Ave Ozkal ee77823392
Also fix a bug that prevents installation of multiple branches /
official client, thanks whovian for pointing it out.
2019-12-15 13:44:16 +03:00

43 lines
1.3 KiB

diff -crB com.discord-992-base/smali/com/discord/stores/StoreEmoji.smali com.discord-992/smali/com/discord/stores/StoreEmoji.smali
*** com.discord-992-base/smali/com/discord/stores/StoreEmoji.smali 2019-11-26 10:48:46.036158964 +0300
--- com.discord-992/smali/com/discord/stores/StoreEmoji.smali 2019-11-26 12:08:01.403160008 +0300
*** 97,113 ****
sput-object v0, Lcom/discord/stores/StoreEmoji;->Companion:Lcom/discord/stores/StoreEmoji$Companion;
! const-string v2, "thinking"
! const-string v3, "ok_hand"
! const-string v4, "eyes"
! const-string v5, "sweat_drops"
! const-string v6, "joy"
! const-string v7, "pig"
.line 350
filled-new-array/range {v2 .. v7}, [Ljava/lang/String;
--- 97,113 ----
sput-object v0, Lcom/discord/stores/StoreEmoji;->Companion:Lcom/discord/stores/StoreEmoji$Companion;
! const-string v2, "star"
! const-string v3, "thinking"
! const-string v4, "ok_hand"
! const-string v5, "eyes"
! const-string v6, "sweat_drops"
! const-string v7, "joy"
.line 350
filled-new-array/range {v2 .. v7}, [Ljava/lang/String;
Only in com.discord-992/smali/com/discord/stores: StoreEmoji.smali.orig
Only in com.discord-992/smali/com/discord/stores: StoreEmoji.smali.rej