- change all ISO timestamp strings to unix timestamps
- add patch_incident and new_stage
- streaming: remove INC_UPDATE_STAGE
- manager: change primary key on instance_stages table
This requires a table change across all elstat instances, since
we changed the primary key on instance_stages.
Since this is a change to the table schema for all services using the
ping adapter, you will have to delete the tables relating to them.
- elstat.blueprints: add incidents blueprint (WIP)
- elstat.blueprints: add decorators.py
- elstat.blueprints: add errors.py
- elstat.manager: add incidents & incident_stages tables
- run: add handler for ApiError
- streaming: add sub/unsub OP codes, changing from the old behavior of
just giving a channels array.
- streaming: properly check payloads against their data and send
proper errors.
- manager: add unsubscribe()
clients can connect and subscribe to different channels
and they will get messages from those channels (basic pub/sub)
this is useful in the case of a client wanting issue updates
in real time, which is better than the client having to poll
/api/status every now and then.
- manager: add ServiceManager.subscribe and .unsub_all
- generalize elixire adapter into http adapter
- fix ping adapter not sending a tuple
- add ServiceWorker.process_work to insert results into the database