# Streaming API Elstat's Streaming API enables clients to receive realtime updates from the server. Clients can optionally subscribe to certain channels using the Streaming API if they don't want to have a lot of overhead. ## Common payload format Payloads can not exceed 256 bytes in size. Payloads are JSON encoded. ```javascript { "op": ANY_INTEGER } ``` Data in packets are stored in specific fields, which are described for each OP below. They are not stored inside of a `d` object, like Discord's gateway. ## Error codes | Error code | Name | |---:|:---| |4200|`INVALID_PAYLOAD`| |4420|`TOO_MUCH`| ## OP Codes | OP Int | OP Name | Sent/Received by client | |--:|:--|:--:| |-1|`UNSUBSCRIBE`|Sent| |0|`SUBSCRIBE`|Sent| |1|`SUBSCRIBED`|Received| |2|`UNSUBSCRIBED`|Received| |3|`DATA`|Received| ## OP Payloads - `SUBSCRIBE` - field: `channels` (`list[str]`), array of channels you want to subscribe to. - reply: `SUBSCRIBED` payload. - `UNSUBSCRIBE` - field: `channels` (`list[str]`), array of channels you want to **un**subscribe from. - reply: `UNSUBSCRIBED` payload. - `SUBSCRIBED` - field: `channels` (`list[str]`), array of channels you *succesfully* subscribed to. - `UNSUBSCRIBED` - field: `channels` (`list[str]`), array of channels you *succesfully* **un**subscribed from. - `DATA` - field: `c` (`str`), the channel the data is coming from. - data: `d` (`list[any]`), the data coming in from the channel. - The first element of `d` is an integer, encoding an UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision. - The second element of `d` is described on *`Channel types`* ## Channel names Clients subscribe to channels to receive specific data. Channel names are formatted like: `:` e.g `status:elixire` and `graph:elixire` ### Channel types - `status` channel - Returns a boolean, representing the status of the service - `latency` channel - Returns an integer, representing the latency of the service, in *milliseconds*. ## Connection logic - Connect a websocket to `/api/streaming`. - Send a `SUBSCRIBE` payload, receive `SUBSCRIBED` back - Listen to `DATA` payloads and update local state as needed.