import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Service from './Service.js'; import './App.css'; import OP from './ws/op.js'; const log = (...args) => { console.log( '%c[elstat]%c', 'color: purple; font-weight: bold', 'color: inherit; font-weight: inherit', ...args, ); }; const DOMAIN = ''; // const ENDPOINT = 'http://localhost:8069/api/status' export default class App extends Component { websocket = null; state = { loading: true, error: null, metrics: null, }; _send(payload) { this.websocket.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); } _subscribe() { const channels = Object.keys(this.state.metrics.graph).map((channel) => `latency:${channel}`); log('subscribing to channels:', channels); this._send({ op: OP.SUBSCRIBE, channels, }); } _handleMessage(packet) { const { op, c: channel, d: data } = packet; if (op !== OP.DATA) { log('ignoring boring packet:', packet); return; } const [, name] = channel.split(':'); const { metrics } = this.state; const graph = metrics.graph[name].slice(1); const newGraph = [...graph, data]; log('adding data:', data); const clone = Object.assign({}, this.state.metrics); clone.graph[name] = newGraph; log('current graph:', graph, 'new graph:', newGraph); log('current state', this.state, 'new state:', { metrics: clone }); this.setState({ metrics: clone, }); } _connectWs() { log('connecting to ws'); const endpoint = (`${DOMAIN}/api/streaming`).replace('https', 'wss'); this.websocket = new WebSocket(endpoint); this.websocket.onopen = () => { log('ws opened'); this._subscribe(); }; this.websocket.onmessage = (message) => { const { data } = message; const parsed = JSON.parse(data); log('ws recv:', parsed); this._handleMessage(parsed); }; this.websocket.onerror = (error) => { log('ws error:', error); }; } async componentDidMount() { await this._loadMetrics(); this._connectWs(); } async _loadMetrics() { log('loading metrics'); try { const resp = await fetch(`${DOMAIN}/api/status`); const json = await resp.json(); this.setState({ metrics: json, loading: false }); } catch (err) { this.setState({ error: err.toString() }); } } render() { const metrics = !this.state.metrics ? null : (
{Object.entries(this.state.metrics.status) .map(([name, info]) => ( )) }
); return (


{this.state.loading ? (
Loading metrics...
) : null} {this.state.error ? (
Error: {this.state.error}
) : null} {metrics}
); } }