#lang racket/base (require racket/dict racket/file racket/function racket/list racket/match racket/path racket/string ; libs (prefix-in easy: net/http-easy) file/sha1 file/gunzip json ; html libs "../lib/html-parsing/main.rkt" html-writing ; web server libs net/url web-server/http web-server/dispatchers/dispatch ; my libs "application-globals.rkt" "config.rkt" "data.rkt" "log.rkt" "page-wiki.rkt" "../lib/archive-file-mappings.rkt" "../lib/pure-utils.rkt" "../lib/syntax.rkt" "../lib/tree-updater.rkt" "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt" "../lib/url-utils.rkt") (provide ; used by the web server page-wiki-offline) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define path-archive (anytime-path ".." "storage/archive")) (define (page-wiki-offline req) (response-handler (define wikiname (path/param-path (first (url-path (request-uri req))))) (define segments (map path/param-path (cdr (url-path (request-uri req))))) (define basename (url-segments->basename segments)) (define maybe-hashed-basename (if ((string-length basename) . > . 240) (sha1 (string->bytes/latin-1 basename)) basename)) (define user-cookies (user-cookies-getter req)) (define theme (user-cookies^-theme user-cookies)) (log-page-request #t wikiname maybe-hashed-basename theme) (define archive-format (case (config-get 'feature_offline::format) [(".json" "json") (cons "~a.json" (λ () (read-json)))] [(".json.gz" "json.gz") (cons "~a.json.gz" (λ () (define-values (in out) (make-pipe)) (gunzip-through-ports (current-input-port) out) (read-json in)))] [else (error 'archive-format "unknown archive format configured")])) (define fs-path (build-path path-archive wikiname (format (car archive-format) maybe-hashed-basename))) (define source-url (format "https://~a.fandom.com/wiki/~a" wikiname (basename->name-for-query basename))) (cond [(not (file-exists? fs-path)) (unless (config-true? 'feature_offline::only) (next-dispatcher)) (define mirror-path (url->string (request-uri req))) (define body (generate-wiki-page `(div (@ (class "unsaved-page")) (style ".unsaved-page a { text-decoration: underline !important }") (p "breezewiki.com doesn't have this page saved.") (p "You can see this page by visiting a BreezeWiki mirror:") (ul (li (a (@ (href ,(format "https://antifandom.com~a" mirror-path))) "View on antifandom.com")) (li (a (@ (href ,(format "https://bw.artemislena.eu~a" mirror-path))) "View on artemislena.eu")) (li (a (@ (href ,source-url)) "or, you can see the original page on Fandom (ugh)"))) (p "If you'd like " ,wikiname ".fandom.com to be added to breezewiki.com, " (a (@ (href "https://lists.sr.ht/~cadence/breezewiki-requests")) "let me know about it!"))) #:req req #:source-url source-url #:wikiname wikiname #:title (url-segments->guess-title segments) #:online-styles #f #:siteinfo (siteinfo-fetch wikiname) )) (when (config-true? 'debug) ; used for its side effects ; convert to string with error checking, error will be raised if xexp is invalid (xexp->html body)) (response/output #:code 200 #:headers always-headers (λ (out) (write-html body out)))] [#t (when (config-true? 'debug) (printf "using offline mode for ~v~n" fs-path)) (response-handler (define data (with-input-from-file fs-path (cdr archive-format))) (define article-title (jp "/parse/title" data)) (define original-page (html->xexp (preprocess-html-wiki (jp "/parse/text" data)))) (define page ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (has-class? "mw-parser-output" a)) original-page))) (define initial-head-data ((head-data-getter wikiname) data)) (define head-data (case theme [(light dark) (struct-copy head-data^ initial-head-data [body-class (regexp-replace #rx"(theme-fandomdesktop-)(light|dark)" (head-data^-body-class initial-head-data) (format "\\1~a" theme))])] [else initial-head-data])) (define body (generate-wiki-page (update-tree-wiki page wikiname) #:req req #:source-url source-url #:wikiname wikiname #:title article-title #:online-styles #f #:head-data head-data #:siteinfo (siteinfo-fetch wikiname) )) (define redirect-query-parameter (dict-ref (url-query (request-uri req)) 'redirect "yes")) (define redirect-msg ((query-selector (attribute-selector 'class "redirectMsg") body))) (define redirect-msg-a (if redirect-msg ((query-selector (λ (t a c) (eq? t 'a)) redirect-msg)) #f)) (define headers (build-headers always-headers ; redirect-query-parameter: only the string "no" is significant: ; https://github.com/Wikia/app/blob/fe60579a53f16816d65dad1644363160a63206a6/includes/Wiki.php#L367 (when (and redirect-msg-a (not (equal? redirect-query-parameter "no"))) (let* ([dest (get-attribute 'href (bits->attributes redirect-msg-a))] [value (bytes-append #"0;url=" (string->bytes/utf-8 dest))]) (header #"Refresh" value))))) (when (config-true? 'debug) ; used for its side effects ; convert to string with error checking, error will be raised if xexp is invalid (xexp->html body)) (response/output #:code 200 #:headers headers (λ (out) (write-html body out))))])))