#!/usr/bin/env bash pkill admiral font="GohuFont:style=Regular:size=10" fallback_font="FontAwesome:size=8" background="#cc111314" foreground="#bcbdc3" a=30 monitors=$(xrandr | grep -o "^.* connected" | sed "s/ connected//") if [[ $1 == "-f" ]]; then # full width, no padding x=1920 y=40 x_offset=0 y_offset=0 elif [[ $1 == "-h" ]]; then # half width x=900 y=40 x_offset=500 y_offset=15 else x=1880 y=40 x_offset=20 y_offset=15 fi #for m in $monitors; do #admiral | lemonbar -a $a -g "${x}x${y}+${x_offset}+${y_offset}" -f $font -f $fallback_font -B $background -F $foreground | sh & admiral | lemonbar -a $a -f $font -f $fallback_font -B $background -F $foreground | sh & # the following line gets the width of the current monitor #monitor_width=$(xrandr | grep '*' | ruby -e "puts gets.strip.split[0].split('x')" | head -n 1) #let x_offset+=$monitor_width #echo "Started bar on $m" #done