#lang racket/base (require racket/path racket/runtime-path net/url web-server/http/request-structs web-server/servlet-dispatch web-server/dispatchers/filesystem-map (only-in web-server/dispatchers/dispatch next-dispatcher) (prefix-in files: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-files) "../lib/mime-types.rkt" "../lib/syntax.rkt" "config.rkt") (provide static-dispatcher) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define-runtime-path path-static "../static") (define path-archive (anytime-path ".." "storage/archive")) (define hash-ext-mime-type (hash #".css" #"text/css" #".js" #"text/javascript" #".png" #"image/png" #".svg" #"image/svg+xml" #".woff2" #"font/woff2" #".txt" #"text/plain")) (define (make-path segments) (map (λ (seg) (path/param seg '())) segments)) (module+ test (check-equal? (make-path '("static" "main.css")) (list (path/param "static" '()) (path/param "main.css" '())))) ;; given a request path, return a rewritten request path and the source directory on the filesystem to serve based on (define (path-rewriter p) (cond ; url is ^/static/... ? [(equal? (path/param-path (car p)) "static") ; rewrite to ^/... which will be treated as relative to static/ on the filesystem (values (cdr p) path-static)] ; url is ^/archive/... ? [(equal? (path/param-path (car p)) "archive") ; rewrite req to ^/ and dir to /storage/archive (values (cdr p) path-archive)] ; url is literally ^/robots.txt [(equal? p (make-path '("robots.txt"))) ; rewrite to ^/... -- it already is! (values p path-static)] ; not going to use the static file dispatcher [#t (next-dispatcher)])) (module+ test (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (path-rewriter (make-path '("static" "main.css")))) cons) (cons (make-path '("main.css")) path-static)) (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (path-rewriter (make-path '("static" "robots.txt")))) cons) (cons (make-path '("robots.txt")) path-static)) (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (path-rewriter (make-path '("robots.txt")))) cons) (cons (make-path '("robots.txt")) path-static)) (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (path-rewriter (make-path '("archive" "minecraft" "styles" "main.css")))) cons) (cons (make-path '("minecraft" "styles" "main.css")) path-archive))) (define (static-dispatcher conn old-req) (define old-uri (request-uri old-req)) (define old-path (url-path old-uri)) (define-values (new-path source-dir) (path-rewriter old-path)) (define new-uri (struct-copy url old-uri [path new-path])) (define new-req (struct-copy request old-req [uri new-uri])) ((files:make #:url->path (lambda (u) ((make-url->path source-dir) u)) #:path->headers (lambda (p) (list (header #"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" #"*") (header #"Referrer-Policy" #"same-origin"))) #:path->mime-type (lambda (u) (ext->mime-type (path-get-extension u))) #:cache-no-cache (config-true? 'debug) #:cache-immutable (not (config-true? 'debug)) #:cache-max-age (if (config-true? 'debug) #f 604800)) conn new-req))