const headers = new Headers(); // note, userName and streamKey are both derived in a file called data.js headers.append('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(userName + ":" + streamKey)); async function getEndpoint(url = '') { const response = await fetch(url, {method:'GET', headers: headers}) const data = await response.json() return data } async function postEndpoint(url = '', data = {}) { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), // serialized data headers: headers // authentication header }) return response } async function getStatus() { return getEndpoint(api_url + 'admin/status') } async function updateElements(data) { var {online, viewerCount, sessionPeakViewerCount} = data updateViewers(viewerCount); updateOnline(online); updateSessionPeak(sessionPeakViewerCount); } async function updateOnline(online) { document.getElementById('online').innerHTML = online } async function updateViewers(viewers) { document.getElementById('currentViewers').innerHTML = viewers } async function updateSessionPeak(viewers) { document.getElementById('sessionPeak').innerHTML = viewers } async function Main() { // update visual elements using data from 'api/admin/status' updateElements(await getStatus()) // update the broadcast title // postEndpoint(`` // api_url + 'admin/config/streamtitle', // {value: "testing" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)} // ).then(response => response.status) // .then(data => console.log(data)) } Main()