tree "minecraft")))))))