
201 lines
8.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import shutil
import tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog, font
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar, Button
from tooltip import CreateToolTip
from functools import partial
runningpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
appdata = os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA']
if os.path.isdir(f'{appdata}\\Roblox'):
print('Roblox directory in AppData installed: continuing.')
tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Roblox directory in AppData directory does not seem to exist. Program halted.")
if os.path.isdir(f'{appdata}\\Roblox\\Versions'):
print('Roblox versions directory seem to exist: checking if they actually have crap in them.')
rblxversions = [f.path for f in os.scandir(f'{appdata}\\Roblox\\Versions') if f.is_dir()]
if not rblxversions:
tkinter.messagebox.showerror("There seem to be no currently installed Roblox versions, "
"therefore making it very unlikely any Roblox versions are currently installed. "
"Program halted.")
tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Roblox versions directory doesn't seem to exist, "
"therefore making it very unlikely any Roblox versions are currently installed. "
"Program halted.")
for x in rblxversions:
if os.path.isfile(f'{x}\\RobloxPlayerBeta.exe'):
print(f"I found the Roblox engine player directory! {x}")
rblxclient = x
elif os.path.isfile(f'{x}\\RobloxStudioBeta.exe'):
print(f"I found the Roblox engine studio directory! {x}")
rblxstudio = x
except NameError:
tkinter.messagebox.showerror("I couldn't find any Roblox versions that contain the Roblox engine player. Program halted.")
rblxsounds = f'{rblxclient}\\content\\sounds'
if not os.path.isdir(rblxsounds):
tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Umm... That's odd, I couldn't find the directory where the sounds are stored.. Program halted, I guess?")
# Whoo! We made it to the sound files!
expected_sounds = {
"uuhhh": f'{rblxsounds}\\uuhhh.mp3',
"snap": f'{rblxsounds}\\snap.mp3',
"impact_water": f'{rblxsounds}\\impact_water.mp3',
"impact_explosion_03": f'{rblxsounds}\\impact_explosion_03.mp3',
"action_swim": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_swim.mp3',
"action_jump_land": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_jump_land.mp3',
"action_jump": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_jump.mp3',
"action_get_up": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_get_up.mp3',
"action_footsteps_plastic": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_footsteps_plastic.mp3',
"action_falling": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_falling.mp3'
expected_backups = {
"uuhhh": f'{rblxsounds}\\uuhhh.mp3.bak',
"snap": f'{rblxsounds}\\snap.mp3.bak',
"impact_water": f'{rblxsounds}\\impact_water.mp3.bak',
"impact_explosion_03": f'{rblxsounds}\\impact_explosion_03.mp3.bak',
"action_swim": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_swim.mp3.bak',
"action_jump_land": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_jump_land.mp3.bak',
"action_jump": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_jump.mp3.bak',
"action_get_up": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_get_up.mp3.bak',
"action_footsteps_plastic": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_footsteps_plastic.mp3.bak',
"action_falling": f'{rblxsounds}\\action_falling.mp3.bak'
sounds = {}
replacable_sounds = {}
for key, value in expected_sounds.items():
if os.path.isfile(value):
sounds[key] = value
GuiWindow = tkinter.Tk()
GuiWindow.title('Roblox Sound Replacer')
GuiWindow.resizable(False, False)
fontlist = tkinter.font.families()
if "Segoe UI" in fontlist:
fontuse = 'Segoe UI'
print("Using Segoe UI font, as it is installed.")
fontuse = 'Arial'
print("Using Arial font, as Segoe UI is not installed.")
labelRow = 0
sounds_info = {
"uuhhh": "The Roblox death sound file.",
"snap": "i dont think this sound is used ingame",
"impact_water": "The sound used for landing in water.",
"impact_explosion_03": "This is an explosion sound. It *might* be used in a few games.",
"action_swim": "The sound used for swimming.",
"action_jump_land": "The sound used for landing.",
"action_jump": "The sound used for jumping.",
"action_get_up": "The (rarely used) sound used when the character gets up.",
"action_footsteps_plastic": "The sound used for walking on Plastic material.",
"action_falling": "The sound used for falling.",
"bass": "i dont know and its also not an mp3 file so im not gonna touch that"
sounds_textboxes = {}
sounds_browsers = {}
def browsefiles(keyparam):
filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=runningpath,
title="Select a File",
filetypes=(("*.mp3 files",
("all files",
sounds_textboxes[keyparam].insert(0, filename)
for key, value in sounds.items():
labelRow = labelRow + 1
currentLabel = tkinter.Label(GuiWindow, text=key, font=(fontuse, 12))
currentLabel.grid(column=1, row=labelRow)
CreateToolTip(currentLabel, sounds_info[key])
labelRow = labelRow + 1
currentTextbox = tkinter.ttk.Entry(GuiWindow)
sounds_textboxes[key] = currentTextbox
currentTextbox.grid(column=1, row=labelRow, sticky='ew')
labelRow = labelRow + 1
button_explore = Button(GuiWindow,
text="Browse files",
command=partial(browsefiles, key))
button_explore.grid(column=1, row=labelRow, sticky='ew')
labelRow = labelRow + 1
tkinter.ttk.Separator(GuiWindow).grid(column=1, row=labelRow, sticky='ew', pady=5)
for key, value in expected_sounds.items():
if os.path.isfile(f'{runningpath}\\{key}.mp3'):
replacable_sounds[key] = f'{runningpath}\\{key}.mp3'
sounds_textboxes[key].insert(0, f'{runningpath}\\{key}.mp3')
except KeyError:
def soundreplace():
for xkey, y in sounds_textboxes.items():
currentvaluetext = y.get()
if not currentvaluetext == '':
replacable_sounds[xkey] = currentvaluetext
GuiButton['state'] = 'disabled'
progressleap = 100 / len(replacable_sounds.values())
for xkey, y in replacable_sounds.items():
if xkey in sounds:
shutil.move(sounds[xkey], f'{sounds[xkey]}.bak')
shutil.copyfile(y, sounds[xkey])
except FileNotFoundError:
tkinter.messagebox.showerror('File not found',
f'File {y} is missing and therefore could not be copied. '
f'Action cancelled.')
GuiButton['state'] = 'normal'
progress['value'] = 0
progress['value'] = progress['value'] + progressleap
if progress['value'] == 100:
GuiButton['state'] = 'normal'
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Success', 'All sound files have been replaced!')
progress['value'] = 0
def soundrevert():
GuiRevertButton['state'] = 'disabled'
progressleap = 100 / len(expected_backups.values())
for xkey, y in expected_backups.items():
progress['value'] = progress['value'] + progressleap
if os.path.isfile(y):
except FileNotFoundError:
pass # File does not exist.
os.rename(y, expected_sounds[xkey])
if progress['value'] == 100:
GuiRevertButton['state'] = 'normal'
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Success', 'All sound files have been reverted!')
progress['value'] = 0
GuiButton = tkinter.ttk.Button(GuiWindow, text='Replace', command=soundreplace)
GuiButton.grid(column=1, row=labelRow + 2)
CreateToolTip(GuiButton, 'Replaces sound files accordingly.')
GuiRevertButton = tkinter.ttk.Button(GuiWindow, text='Revert', command=soundrevert)
GuiRevertButton.grid(column=1, row=labelRow + 3)
CreateToolTip(GuiRevertButton, 'Reverts any changes to sound files accordingly.')
progress = Progressbar(GuiWindow, orient='horizontal',
length=400, mode='determinate')
progress.grid(column=1, row=labelRow + 4, pady=5)
print('Launching Tk window')