Remove plasma garbage 😆

This commit is contained in:
Anas Elgarhy 2022-07-12 06:36:45 +02:00
parent daad8bd59c
commit 701f9b4417
3 changed files with 19 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
| modkey + t -> shift + a | Launche the alacritty terminal with tmux |
| modkey + t -> k | Launche the konsole terminal |
| modkey + t -> shift + k | Launche the konsole terminal with tmux |
| modkey + shift + f -> g | Launche the GUI file manger (dolphin by default) |
| modkey + shift + f -> g | Launche the GUI file manger (pcmanfm by default) |
| modkey + shift + f -> f | Launche rofi file file browser (small size) |
| modkey + shift + f -> r | Launche ranger in the main terminal |
| modkey + w -> g | Launche google chrome browser |
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
| modkey + a -> n | Launche NeoVim in the main terminal |
| modkey + a -> v | Launche Vim in the main terminal |
| modkey + a -> e | Launche emacs |
| modkey + p -> n | Launche nitrogen |
| modkey + p -> s | Launche settings manger (plasma-open-settings) |
| modkey + p -> b | Launche the background manger (nitrogen by default) |
| modkey + p -> n | Lanuche the network manager (nm-connection-editor) |
| modkey + e | Launche rofi emoji selector |
| modkey + f | Toggle full screen mode |
| modkey + b | Toggle the status bar (hide/show) |
@ -66,8 +66,9 @@
| modkey + s -> space | Toggle between current layout and tile layout |
| modkey + shift + s | Toggle sticky mode |
| modkey + alt + f | Toggle floating window |
| modekey + m -> c | Launche the cmus player |
| modkey + m -> c | Launche the cmus player |
| modkey + m -> v | Launche vlc video player |
| modkey + m -> shift + v | Lanuche nvlc in the main terminal |
| modkey + 0 | View all tags |
| modkey + shift + 0 | Mirror the current tag in all tags |
| modkey + comma (,) | - |
@ -81,7 +82,6 @@
| superkey + space | Change the keyboard layout (ar, en) |
| PrtSc | Take a screenshot using default screenshot tool (spectacle) |
| modkey + shift + x | Lock the screen (using betterlockscreen) |
| modkey + shift + ctrl + x | Plasma screen server |
| modkey + shift + alt + q | Kill dwm |
> modkey = win key or super key
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
- `google-chrome-stable` the main web browser
- `alacritty` the main terminal
- `spectacle` the main screenshot tool
- `dolphin` the GUI file manger
- `pcmanfm` the GUI file manger
- `rofi`
- `dmenu`
- `libxinerama-dev`\*\*
@ -108,8 +108,10 @@
- `betterlockscreen` for lock screen
- `setxkbmap` for switch between keyboard layouts, like (ar, en)
- `slstatus` the status bar
- `network-manager-applet`
- `picom` compositor , for transparency
- `nitrogen` for set the wallpaper
- `copyq` clipboard manager
> \*\*: build dependencie.
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@
- Manual:
1. Run this command to install all avilable dependencies in standerd arch repostory
sudo pacman -S google-chrome libxft-bgra rofi dmenu tmux tor-browser discord neovim jetbrains-toolbox vim pamixer playerctl betterlockscreen dolphin spectacle alacritty picom nitrogen libxinerama
sudo pacman -S google-chrome libxft-bgra rofi dmenu tmux tor-browser discord neovim jetbrains-toolbox vim pamixer playerctl betterlockscreen pcmanfm spectacle alacritty picom nitrogen libxinerama network-manager-applet copyq
2. Install yay if you not installed it.
3. Run this command to install all avilable dependencies in the AUR repostory `yay -S xkblayout`

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#define WEBBROWSER "google-chrome-stable"
#define TERMINAL "alacritty"
#define SCREENSHOT "spectacle"
#define GUI_FILEMANAGER "dolphin"
#define GUI_FILEMANAGER "pcmanfm"
/* appearance */
static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
@ -34,9 +34,12 @@ static const char *const autostart[] = {
"slstatus", NULL,
// Keyboard layouts switch (requires setxkbmap)
"setxkbmap", "-model", "pc101", "-layout", "us,ar", "-variant", ",,", "-option", "grp:win_space_toggle", NULL,
// "xkbset", "exp", "=sticky", "-twokey", "-latchlock", NULL, // sticky keys
"~/.config/scripts/", NULL, // sticky keys script
"picom", NULL, // Start compositor , for transparency
"nitrogen", "--restore", NULL, // Restores the wallpaper
"nm-applet", NULL, // Start the network manger
"copyq", NULL, // clipboard manger
NULL /* terminate */
@ -52,7 +55,6 @@ static const Rule rules[] = {
/* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
{ "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
{ WEBBROWSER, NULL, NULL, 1 << 8, 0, -1 },
{ "Plasma", NULL, "Plasma", 0, 1, -1 },
/* layout(s) */

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static Keychord keychords[] = {
// konsole with tmux
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_t}, {ShiftMask, XK_k}}, spawn, SHCMD("konsole -e tmux") },
/************************************* File browsers *************************************/
// GUI filebrowser (dolphin)
// GUI filebrowser (pcmanfm)
{2, {{MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_f}, {0, XK_g}}, spawn, SHCMD(GUI_FILEMANAGER) },
// Rofi file browser (small)
{2, {{MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_f}, {0, XK_f}}, spawn, SHCMD("rofi -show filebrowser") },
@ -60,14 +60,16 @@ static Keychord keychords[] = {
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_a}, {0, XK_e}}, spawn, SHCMD("emacs") },
/************************************* Start personalize apps *************************************/
// nitrogen
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_p}, {0, XK_n}}, spawn, SHCMD("nitrogen") },
// Plasma settings manger
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_p}, {0, XK_s}}, spawn, SHCMD("plasma-open-settings") },
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_p}, {0, XK_b}}, spawn, SHCMD("nitrogen") },
// nm-connection-editor
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_p}, {0, XK_n}}, spawn, SHCMD("nm-connection-editor") },
/************************************* Start multi media apps *************************************/
// cmus
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_m}, {0, XK_c}}, spawn, SHCMD("sh -c \"" TERMINAL " -e cmus\" & sh -c \"cmus-rpc --link\"") },
// vlc
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_m}, {0, XK_v}}, spawn, SHCMD("vlc") },
// vlc in the main termcmd
{2, {{MODKEY, XK_m}, {ShiftMask, XK_v}}, spawn, SHCMD(TERMINAL "nvlc") },
/************************************* Start the emoji piker apps *************************************/
// Emoji selector (rofi)
{1, {{Mod4Mask, XK_e}}, spawn, SHCMD("rofi -show emoji") },
@ -156,8 +158,6 @@ static Keychord keychords[] = {
/* ---------------------------------- lock Keys ---------------------------------- */
// Lock the screen
{1, {{MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_x}}, spawn, SHCMD("betterlockscreen -l dim") },
// Plasma screen lock (super + ctrl + shift + x)
{1, {{MODKEY|ShiftMask|ControlMask, XK_x}}, spawn, SHCMD("qdbus-qt5 org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.logout -1 -1 -1") },
// Kill dwm (super + shift + alt + q)
{1, {{MODKEY|ShiftMask|Mod1Mask, XK_q}}, quit, {0} },