.TH SLSTATUS 1 slstatus\-VERSION .SH NAME slstatus \- suckless status .SH SYNOPSIS .B slstatus .RB [ \-dhov ] .SH DESCRIPTION slstatus is a suckless and lightweight status monitor for window managers that use WM_NAME as statusbar (e.g. DWM) or any other status bars if they support reading/piping from slstatus. It is written in pure C without any extern programs being executed and only reads from files most of the time. slstatus is meant to be a better alternative to Bash scripts (inefficient) and Conky (bloated and written in C++). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-d runs slstatus as daemon in background .TP .B \-h displays usage .TP .B \-o output to console instead of WM_NAME .TP .B \-v display version and copyright details .SH CUSTOMIZATION .B slstatus can be customized by creating a custom config.h and (re)compiling the source code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple. .SH AUTHORS See the LICENSE file for the authors. .SH LICENSE See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution. .SH BUGS See the FIXME's in the code.