
117 lines
2.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import time
from decimal import Decimal
2018-07-07 22:46:28 +00:00
from sanic import Blueprint, response
bp = Blueprint(__name__)
# a day, 7 days and 30 days in milliseconds
DAY_MSEC = 86400000
WEEK_MSEC = 604800000
MONTH_MSEC = 2592000000
def get_status(manager):
res = {}
for name, state in manager.state.items():
# ignore unitialized workers
if state is None:
res[name] = state
worker = manager.workers[name]
res[name]['description'] = worker.service['description']
return res
def get_graphs(manager):
res = {}
for name, worker in manager.workers.items():
# skip adapters without latency
if 'latency' not in worker.adapter.spec['db']:
cur = manager.conn.cursor()
SELECT timestamp, latency FROM {name}
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
qres = cur.fetchall()
res[name] = qres
return res
2018-07-07 22:46:28 +00:00
def _raw_uptime(cur, service_name: str, worker, time_period: int) -> str:
"""Calculate uptime for a service given a timeframe."""
# get total period of the last 24 hours
max_tstamp = time.time() * 1000
min_tstamp = max_tstamp - time_period
t_period = max_tstamp - min_tstamp
# get all polls that failed
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {service_name}
WHERE status = 0 AND timestamp > ?
""", (min_tstamp, ))
row = cur.fetchone()
down_hits = row[0]
# total downtime in seconds
downtime = down_hits * worker.service['poll']
# calculate total downtime in percentage
percent = Decimal(downtime) / Decimal(t_period)
return str(Decimal(100) - percent)
def calc_uptime(manager, time_frame):
res = {}
for name, worker in manager.workers.items():
cur = manager.conn.cursor()
res[name] = _raw_uptime(cur, name, worker, time_frame)
return res
async def get_full_status(request):
manager = request.app.manager
return response.json({
'status': get_status(manager),
'graph': get_graphs(manager),
# uptime stuff
'uptime': calc_uptime(manager, DAY_MSEC),
'week_uptime': calc_uptime(manager, WEEK_MSEC),
'month_uptime': calc_uptime(manager, MONTH_MSEC),
2018-07-07 22:46:28 +00:00
async def quick_status(request):
"""basically /api/status without the graphs"""
manager = request.app.manager
return response.json({
'status': get_status(manager),
# uptime stuff
'uptime': calc_uptime(manager, DAY_MSEC),
'week_uptime': calc_uptime(manager, WEEK_MSEC),
'month_uptime': calc_uptime(manager, MONTH_MSEC),