2022-07-11 04:42:03 +02:00

116 lines
7.7 KiB

# Anas Elgarhy's dwm
## My fork from dwm 🍴, with a loat of a beutaful patches 🥰
![dwm screenshot](./screenshots/dwm-0.1.0-6.2.png)
![dwm and alacritty](./screenshots/dwm_bpytop_and_ufetch-0.1.0-6.2.png)
### Applayed patches:
- [alwayscenter](
- [cool autostart](
- [fullscreen](
- [gridmode](
- [keychord](
- [movestack](
- [pertag](
- [systray](
- [sticky](
- [noborder](
- [fibonacci layouts](
- [centeredmaster](
### Keys
| Keys | Function |
| modkey + shift + d | Open dmenu (launcher) |
| modkey + shift + ctrl | Open rofi launcher (small size) |
| modkey + enter | Launche the main terminal (alacritty by default) |
| modkey + t -> 1 | Launche the main terminal with tmux |
| modkey + shift + f -> g | Launche the GUI file manger (dolphin by default) |
| modkey + shift + f -> r | Launche rofi file file browser (small size) |
| modkey + w -> g | Launche google chrome browser |
| modkey + w -> t | Launche tor browser |
| modkey + c -> d | Launche discord |
| modkey + a -> j | Launche jetbrains-toolbox |
| modkey + a -> n | Launche NeoVim in the main terminal |
| modkey + a -> v | Launche Vim in the main terminal |
| modkey + e | Launche rofi emoji selector |
| modkey + f | Toggle full screen mode |
| modkey + b | Toggle the status bar (hide/show) |
| modkey + j | Change the focus to privus window in the stack |
| modkey + k | Change the focus to the next window in the stack |
| modkey + i | Change the stack layout to virtecal |
| modkey + d | Change the stack layout to horizontal |
| modkey + h | Decrease the focus window size |
| modkey + l | Increase the focus window size |
| modkey + Tab | Toggle between the curent tag and the privus tag |
| modkey + shift + j | Move the focus window down in the stack |
| modkey + shift + k | Move the focus window up in the stack |
| modkey + q -> q | Quit from the focus window (kill it) |
| modkey + s -> t | Use the tile layout |
| modkey + s -> f | Use the float layout |
| modkey + s -> m | Use the monocle layout |
| modkey + s -> g | Use the grid layout |
| modkey + s -> r | Use the spial layout (part from fibonacci layouts) |
| modkey + s -> shift + r | Use the dwindle layout (part from fibonacci layouts) |
| modkey + s -> c | Use the centerd master layout |
| modkey + s -> shift + s | Use the centerd floating master layout |
| modkey + s -> space | Toggle between current layout and tile layout |
| modkey + shift + s | Toggle sticky mode |
| modkey + alt + f | Toggle floating window |
| modekey + m -> c | Launche the cmus player |
| modkey + m -> v | Launche vlc video player |
| modkey + 0 | View all tags |
| modkey + shift + 0 | Mirror the current tag in all tags |
| modkey + comma (,) | - |
| modkey + period (.) | - |
| modkey + shift + comma (,) | - |
| modkey + shift + period (.) | - |
| modkey + (1..9) | Navigate between tags |
| PrtSc | Take a screenshot using default screenshot tool (spectacle) |
| modkey + shift + x | Lock the screen (using betterlockscreen) |
| modkey + shift + ctrl + x | Plasma screen server |
| modkey + shift + alt + q | Kill dwm |
> modkey = win key or super key
### Dependencies (apps)
- `google-chrome-stable` the main web browser
- `alacritty` the main terminal
- `spectacle` the main screenshot tool
- `dolphin` the GUI file manger
- `rofi`
- `dmenu`
- `libxinerama-dev`\*\*
- `tmux`\*
- `tor-browser`
- `discord`
- `libxft-bgra` for color emojies support
- `jetbrains-toolbox`
- `nvim`\*
- `vim`\*
- `xbacklight` for control in the screen brightness
- `pamixer` for control in the audio level
- `playerctl` for control in the media
- `pactl` for control in the mic
- `betterlockscreen` for lock screen
- `setxkbmap` for switch between keyboard layouts, like (ar, en)
- `slstatus` the status bar
- `picom` compositor , for transparency
- `nitrogen` for set the wallpaper
> \*\*: build dependencie.
### Install
- Maniual:
1. Run this command to install all avilable dependencies in standerd arch repostory
sudo pacman -S google-chrome libxft-bgra rofi dmenu tmux tor-browser discord neovim jetbrains-toolbox vim pamixer playerctl betterlockscreen dolphin spectacle alacritty picom nitrogen libxinerama
2. Install yay if you not installed it.
3. Run this command to install all avilable dependencies in the AUR repostory
yay -S xkblayout
4. Clone this repostory `git clone`
5. Build and install `sudo make clean install`
6. Enjoy 😉