I found v3!

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Kat R. 2022-10-29 09:58:31 -05:00
parent 3aba806ffa
commit 4122849b24

notes/CWPL/CWPL_v3 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Clumsy Wolf Public """License"""
Version 3
There's no copyright on this. The concept of intellectual property is bullshit,
there only to enrich corporate CEOs who hold the copyrights to lucrative
properties they had no hand in creating.
Can you say you made this? Well, physically, literally, yes. There's nothing
stopping you from claiming this. Morally, no. You'd be a fraud and a hack to
claim you and you alone created this. And quite frankly, I'm not sure people
would be too happy with you were they to discover your lies.
Can you use this as you please? Well, physically, literally, yes. Do whatever
you will with this. Build whatever software you want and link it to this. I
can't stop you. However, there are uses I *strongly* condemn, and, had I the
power, I would absolutely stop you from using this. Any software used to
explicitly promote far-right/fascist politics is a big one, as is software used
to further bigotry of any sort (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia,
enbymisia, biphobia/panphobia, aphobia, assorted miscellaneous queermisia,
and ableism - both physical and mental, just to name a few). If you plan on
making that kind of software, literally you can use this, but honestly, I'd
quite prefer you to fuck right off. I mean, really, do you really want to use
this anyways? Some piece of software built a someone who's trans fem,
pansexual, non-binary in a non-specific way, aromantic, clinically anxious and
depressed, and otherkin? Surely, you can find some """better""" software
created by someone you'd think much more highly of, right? Or is this piece
of software really better than anything your "master race" can produce? Because
if so, I'd start to reconsider if it's really the "master race".
Can you change the software as you please? Again, yeah. And you don't even need
to tell me. Obviously, you shouldn't claim that the original creators of this
software made those changes. As above, people mightn't be happy with you if
you were to slander us and they were to discover your lies. But you can change
this as you wish.
Of course, there is no warranty. There never is. Sure, it might work well, but
it might not. You're using this "AS IS" without any sort of guarantee that it
will work well or work for what you're using it for. It might not work at all.
If it breaks (or breaks something), that's entirely on you. I mean, we sure
can't afford to pay for your shit breaking. So, use this at your own risk. If
something breaks, it's not our fault. Sorry :P
If you decide to make your own version of this software, do you have to keep
this """license"""? No. You can. You can change it up as you please. Make it
your own. Or keep it as is. Or use a different license. Up to you. My
(the writer's) suggestion? 0BSD. Nice little open license. Or, if you don't
want, like, relicensing really, 2BSD. But, like, please don't use GPL or related
licenses. They're kinda just...shit.
Incidentally, if you do make your own version, do us a favour and change the
name. Or, at the very least, add something to the name to indicate it's not the