Improve the install steps 😉

This commit is contained in:
Anas Elgarhy 2022-07-16 19:05:02 +02:00
parent 2dea5af3fe
commit ae865f705c
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -121,10 +121,11 @@
- Manual:
1. Run this command to install all avilable dependencies in standerd arch repostory
sudo pacman -S google-chrome libxft-bgra rofi dmenu tmux tor-browser discord neovim jetbrains-toolbox vim pamixer playerctl betterlockscreen pcmanfm spectacle alacritty picom nitrogen libxinerama network-manager-applet copyq
sudo pacman -S google-chrome libxft-bgra rofi dmenu tmux tor-browser discord neovim jetbrains-toolbox vim pamixer playerctl betterlockscreen pcmanfm spectacle alacritty picom nitrogen libxinerama network-manager-applet copyq obsidian
2. Install yay if you not installed it.
3. Run this command to install all avilable dependencies in the AUR repostory `yay -S xkblayout`
4. Clone this repostory `git clone`
5. Build and install `sudo make clean install`
6. Enjoy 😉
5. Go to the source directory `cd dwm-anas/src`
6. Build and install `sudo make install clean`
7. Enjoy 😉