#include /* Approximates the cosine of x. Uses a taylor polynomial (roughly) accurate between 0 and 2*pi to approximate the cosine. Any values of x outside this range are modulo'd to be within this range (you know, 'cos cosine is cyclic). The taylor poly is centered at pi, with a radius of convergence of no less than pi, making it roughly accurate between 0 and 2 * pi. The polynomial is up to x^10, which I've confirmed as being accurate being 0 and 2 * pi. */ double cos(double x) { double pi = M_PI; /* Really, me?! -Kat */ int temp; double deg_2, deg_4, deg_6, deg_8, deg_10, deg_12, deg_14, deg_16; double cosine; if(x < 0) x = -x; /* Hey look, an fmod implementation! -Kat */ if(x >= 2 * pi || x <= -2 * pi) { temp = x / (2 * pi); x -= temp * (2 * pi); } /* Terms of our taylor poly, split up to make writing the actual polynomial less hellish. If this were a Maclaurin polynomial, I could maybe just write it, but having to deal this (x-pi) nonse, this is easier, I feel. This might be worth a rewrite once I get double pow(double) written, to use pow(x - pi, y), where y is the degree. Also, if math.h or something has a factorial function, it might be good to use that for the denominator. */ deg_2 = (x - pi) * (x - pi) / 2; deg_4 = deg_2 * deg_2 * 2 / (4 * 3); deg_6 = deg_4 * deg_2 * 2 / (6 * 5); deg_8 = deg_6 * deg_2 * 2 / (8 * 7); deg_10 = deg_8 * deg_2 * 2 / (10 * 9); deg_12 = deg_10 * deg_2 * 2 / (12 * 11); deg_14 = deg_12 * deg_2 * 2 / (14 * 13); deg_16 = deg_14 * deg_2 * 2 / (16 * 15); /* In case you aren't familiar with the theory of a Taylor polynomial, the basic idea is that *any* differentiable function can be written as a polynomial of some length. I won't go too much into how we get to this polynomial (it involves a lot of calculus), but if we carry out this process for cos(x), we get a polynomial of roughly the form of the sum from k=0 to infinity of: -1^(k+1) * x^(2*k) / (2k)! So, for the 0th term, it's -1^1 * x^0 / 0! or -1/1 = -1. For the 1st term, it's -1^2 * x^2 / 2! or x^2 / 2. For term 2: -1^3 * x^4 / 4! or -(x^4) / 24. So on, so forth. If we want it centered at pi, as we do for this, we need to instead calculate that sum for (x - pi) instead of just x. Also, notice that we don't calculate an infinite sum. Just 11 terms. This is a result of cosine's cyclical nature. Every possible value can be given by just modulo-ing whatever we want to know the cosine of to be between 0 and 2 * pi. So, for instance, the cosine of 5 * pi / 2 is equal to the cosine of pi / 2. So, we only need it to be accurate between 0 and 2 * pi. So, why center on pi? To reduce the number of terms. If we center on zero, we have to stretch the radius of convergence from 0 to 2 * pi. But if we center at pi, that radius only needs to be from 0 to pi and pi to 2 * pi, giving a radius of convergence of only pi instead of 2 *pi. Plus, since we're taking advantage of cosine being an even function, we don't need any terms less than 0, so why *center* at zero and include negatives? */ cosine = -1 + deg_2 - deg_4 + deg_6 - deg_8 + deg_10 - deg_12 + deg_14 - deg_16; return cosine; }