fenlibc - Fenix Standard C Library ================================== fenlibc is a standard C library used by Fenix. This library follows the ISO C and POSIX standards and is reasonably portable across UNIX and UNIX-like systems, though it may not be suitable as a drop-in replacement for the C library that exists on such a system. Currently, the following headers are finished and fully compliant: assert.h* cpio.h errno.h float.h iso646.h libgen.h limits.h?? stdbool.h stddef.h stdint.h sys/un.h tar.h *relies on fprintf, which we don't have yet. The following headers are POSIX-compliant, but not XSI-compliant: The following headers are ISO-compliant, though not POSIX-compliant: The following headers have working code, but are still in progress: ctype.h (56%, missing locale-specific functions) math.h (3%) stdio.h (3% + most of printf and maybe perror?) stdlib.h (13%) string.h (26%) time.h (4%) The following headers exist and have all definitions, but no code: aio.h fmtmsg.h fnmatch.h grp.h iconv.h pwd.h sys/utsname.h syslog.h ulimit.h The following headers exist and are incomplete: complex.h (<10%) math.h (<33%) netinit/in.h (37%) stdio.h (<50%, ISO C functions are all there) stdlib.h (<60%, ISO C functions are all there) string.h (26%) sys/io.h (??) sys/socket.h (5%) sys/types.h (<60%?) sys/wait.h (63%) time.h (14%) unistd.h (<15%?) Building -------- Currently, fenlibc can be built as part of a standard Fenix ISO through its makefile. To do so, simply run Fenix's build.sh script. It could use alterations to allow its C library to be build to an existing system. If you'd like to help out, that's a good place to start! Portability ----------- Currently, fenlibc has yet to be tested on any existing UNIX{,-like} systems. If you have any luck getting it up and running on a UNIX{,-like} system, let us know! Copyright --------- Licensed under the CWPL v5 with CC-BY 4.0 by Katlynn Richey. fenlibc is free software. Feel free to modify and/or distribute it! See the file COPYING for more details.